发布时间:2020-08-11 16:06:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Casa Tersicore位于米兰,靠近大运河与19世纪贝鲁托规划中的城市环线的相交地带。面向Via Sala街的立面与西邻建筑平行,高四层,以L形向街区内部延伸,并在靠近尽头处形成一个小塔楼,塔楼高7层,是很典型的米兰风格。

Casa Tersicore was built in Milan, near the Naviglio Grande, where it intercepts the urban ring road traced by the Piano Beruto in the late nineteenth century. The building is situated on street level on Via Sala, in line with the building to the west, and advances depth-wise into the project lot, in the shape of an “L”. On the street, the body of the building is four stories high, which bends around the corner, and then rises seven stories high in a type of turret, which is a kind of small tower, typical in Milan.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Maurizio Montagna


▼体块示意,diagram ©Degli Esposti Architetti

The ground floor of the building, which houses the atria and common areas, is set slightly back from the edge of the loggia on the first and second floors. This loggia runs along both the street front and on the side orthogonal to it, towards the interior of the lot. The decorative suspended pilasters (lesene) of the loggia, 15cm thick and variable in width, are designed in a slowed perspective (prospettiva rallentata), so that on the long side viewed from the street they appear equidistant because of the perspectival view, while in reality their intercolumniation is progressively greater as they get further away from the street. The short side is designed using the same device starting from the shared edge.

▼建筑与与附近建筑关系,the project is situated in line with the surrounding building ©Maurizio Montagna

▼内收的地面层,the ground floor is set slightly back ©Maurizio Montagna


The loggia is overlaid with slender metal frames, with a 6cm side square section, aligned on the plane that protrudes relative to the edge of the loggia and coplanar with the slabs of the balconies above. The frame modules are uniform, with three measurements similar to one another on the two sides, and they coincide with the pillars of the parapets. This modulation is therefore inconsistent with respect to the incremental rhythm of the decorative pilasters of the loggia, the differences of which can thus be measured against it with an attentive eye.

▼凉廊被细长的金属框包围,the loggia is overlaid with slender metal frames ©Maurizio Montagna

▼金属框架与突出的凉廊边缘对齐,the frames are aligned on the plane that protrudes relative to the edge of the loggia ©Maurizio Montagna

▼金属框架细节,detailed view of the frame modules ©Maurizio Montagna


The metal frames envelop the turret with a solution of continuity on each side, so that the volume can be read alternatively as a unit or as a single partition of it. Similar solutions of continuity also characterize the design of the frames on the third floor set back from the street. An ideal continuity can be mentally reconstructed by projecting the lines in the intervals between the trellises placed on the façades and the altanella positioned on the corner. By changing the point of view, or when you are on the top-floor terraces enveloped by frames, you have the impression of being inside a very transparent interior or outside but in a sheltered setting – in any case, in the open air. Each unit’s terraces or balconies are partly covered, so you can dine outdoors.

▼顶层露台,roof top terrace ©Maurizio Montagna

▼通透而连续的空间体验,the transparent spatial experience in the open air ©Maurizio Montagna


▼外立面细节,facade details ©Maurizio Montagna

▼内部空间,interior view ©Maurizio Montagna

The façade’s finish is in white plasterwork. The windows are in white-painted wood, with light gray aluminum roller shutters. The metal frames are in white-painted galvanized steel, as well as the railings’ slender steel profiles. The flooring of loggias and terraces is in light gray gres. The external arrangement on the ground floor has paths paved with gray gres tiles and includes lawn areas with plantings. The design of the greenery did not involve the built sections, as it is believed that the beauty of a building is that every inhabitant can determine the choice and care of their plants. It is also believed that the design of a building is and should in any case be ensured by the planivolumetric and architectural elements and not so much by the greenery, which should instead be free, like the inhabitants, to use the spaces as they wish.

▼凉廊,the loggia ©Maurizio Montagna

Casa Tersicore承载了米兰现代建筑的影子,它的设计背后是对Guglielmo Mozzoni, Latis brothers,Giancarlo Malchiodi,Carlo Perogalli , Attilio Mariani等建筑师作品的研究。

Casa Tersicore carries on the research of modern Milanese buildings, including those on Via Fatebenefratelli by Guglielmo Mozzoni, on Via Lanzone by the Latis brothers, on the corner of Via Anelli and Via Crivelli by Giancarlo Malchiodi, on 26 viale Beatrice d’Este by Carlo Perogalli and Attilio Mariani, among others.

▼街道远景,a distant view from the street ©Maurizio Montagna

▼转角立面,exterior view ©Maurizio Montagna

▼标准层平面图,typical plan ©Degli Esposti Architetti

▼庭院一侧立面图,courtyard elevation ©Degli Esposti Architetti

▼街道一侧立面图,street elevation ©Degli Esposti Architetti

Casa Tersicore

Milan, 2015-2018

Address: via Sala 12, Milan

Land area: 2.150 sqm

Building floor area: 2.030 sqm

Storeys: 8 (1 underground storey, 7 storeys above ground)

Building lenght: 55 m

Building height: 24 m

Unit number: 26 apartments, common spaces

Underground parking lots: 37


Architect: Degli Esposti Architetti:

Arch. Lorenzo Degli Esposti, Milan; registered architect, Milan n. 13949

Arch. Paolo Lazza, Milan; registered architect, Milan n. 11126

Arch. Stefano Antonelli, Milan (First project version, 2013-14); registered architect, Milan n. 12852

Supervision of construction:

Arch. Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Arch. Paolo Lazza

Arch. Francesca Grassi

General contractors: Impresa Gregori e Lochis, Bergamo

Developer:Immobiliare La Sorgente (Gruppo Gafforelli)


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