发布时间:2016-04-14 14:06:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

© Petri Virtanen



Demand for a contemporary art museum in Helsinki arose as early as the 1960s, although debates on just how to create one delayed decisive action for three decades. It wasn’t until 1990 that the Museum of Contemporary Art opened to the public, and even then it was in a temporary setting. A design competition for a new, permanent museum launched in the autumn of 1992; the following year, Steven Holl’s entry, entitled “Chiasma,” was selected from over 515 other proposals.[1]

韦伯斯特字典将交叉定义为“解剖交集”。正如它的名字所暗示的,Kiasma是一个交叉口的设计。它位于赫尔辛基中心的位置是几个著名建筑之间的焦点:芬兰议会大楼与博物馆的西面直接相邻,阿尔瓦·阿尔托的芬兰迪亚大厅位于南面,埃莱尔·萨里宁的赫尔辛基站在东面。博物馆的北面。同时,它是以T l Bay为界的。

Webster’s Dictionary defines chiasma as “an anatomical intersection.” Kiasma is, as its name implies, a design of intersections. Its site in the center of Helsinki is a focal point between several notable structures: the Finnish Parliament building is directly adjacent to the museum’s west, Alvar Aalto’s Finlandia Hall lies to the south, and Eliel Saarinen’s Helsinki Station can be found to the east. The northern face of the museum. meanwhile, is bounded by Töölö Bay.[2]

Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects


这些特征是决定建筑物形式的驱动力:一条弯曲的“文化线”将Kiasma和Finlandia Hall连接起来,而一条直线“自然线”将其与景观和海湾连接起来。[3]这一地点综合的结果是一个由三个主要要素组成的结构:两个建筑部件和水。东部建筑的体积是一个扭曲的、弯曲的块体,它的南面和东面被截断,在那里它们与城市结构相交。同时,它是一种比较典型的正交挤压。这两种形式在遗址的北端相遇,在那里它们与反射池的水相交,反映出Holl向南延伸T l Bay的提议。[4]

These features served as driving forces to determine the form of the building: a curved “cultural line” links Kiasma to Finlandia Hall, while a straight “natural line” connects it to the landscape and the bay.[3] The result of this site synthesis is a structure comprising three main elements: two building components and water. The eastern building volume is a twisted, curving mass whose southern and eastern faces are truncated where they meet the urban fabric. Its western counterpart, meanwhile, is a more typical orthogonal extrusion. The two forms meet at the northern end of the site, where they intersect with the waters of a reflecting pool that calls out Holl’s proposed southward extension of Töölö Bay.[4]

Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects



Visitors enter the museum through a spacious lobby with a glazed ceiling. This lobby serves as the starting point for stairways, ramp, and corridors that curve off to lead into the rest of the building.[5] The gallery spaces are characterized by the architect as “almost rectangular,” each containing one curved wall. This irregularity differentiates each successive space, creating a complex visual and spatial experience as visitors pass through the museum galleries.[6] The initial impression is that of the typical closed-in, placeless museum interior; however, it is only by moving through each space that one discovers various unexpected views to the outside. This choreographed outward focus, combined with the irregular forms of the interior, creates what Holl called “a variety of spatial experiences.”[7]

Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects



This variety was, in Holl’s reckoning, essential to the function of Kiasma. Contemporary artists produce an endless stream of unique works, and so a museum that showcases them must be able to anticipate and provide for anything ranging from the subtle and restrained to the grandiose and unpredictable. The irregular, subtly differentiated spaces of the museum serve as exhibition halls that Holl describes as a “silent, yet dramatic backdrop” for the display of equally variegated art.[8]

© Pirje Mykkaenen

Pirje Mykkaenen


Holl worked with more than pure massing and windows to give each space its own unique character. Natural light was an important consideration – Holl was fascinated by the constantly changing character of Finland’s daylight.[9] Many of the windows in Kiasma are composed of translucent glazing, which diffuses the Scandinavian sunlight as it enters the interior. The staccato rhythm of city views is achieved by the occasional inclusion of fully transparent glass – both as a narrow crescent that allows a view to Helsinki Station and as full curtain-wall facades at the north and south ends of the building’s volumes.[10]


Light also permeates Kiasma through an abundance of skylights. More than simple punctures in the ceiling, the skylights work with the curving, irregular lines of the building to turn light into a sculptural element in itself. Horizontal ‘light-catching’ sections along the ceilings and upper walls deflect and diffuse light from skylights and clerestory windows down into the museum spaces; this system allows natural light from a single roof opening to penetrate through and illuminate multiple levels.[11]

© Petri Virtanen


建筑师StevenHoll建筑师位置Mannerheimpatsen 2,00100 Helsingfors,芬兰类别画廊主管StevenHoll项目年1998年

Architects Steven Holl Architects Location Mannerheimplatsen 2, 00100 Helsingfors, Finland Category Gallery Architect in Charge Steven Holl Project Year 1998


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