发布时间:2019-10-17 15:42:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

SISTER CITY酒店集简约与精美于一身,由极具创造力的建筑事务所Atelier Ace设计。整个酒店中没有什么特别奢侈的构件,但是仔细看的话,每一个细节都是深思熟虑后的结果,多样的文化与技术相交织,从干净的、天然去雕饰的墙体到定制的樱桃木家具,无一不表现出设计者的巧思。

(New York, NY) Meticulously designed by creative agency Atelier Ace, Sister City is a new hotel at the intersection of simplicity and beauty. Nothing is extravagant but every detail is thoughtfully considered and executed, from the clean, unadorned walls and custom cherry-wood furnishings to the hotel’s ever-changing amalgam of culture and technology.

▼酒店外观,exterior view of the hotel

Sister City酒店开创了一种通过酒店住宿来体验城市的新方式: 1. 设置优雅直观的数字界面,让入住的旅客可以快速便捷地提出自己的客房需求、修改入住时间,甚至还可以通过24小时的屋顶天文摄像机感知室外的天气; 2. 设置自助入住办理亭,机器可以高效地生成密钥,从而最大程度地节约了办理入住的时间; 3. 空间设计目的明确、简约美观、应有尽有,例如每个房间都配有定制的意大利樱桃木嵌入式家具,每位入住的客人都能享受代泊车服务; 4. 这是Lobby Score系统首次投入使用,这个系统由Julianna Barwick参与设计,是一个史无前例的发明,该系统的数据支持来自于空中摄像机所记录下来的不断变换的环境条件,通过微软公司的AI技术实现运营; 5. 首层设有一间名为Floret的餐厅,该餐厅已于今年夏天正式对外开放,11层则设有一间名为Last Light的酒吧; 6. 酒店与Headspace合作,为入住的客人提供一系列冥想活动所需要的器具。 可以说,Sister City这个充满生机的酒店空间是一个属于当代旅行者的世外桃源,它既可以满足客人的私人需求,又可以将一个更加广阔的世界景象展现在他们眼前。

Sister City pioneers a new way to experience a city through a hotel with: 1. an elegant, intuitive digital interface where guests can easily make room requests, modify their stay or check the weather via the 24-hour rooftop sky camera; 2. self-service check-in kiosks that efficiently generate keys and minimize the need for constant interaction; 3. purposeful, simple and beautiful design, where everything has its place, like the custom Italian cherry-wood built-in furnishings and valets in each room; 4. a first-of-its-kind generative Lobby Score by Julianna Barwick, realized through Microsoft’s AI technology, and informed by the changing environment as seen by the sky camera; 5. the 11th floor neighborhood bar Last Light, followed by the opening of ground floor restaurant Floret this summer; 6. and a partnership with Headspace, offering hotel guests the use of its meditation tools during their stay. Sister City is a living, evolving respite for contemporary travelers, catering to guests’ individual nuances while delivering them to the wider world.

▼酒店在弗里曼小巷上的入口,the entrance of the hotel on the Freeman Alley

入住者体验:宁静,贴心 | Guest Experience: tranquil, compassionate

▼入口大堂,设有绿植架,the lobby with plants on the shelf

▼从大堂看自助入住办理亭,viewing the self-service check-in kiosks from the lobby

Mindful design, artful technology and seamless functionality impart a sense of balance and belonging, and provide guests with both autonomy and considered care. Every element of Sister City was holistically designed toward an expressly innovative experience built for the future but rooted in the present moment. From the intuitive website where guests can animate and personalize their stay (requesting extra pillows or a dog bowl, for example) and where account members can secure the lowest rates, to the self-service registration kiosks that enable guests to check-in and collect their own room keys. Sister City teams up with Headspace to provide a grounding meditative service to recenter and orient oneself, fostering a sense of attention and self-care while traveling in one of the busiest cities in the world.

▼自助入住办理亭,上方设有彩色天窗,the self-service check-in kiosks with colored skylights

设计:简单,及时,可靠 | Design: simple, timeless, grounding

Sister City酒店十分注重空间的品质。酒店共有200间简约的高品质客房,每间客房都具有极高的私密性。细节、工艺、形式和材料,客房的方方面面都被考虑到了:所有灯具都有自己的编号和标记;意大利樱桃木打造而成的家具静静地伫立在房间内,营造出一种宁静的氛围;就连房间内的定制水磨石洗手盆都贯彻了少而精(Less, But Better)的设计概念。遍布的绿植不仅丰富了酒店空间,更让旅客有一种置身于室外空间的错觉。城市花园在酒店和外部环境之间构建出一个过渡空间,让远道而来的旅客提前感受到一种宁静感。

Sister City is a hotel distilled to its most beautiful working parts. With 200 intimate, efficient rooms designed in-house by Atelier Ace, the hotel’s grounding design champions simplicity, efficiency and beauty. Every aspect was considered through the lens of attention to detail, craft, form and materiality: each original Noguchi lantern is hand numbered and stamped; the Italian cherry-wood furnishings are stripped down to be purposeful, quiet and beautiful; and the custom terrazzo vanities in-room are precise representations of Less, But Better. Plants deliver guests out into the world and into Sister City, too. An urban garden offers a transportive, transitional moment between the hotel and the city, lending a sense of calm for arriving guests.

▼入口处的休息空间,the lounge at the entrance

Lobby Score系统:声效,具有城市意义,高科技 | Lobby Score: sound, site, technology

Sister City酒店是全球首家采用Lobby Score系统的酒店,Lobby Score由电子音乐家Julianna Barwick和酒店共同开发,是一个声音系统,可以通过微软的AI技术实现运行。该系统可以从酒店屋顶上的空中摄像头收集外部环境数据,并将这些数据转换成特定的乐谱,外界环境(如云层、日出日落和雨雪等)一旦发生改变,乐谱也会随之变化,从而使得入住者能够享受到一种循环式的声音体验。作为酒店前瞻性设计的一部分,这个系统是Sister City酒店设计理念的一种延伸,通过声音让入住的旅客们感受到某个特定地点的环境。正如Julianna Barwick所说的那样:“它将会带来一种永恒的、变化的体验。”值得一提的是,Sister City酒店将继续与微软公司和具有代表性的音乐家合作,从而开发出越来越多的属于未来的乐谱。

Sister City launches a first-of-its-kind Lobby Score, a generative soundscape in collaboration with electronic musician Julianna Barwick and realized through Microsoft’s AI technology. Informed by the environment via a sky camera on the hotel’s roof, the composition is an ever-evolving audio experience, looping and shifting as clouds, pigeons, sunsets, rain and snow pass by. Conceived as part of the hotel’s forwardthinking design, the score is a living extension of Sister City, a way for guests to experience site-specific music anew. As Julianna Barwick describes, “It’s infinite and evergreen.” Sister City will continue its partnership with Microsoft to develop ongoing collaborations with iconic musicians for future Lobby Scores.

餐饮服务:仰望天空,充满活力,开放 | Food & Beverage: sky, spirits, open

Floret位于酒店的首层,是一家24小时营业的餐厅,于2019年夏季正式营业。该餐厅汇集了屡获殊荣的大厨Joe Ogrodnek、行政总厨Andrew Whitcomb等家喻户晓的厨师,为客人们提供全天候的时令美食。餐厅将纽约的城市田园风光与Sister City酒店宁静的氛围融合在一起,设有一系列花园露台和一个私人包厢,当气候适宜的时候露台可以作为室外用餐空间,此外餐厅内还配有定制的照明灯具,保留北侧原有的砖墙,丰富空间的纹理。

Floret is an all day Bowery restaurant on the ground floor of Sister City, opening Summer 2019. Executed in partnership with award-winning Chef Joe Ogrodnek, formerly of Battersby and helmed by Executive Chef Andrew Whitcomb, Floret offers a seasonal menu that exalts individual ingredients and the local purveyors they came from. Bridging the urban pastoral with the calm atmosphere of Sister City, the restaurant features warm-weather garden patios, a private dining room, custom designed lighting and an original brick wall on the north-facing side.

▼从入口休息区看Floret餐厅,木制格栅分隔空间,viewing the Floret from the lounge at the entrance with wooden grating dividing the space

▼位于首层的Floret餐厅,the Floret on the ground floor

▼从私人用餐空间看公共用餐区,viewing the public dining space from the private dining area

▼私人用餐区,the private dining area

Last Light是位于酒店11层的社区酒吧,设有室内用餐空间和两个室外屋顶露台,透过玻璃立面或置身于露台,人们可以欣赏到独一无二的纽约天际线景观。饮料的供应由饮品总监Josh Hanover负责,为客人们提供高品质的鸡尾酒、精选的天然葡萄酒和本地生啤酒。这里是灵感的诞生地,在这里,纽约的壮美日落和广阔夜空都可以尽收眼底。Last Light于每天下午3点到凌晨2点对外开放,并将周一到周五的下午3点到6点设为Happy Hour时段。

▼位于11层的Last Light社区酒吧,透过玻璃立面可以欣赏到独一无二的纽约天际线景观,the Last Light neighborhood bar on the 11th floor, offering a uniquely wide view of New York City’s skyline from the interior’s windowed walls

▼吧台,the bar space

▼用餐空间局部,partial view of the dining space

Last Light is a neighborhood bar perched on the 11th floor of Sister City, offering a uniquely wide view of New York City’s skyline from the interior’s windowed walls and from two outdoor roof patios. Helmed by Beverage Director Josh Hanover, the drinks menu features inspired cocktails, curated natural wines and local draft beers. An ode to the bar’s panoramic sunset vista and the city’s vast night skies, Last Light is a beacon for sky and spirits. Open daily and to the public from 3pm–2am, with a happy hour from 3pm–6pm Monday–Friday.

▼酒吧细节,bar details

大堂市场 | Lobby Market

在酒店的大堂内设有一个24小时开放的市场,在这里人们不仅可以买到零食、日常生活用品等一切入住期间可能需要的物品,更能体验由纽约新当代艺术博物馆(New Museum)所设计的旋转图书馆空间。

A 24-hour market featuring curated sundries, including noise machines, snacks, a rotating library of books (currently curated by our neighbor the New Museum) and anything else you might need during your stay.

酒店客房 | Guest Room Types

酒店共设有以下几种客房房型: 1. 单人间:120-130平方英尺,设有一张double size的双人床,可供一人入住。 2. 双人大床房:120-130平方英尺,设有一张queen size的双人床,可供两人入住。 3. 豪华大床房:160-175平方英尺,设有一张king size宽的双人床,可供两人入住。 4. 转角客房:140-260平方英尺,紧挨着房间转角处设置一张queen size的双人床或king size的双人床,可供两人入住。 5. 花园露台房:160-200平方英尺,设有一张queen size的双人床或king size的双人床和一个露台,可供两人入住。 6. 上下铺客房:180平方米,设有两个double size的双人床的上下铺,最多可供四人入住。

1. SINGLE: 120 to 130 square feet with one double bed. Sleeps one guest. 2. QUEEN: 120 to 130 square feet with one queen bed. Sleeps two guests. 3. KING: 160 to 175 square feet with one king bed. Sleeps two guests. 4. CORNER: 140 to 260 square feet with one king or one queen bed on a corner. Sleeps two guests. 5. TERRACE: 160 to 200 square feet with one king or one queen bed and a terrace. Sleeps two guests. 6. BUNK: 180 square feet with two double sized beds in a bunk bed format. Sleeps up to four guests.

▼酒店客房,the guest room

▼酒店客房,the guest room

▼双人大床房,QUEEN Room

▼花园露台房,TERRACE Room

▼上下铺客房,BUNK  Room

▼上下铺客房细节(左),嵌入式樱桃木家具(右),details of the Bunk Room (left), the built-in cherry wood furniture (right)

▼客房设施细节,details of the guest room


SISTER CITY酒店,纽约 / Atelier Ace
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