America Sunshine Manor
设计团队:James Burnett、ojb
该项目是对一个园林的建设,它位于美国Rancho Mirag地区,此次的设计师一次崭新的尝试。设计团队希望能够利用生态化的审美来对目前这片干燥的土地进行重新规划,项目场地位于该地区著名的阳光庄园。场地面积为9英亩,这里常年干旱,很多区域被沙漠覆盖。该项目中对于园林的改造展现了该地区过去出版商,外交官以及慈善家Walter Annenberg以及他的妻子Lenore所留下的文化遗产,他们将近200英亩的住宅已经接纳过好几届美国总统,外国高官和社会名流。设计团队在该项目中与Annenberg夫妇和James Burnett团队进行了密切的合作,创造了一个可以与博物馆相媲美的园林景观,人们在欣赏美景的同时,又会经不住好奇心的趋势,想要探索的更多。布局条理又看似随意的场地线条让整个花园的氛围轻松和谐,硬景观和植物花丛的布局采用几何状机构,与周边的中心大楼融为一体。
Pioneering a new ecological aesthetic for arid landscapes in the southwest, Sunnylands Center & Gardens is a 9-acre desert jewel amid Rancho Mirage’s conventional, thirsty sprawl. The new interpretive center and botanical gardens celebrate the cultural legacy of publisher, diplomat, and philanthropist Walter Annenberg and his wife Lenore, whose adjacent 200-acre estate has long been a retreat for U.S. Presidents, foreign dignitaries and celebrities. Working closely with Mrs. Annenberg, the Office of James Burnett created a collection of museum-quality garden spaces that invite discovery and contemplation in every season.Organic and free flowing at the edges of the site, the lines of hardscape surfaces and planting beds take on a geometric precision adjacent to the Center.