发布时间:2018-04-01 16:49:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“每个好烘焙师都必须知道如何培养耐心。”所有的甜品店都要从最基础的开始,包括找到一个和甜食没有半点关系的地点开始做一家让人享受食物和制作精美甜品的甜品店。Nihil Estudio的设计注重甜品店所需的所有细节,尽心尽力地打造一个真正的甜品店。就像最好的甜品店都要求高质量的配方并精心对待每一块蛋糕一样,Nihil Estudio也像制作一块蛋糕一样打造着这个烘焙店。

“Patience is a virtue that every good baker must know how to grow.” Starting from the bases of -all good confectioner- and finding a place with no affable initial characteristics to the sweeten experience that is supposed to be enjoy eating and also elaborating, a good sweet, Nihil Estudio went into a project that talks about pampering and taking care of all the details. Just as the best confectionery requires quality in the ingredients and care in the disposition of each cake, from Nihil Estudio this pastry was treated as if it were a portion of itself.

▼糕点店立面,elevation of the Pasteleria

就如同做蛋糕时用色彩来为其分层一样,设计使用三个层次的材料、纹理和不同的颜色将空间进行横向分割。墙底部用了上色的瓷砖,天花顶则使用了绿色和原有的嵌线,这让人们想到甜品的点缀和装饰部分。同一元素横跨店面,并将购买和消费区域连接起来。“一块蛋糕”的设计概念贯穿了整个室内Nihil Estudio将开放空间留给公众,并把工作区域设计得富有美感,不仅仅给前来品尝美食者带来享受,也让在这里工作的人充满愉悦感。

With a materiality that fragments the space horizontally, three layers of materials, textures and different chromatic ranges are generated to make a nod to the ingredients of a cake. With a painted tile base, the tiled walls and ceiling, which culminates in green with a pre-existing molding, reminds us of the part that embellishes and culminates the sweets. This element also crosses and connects at the same time the area of the shop and the zone of purchase and consumption of Coconut. It is the idea of a portion of a cake leading into interior design. An analogy that Nihil Studio extends throughout the entire premises, passing through the open areas to the public and giving the work areas a meticulous aesthetic, favoring not only the enjoyment of the diner, but also the worker.

▼室内一览,overview of the interior

Coconut的设计来自于对糕点工艺和制作质量的尊重,设计师用最具当代甜品店特点的设计风格来诠释它。这个设计大纲需要融合传统和前卫的元素,让工作空间更大,更舒适并具有美感。Nihil Estudio因此为Coconut设计了一个面向公众的制作间,用玻璃分隔,将制作过程毫无保留地展现给客户,并同时让自然光得以进入工作区域。

Coconut borns from the respect to the technique and the artisan quality of the pastry work, praising it with a language that goes towards the most contemporary confectionery. Following these premises that speak of tradition and avant-garde, spaces of work more spacious, comfortable and aesthetic care. That is how from Nihil Estudio, Coconut was equipped with a new workshop that opens to the public with a glass, serving as a claim, showing transparency in the production systems of the product and allowing the entry of natural light into the work areas.

▼入口柜台和面向公众的制作间,the counter at the entrance and the new workshop that opens to the p


Even from the street you can appreciate the craftwork, opening it to the outside generating a continuity into the space, being able at the same time to privatize and preserve the privacy of the worker.

▼大面玻璃窗使得室内面向街道打开, the big glass opens the inside to the street

▼大面积开窗同时进入自然光, the big glass opening allows natural light to come in


On the other hand, expository elements are generated that appear in the shop’s own window and baskets as hanging elements that recall the most traditional part of this work, also serving as a support to the counter. This opening of the craft part from the trade, enhances the enjoyment of the final customer, opens the pastry chef to the public, showing the craft of the handmade product. A feeling that is accompanied by a counter, where the client can find two product displays. This element embraces the space from the entrance and is able to distribute it, generating movement within the premises and marking the circulation that is divided between the shopping area and a small cafeteria area.

▼商店里的玻璃墙上也有着象征着糕点店的设计元素:悬挂着的糕点篮子让人们回忆起糕点店最传统的特征,expository elements are generated that appear in the shop’s own window and baskets as hanging elements that recall the most traditional part of this work

▼墙壁装饰与柜台细节, details of the wall decorations and the counter

木材和柳条元素以“可触摸”的形式安置在房间中。酒吧、椅子、桌子甚至灯具都使用了这些材料,给顾客带去舒适温暖的触感。传统与前卫之间的这种联系从糕点延伸到平面设计。Nihil Estudio结合了不同的设计技巧,在保证设计风格统一的同时将其分为了刚性的部分和流动的部分。 字体和颜色这两个系统的搭配像面包房的内部设计一样和谐。室内设计中的材料和颜色的组合还融合了平面设计。设计者们还设计了便签、卡片甚至员工服装,以及蛋糕外包装和咖啡杯子。Nihil Estudio 为客户提供了一个360度全方位设计,将糕点制作的本质融入它周边所有的相关设计中。

▼家具用了大量木材和柳条,增加空间暖度;the furnitures use wood and wicker to make the space warmer

▼柳条灯细节,details of the wicker lamps

▼工作人员的围裙和咖啡杯都成为设计的对象,the work apron and coffee cup both become part of the design

▼店铺名片与店名的平面设计,the name card and shop name use graphic design

▼项目轴测图,the axonometric drawing of the project

▼糕点店平面,the plan of the Pasteleria

设计:Nihil Estudio


位置:Av. al Vedat, 180, Torrent,西班牙巴伦西亚



摄影:由Nihil Estudio提供

Design: Nihil Estudio

Project: Coconut Pasteleria

Location: Av. al Vedat, 180, Torrent, Valencia, Spain

Area 190m2

Year 2017

Photography: Courtesy of Nihil Estudio


色彩分层,展现烘焙工艺的 Coconut Pasteleria 糕点店
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