发布时间:2020-12-30 20:42:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

点击蓝字“知行 Design 中华优秀作品第一发布平台!


Design to understand the atmosphere of The Times, and then consider what is beauty

One flower primordia


When the "beauty" thinker observes life seriously, observing the scenes that move us, no matter big or small, we will find the life aesthetics that can be seen everywhere in a city. Chengdu life aesthetics is a systematic attitude of Chengdu people towards life. Chengdu is not only easy and comfortable to summarize, but also more diversified, which is a complex and romantic sentiment, which is maturing in modern society with the complex temperament of an artist.


Full of "artistic temperament", Chengdu’s constantly updated spiritual system not only preserves the delicate, gentle and gentle spirit that gradually goes away, but also keeps growing, integrating and making breakthroughs, which makes the city full of imagination. Moist city, moist people, free and romantic city culture, leisurely, optimistic, quiet, bustling and free and easy. This is the creative opportunity brought to designers by Chengdu life aesthetics, but also a kind of motivation.


Sculpture at the entrance of the space division, with some geometric concepts into a sculpture can appear more rational and pure, the creative practice can understand into a form of coding for memory, through abstract way will want to keep track record down, but is by no means a simple record and combating forgetfulness, but gives the potential space logic to image. The artist explores the trajectory of fantasy that is not bound by rules. The torsion and change of the surface generate more complex transformation relations in the space and enrich the visual perception.


The historical dimension of life aesthetics means that it grasps the essence of life through the experience of the spirit of The Times, that is, it experiences "existence" in "change".

一个城市需要自己的身份识别而这种身份识别可能通过文化艺术来实现更为深刻。作为美的践行者,SCD 主张软硬装结合的主题理念,一直在探索当代设计与人文完美融合的可能性。本案用纯粹简约的设计语言,硬装追寻空间视觉艺术上的立体感与丰富性,又将自然的生趣融入软装设计,邂逅现代艺术的想象美学,赋予空间生命力与艺术感,同时融入文化的注脚,不囿于某一种边界,而是现代对生活方式的态度和理解。

A city needs its own identity and this identity may be more profound through culture and art. As a practitioner of beauty, SCD advocates the theme of combining hard and soft clothing, and has been exploring the possibility of the perfect integration of contemporary design and humanity. This case with pure contracted design language, hard outfit for space visual depth and richness in art, and the natural joy of life into the soft outfit design, encounter the imagination of modern art aesthetic, give vitality and artistic space, at the same time into the culture of footnotes, not constrained by a certain boundary, but the modern way of life attitude and understanding.


In his poem "The Chengdu Mansion", Du Fu wrote that "There were huas in The town of Zeng Cheng and trees in winter and winter. The most famous cities in the world are the flute and the sheng spring." Du Fu’s first impression of Chengdu was the sound of music in the city, in addition to its tall and colorful houses and green trees in winter. His praise of this music is more obvious in another poem, "To The Flower Qing" : The silk pipes in Jincheng are in succession, half into the river wind and half into the clouds. This song should only be heaven, the world rare few times to hear.


The mutual transformation between design and music is based on people’s most primitive spiritual feeling, which makes people have similar or common aesthetic experience. In the design, we reflect the dynamism and vitality of the space through the expression of rhythm and rhythm, so that the experiencers can generate the feeling of life in this dynamic order.


The horizontal and vertical lines not only integrate the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also integrate with the modern architectural style. The whole space is transparent. The large area of floor glass in the space has a strong visual impact, and you can immerse yourself in it and savor the connection between urban texture and space.


In order to make the change of music in the interior atmosphere, the designer borrows the screen as the carrier, above the light bamboo leaf pattern, belongs to the reflection of the accomplishment of the inner cognition, and extends the hazy poetry to the space. The circular adornment of shallow aureate adornments screen, belong to the one voice that dot eyeball returns god. Sculpture works in furnishings correspond to traditional aesthetic freehand brushwork, bold and free, free and easy. The whole space pursues light rather than brightness itself. In the designer’s view, the sense of light is an indispensable calm, is the inner yearning, emotional agitation, is a kind of veracity and spirit.


This work has intimacy and alienation; There is tenderness, there is unrestrained; Rigorous, free and easy... Every one of them can find the point that corresponds to this spatial attribute in a different life state or mood.


The space is shown by downy neutral colors. Through the form of sculpture, the collocation of decorative lights, the texture of artistic household, simple lines, and the application of color, a series of Spaces complement each other and are full of vitality. As light falls inch by inch into space, a sense of mystery and sequence is generated.


Art is the eye of space, so that the integrity of form can be fully reflected. Tones and lines are the medium of emotional expression, they adjust our mind through our eyes, it is the space that speaks to us. Use the spirit of space to touch people’s feelings about space, looking for the kind of interactive emotional communication with the natural touch.


Every man is the farthest from himself. Perhaps only culture and aesthetics can help us find ourselves. Literature and art are not only a mirror reflecting the world, but also an independent and self-sufficient image creation. With the rhythm, rhythm, form of harmony, color coordination, the establishment of a tangible image of their own small universe. The universe is complete and self-sufficient, and everything inside is necessary and therefore beautiful.



Surrounded by mountains and interwoven streams, there is no wind as strong as that in the North, while there is no clear sky or bright sun in the South. The land is warm and moistens the fertile soil. -- Lin Wenxun, Chengdu People


From looking back at the paintings of traditional culture, unique and appropriate patterns can be deduced, which is a casual landscape in space, as well as a metaphor and expression. In the space, a concise sense of line is deliberately built, and the soft furnishings full of artistic interest make poetry and painting combined with lines, more vivid and profound.


From an aesthetic perspective, the designer integrates modern decorative materials such as metal, marble and leather into the sense of urban affinity, and uses light, form, texture, art and natural texture to carry diversified and rich spatial emotions.


Poet Zheng Gu stayed in Chengdu for several years because he loved the begonias; Li Shangyin is not willing to leave Chengdu because of the wine; Lao she said that Chengdu can make people feel "leisurely see the Southern mountains" that "carefree". The rhythm and rhythm of life is full of poetry. Heaven and earth nature, vegetation into an interesting, so that you can encounter, and feel a beautiful thing and things, in fact, is poetry. Poetry is neither confined to text nor far away. Poetry at the moment, is a specific poetic people, a clear heart, a period of daily life in the simple and soulful peace, and adhere to.


Designers are very concerned about the dialogue relationship between time and space. Various materials and design techniques used in space not only express the exploration of space, but also spatio-temporal wandering between the past and the future. The work returns to the understanding of life from the dimension of time, passes through the unique living temperament of Chengdu, and creates an experience space in the bustling and natural city landscape meeting place.


In Calvino’s words, cities are like dreams. "What you love about a city is not that it has seven wonders or seventy wonders, but that it offers answers to your questions."

项目名称 | 成都金融街融府售楼处

Project name | chengdu financial street rongfu sales office

项目地址|| 中国成都

Project address | chengdu, China

项目面积|800 平方米

The project area is | 800 square meters

设计机构|| 郑树芬室内设计深圳有限公司

| zheng shufen interior design shenzhen co., LTD

主案设计|| 郑树芬 Simon Chong

The main case design | zheng shufen Simon Chong

徐圣凯 CanyouXu

Xu Shengkai Canyou Xu

软装设计|| 杜恒 Amy Du、丁静 Circe Ding

| duheng Amy Du, Ding jing Circe Ding

李平 Echo Li

Li ping Echo Li

摄影团队|| 张骑麟

Photo team | zhang qilin


Completion time | 2020.11


小编工资涨 1 毛哦!


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