发布时间:2020-11-29 19:34:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

HWA 安琦道尔:“走进森林,听小溪潺潺、泉水叮咚、树叶沙沙,阳光下溪水静静地流淌,清澈见底,快活的小鱼偶尔跃出水面欢快地跟你打招呼。碧水和蓝天在这里变得异常的透明,清澈,没有一丝的尘埃。”我漫步在林间,薄雾缭绕、白纱般的柔柔地漂浮在空中。树木静静地站在蔚蓝的天空下,张开双臂,迎接阳光。阳光像一缕缕金色的细沙,穿过重重叠叠的枝叶照进来,斑斑驳驳地洒落在草地上。草地上闪烁着晶莹的露珠,散发着青草、鲜花和湿润的泥土的芳香。各种各样数不清的小花竞相钻出泥土,白的、红的、还有黄的,如繁星闪烁,让林中的大地闪耀出五彩缤纷的活力。在飘香的丛林中,我吮吸着花草的芳香,享受着阳光的沐浴,我陶醉在这如痴如醉的梦幻里。

“每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们从来不曾去过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里。” ——村上春树《挪威的森林》

HWA: “Walk into the forest, listen to the stream, the springs, and the leaves. The crystal stream flows quietly in the sun. The cheerful fish occasionally jumps out of the water and greets you. The sky is transparent, clear, and without a trace of dust here.”I am wandering in the forest, floating in the air with the white gauze-like mist. The trees stand quietly under the blue sky, spreading their branches and greeting the sun. The sunlight is like a strand of golden sand, shining through the overlapping branches and leaves, casting shadows on the grass. The grass was shimmering with crystal dew, exuding the fragrance of the grass, flowers, and moist soil. Colorful wildflowers like the twinkling stars add vitality to the forest. In the fragrant jungle, I smell the fragrance of flowers and plants, enjoying the sunshine, and reveling in this fascinating dream.

“Everyone has a forest of their own. Maybe we have never been there, but it has always been there, and it will always be there.” ——Haruki Murakami “Norway’s Forest”

此次设计建筑、景观、室内三位一体,“消失的建筑”以全镜面玻璃打造,在反射与透视中将自然以另一种方式映于建筑之上,实现周围环境的融合;景观则以约 200 颗的水杉,将建筑隐于其中,形成林中小屋的整体思路;而室内,呈现出来更生活化的自然气息,窗外的风景尽收眼底。最终,三位一体的整体设计以谦逊姿态,回归初心,森林之中,诗意栖居。

The design of architecture, landscape, and the interior is a whole. The “disappearing building” is made of full-mirror glass. In reflection and perspective, nature is reflected on the building in another way to achieve the fusion of the surrounding environment; The metasequoia hides the building in it, forming the overall idea of the forest hut; while indoors, it presents a more natural atmosphere of life, and the scenery outside the window has a panoramic view. In the end, the overall design returns to the original intention in a humble manner, living in a poetic atmosphere in the forest.

探秘曲径探幽 Exploration

编织艺术、华丽服饰、精致场景、时尚设计 …… 从我们的柯桥出发。项目入口以自然生态的观赏草引入,将两面景墙作为主体,水杉作载体,将展示区隐藏在这份宁静中,以现代手法演绎自然语汇。景观区一气呵成的形体关系,舒展有力,简洁明确的叙事动线,在巨大的场地尺度上切割出多重场景体验,成为示范区视觉和精神的向心所在。

Weaving art, gorgeous clothing, exquisite scenes, fashion design… start from our Keqiao.The entrance is introduced with natural ecological ornamental grass, using two landscape walls as the main body, and metasequoia as the carrier to hide the display area in this tranquility and interpret the natural vocabulary in a modern way. The relationship in the landscape area and the powerful and concise narrative movement line cut out multiple scene experiences on the huge site scale, and become the visual and spiritual centripetal force of the demonstration area.

▼效果图 render

▼实景图 reality


The reception area at the end of the forest comes with a landscape wall on both sides. Through the dense forest, people can visually approach the distance.

▼效果图 render

▼实景图 reality


Looking at the cascading stage, the flexible water surface, the light, and elegant elves standing against the wind, facing the sea. The breeze blowing and the reflections on the sparkling water surface show the beauty of Eastern art. At this moment, the landscape gives people more courage to face the wave.


Off-white pavement, mountain-shaped landscape wall, cascading water feature, are shining in the sun as if the residual temperature of the mountain forest. Skylight, tree shadow, clear spring, landscape wall form a fascinating picture. The elegant and flexible lines, the simple and pure color language, and the rich rhythmic composition creates a delicate, simple, flowing, and light landscape space.

观景 水镜观影 Seeing the reflections


Passing through the hall, the Metasequoia forest, ornamental grass, natural flower mirror in the lake. The upper and lower spaces are connected to form a harmonious whole, becoming a clear high point of the space experience.

▼效果图 render

▼效果图 render

▼实景图 reality


The sales department serves as a club in the pine forest. We set up two leisure platforms with different elevations in the external space; we combine the layout of large-scale outdoor wooden benches, as far as possible, extend the indoor conference negotiation space to the outdoor; we also embed the concept of the outdoor conference to have the sense of vacation experience previewed in the exhibition area.


The landscape facilities are mainly made of imitation wood to respect ecology and history, maintain ecologically sustainable development, encourage community activities, and create healthy and dynamic living spaces.

更加有趣的 16M 视野,较窄的横向场地尺度不允许设置过多路径++ 场地的方式,我们将路径设置在画面中,人的流动过程将成为风景的一部分。

The 16M field of view and the narrow horizontal field scale limit the number of “paths + field”. We set the path in the frame, making the flow of people become part of the landscape.


Walk into the metasequoia forest alone and feel the world of light and shadow. The metasequoia forest is lush, covering the sun. Stroll through the forest, listen to the birdsong, and enjoy the tranquility of nature. In this picture, with egrets passing the sky, the world is empty and quiet, depicting the beauty of blank leaving.

品悟芳草悟堂 Appreciation


The under-forest low-wall seating is designed with a mirror finish. The height difference is covered by planting, weakening the pressure caused by the wall volumes. The stone embellishments enrich the low-wall facades and improve the outlook.

▼效果图 render

▼实景图 reality


The back courtyard is our interpretation of the living conditions. Under the forest space, a set of tables and chairs provides you and your friends an opportunity to enjoy the sunset and have some tea at the same time. In the Metasequoia forest, you can have lazy leisure time, embrace friendship, and reverie your future life.


The metasequoia forest, the mirror-like lake, and the courtyard screen the bustle and hustle of the urban life and provide you a life of peace, a return to nature.

▼平面图 plan





景观设计:HWA 安琦道尔 | f studio 方派工作室





景观摄影:f studio 方利建

Project Name: Zhongnan·Manyue Bay

Project location: Yangxunqiao water works, Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang

Client: Zhongnan·Zhejiang East region

Project category: residential demonstration area landscape

Landscape design: Hwa | f studio

Design team: Lijian Fang, Yimao V, Chengfeng Gu, Zhetao Huang, Hua Yin, danyan Chen, Zhanping Wang , Xinyi Li

Design time: November 2019

Completion time: May 2020

Landscape area: 5000 ㎡

Landscape Photography: f studio


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