Fenton Whelan是一家位于英国伦敦的房地产开发和室内设计公司,由Sanjay Sharma和James Van den Heule创立于2010年,专门从事英国和国外的豪华高端住宅项目。
Fenton Whelan is a real estate development and interior design firm based in London, England, founded in 2010 by Sanjay Sharma and James Van den Heule, specializing in luxury high-end residential projects in the UK and abroad.
Sanjay Sharma于1992年以优异成绩毕业于沃顿商学院,自2003年以来一直投资伦敦房产。在与Van den Heule创立Fenton Whelan之前,他曾在瑞士信贷担任企业融资和并购投资银行家五年。在纽约,圣保罗和伦敦工作了8年。
Fenton Whelan已经确立了自己独特的能力,可以提供高度复杂的项目。其方法的特点是快速决策,并坚持不懈地寻求有效的问题解决方案。旨在设计和建造伦敦市中心最美丽和豪华的住宅。
Fenton Whelan has established its unique capabilities to provide highly complex projects. Its approach is characterized by rapid decision making and persistent efforts to find effective problem solutions. Designed and built to be the most beautiful and luxurious residence in central London.
Fenton Whelan汇集了丰富的物业采购,财务,室内设计和项目管理经验。其使命是以奉献精神,创造力和无与伦比的才能确保和提升最好的项目。
Fenton Whelan brings together a wealth of experience in property sourcing, finance, interior design and project management. Its mission is to ensure and enhance the best projects with dedication, creativity and unparalleled talent.