为了打造独特的空间体验,唐忠汉将空间分为三个层次,第一层为铁件帘网 : 控制光线和视觉的撷取,是作为皮肤。
In order to build unique spatial experience, Tang Zhonghan space can be divided into three levels, the first layer for the iron curtain net: control the light and visual capture, as the skin.
第二层次为木骨拱顶 : 通过木质拱形弱化原建物两侧低沿口、柱体的关系,将高低天花与结构合而为一,量化后的空间形成一个完整的形体,使空间放大。
The second level for the wooden arch bone: through weakening the original building on both sides of the wooden arch low along the mouth, the relationship between the cylinder, the high and low smallpox and structure, the space after quantitative form a complete form, make the space.
Third level for the floating iron grille ceiling, use black modelling is rich visual space, hale and strong balance of stone material.
人行走于其中可以从表面的肌理、材质的变化去发现一个空间的界定 : 开始与结束。
People can walk in it from the surface of the skin texture, material change to find a space defined: start and end.
Wood veneer jump in the concave hole surface
from head to tail, smallpox expansion area to wall, represents a series of integral space.
Wood floor area the walking scope of sand and discuss the space belong to, strengthen the dynamic line of certainty, function distribution.
With the boundary of the ceiling also echo, make function may be hidden with in the amount of intangible body proportion and skin cut in.
铁件帘网灯光从起始处开始延伸至附属的两个动线 : 酒吧与工艺展间,在终结位置设置有不同的铁件灯具,代表着入口、转折的暗示。
Iron curtain net lights from the initial occurs at the subsidiary in two line: between the bar and technology exhibition, in the end position setting with different iron lamps and lanterns, representing the entrance, turning the hint.
Properties of soft outfit with some wild, primitive and with some elegant literature and art, hope in the footsteps too fast in the city, find a habitat, response city people thirst for nature, culture, and carry out, tight the soul.
作品名称:城市飞行器 Zeppelin
设计单位:近境制作 设计总监 唐忠汉
唐忠汉 Tang,Chung-Han
近境制作/远域生活 设计总监
Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖入选设计师,
透过室内建筑的方式,体验空间、光影、材质、细节,透过以人为本的思考 探索现代住宅的生活方式,回归真实的需要。
Andrew Martin international interior design awards for designers,
Through the way of
indoor construction experience space, lighting, material, detail, through people-oriented thinking to explore the lifestyle of modern residential, return to the real need. Enhance the ritualistic psychological transformation, the house is not only meet the basic needs, but to experience the feeling, see is not only the design, but for the life of the profound experience.
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