The Tianjin Vanke Square project transformed an existing, abandoned 3 level super market into a 2500 m² community retail center, including restaurants, boutique retailing, bookstores and a 2,00m² market & food court.
▼鸟瞰透视,Bird-eyes view ©金伟琦
项目背景:快速城市化 VS. 文化的传承
Background: Urbanization vs. Cultural heritage
项目前身一栋老城区里毫无特色的白色钢结构方盒子。它正位于天津市著名历史街区-五大道的边缘。在它的北侧,是“红区”–富有文化底蕴,空间质感的民国建筑街区。从它的南侧开始,是“白区”— 在近年城市化过程中形成的苍白,草率而简陋的城市区域。这一变迁折射出伴随快速城市化而生的平庸化城市生活。我们就试图把这个项目作为这座城市复兴实验的楔子。从一座建筑出发,回应从老城到形成的历史过度,激活与复兴场地及周边城市空间,传承天津的城市精神。
The building itself, located on the edge of the Five Avenues Historical Zone in Tianjin, can be seen as a trans-formative element that mediates between the rich colors and textures of the historic district and the chaotic jumble of recent developments. The building is a marker on the cross roads of both location and time. This change reflects the mediocre urban life that accompanied the rapid urbanization.
▼城市肌理及项目位置,Context and Location©UV
Strategy: Renaissance
一个城市的历史,在城市的空间中留下痕迹。天津卫特有的品味,格调和归属感,蕴藏在老城里精致的建筑和宜人的场所氛围之中。但这些品质很遗憾地在现代化的进程中迅速地流失了 。我们提出“文艺复兴”这个概念,希望通过对历史天津文脉的传承更新,超越当代全球化风潮下单一而均质的空间风格,创造出一种温暖,精致,可以传达情感和故事的场所。
The project concept was conceived as a “Renaissance”, conveying the rebirth of both the historic district of Tianjin and the manner in which the existing building was transformed to meet the demands of its new use. The new life, breathed into the lifeless hulk, is expressed through a series of colorful geometric elements that break out from its previously uniform exterior, to form a composition that reflects entrances, internal courts and the dynamic new uses within.
▼引入历史街区尺度,Introduce historical street scale©UV
Elevation Strategy
The large scale of the existing building was broken down into a more manageable human scale that express the red and white traditional material palette. The new façade engages and stimulates the vitality of the surrounding streets and plazas.
▼改造前建筑立面,Facade befor renovation©UV
▼改造后建筑立面,Facade after renovation©金伟琦
Main entrance is opened up to the the north east corner©金伟琦
东南角,三层高的玻璃盒子向人民公园敞开,At the southeast corner of the building is a three-level glass box©金伟琦
Space Strategy
Introducing of micro urban space, the original big box volumn is scaled down and transformed into a rich and belonging “urban living room”.We hope this is a community center first, then a shopping center.There should be more than visual bombardment and consumer stimulus. This is a comfortable and relaxed living room, a warm spiritual home in the city. Like a spirit at the intersection of time, she infuses the spirit of history into daily life, inspires youth, and brings about the revival of city and culture.
▼概念草图,Concept sketch©UV
沿街立面透视,Street perspective©金伟琦
The existing interior structural grid was maintained, with three new atrium spaces ‘inserted’ to create a new series of large and small “living rooms” within the retail space. New skylights introduce natural light, converting the formally large, dark floor plans into bright, new, convivial urban spaces. This visual connection is further enhanced with decorative cladding elements that echo the exterior interventions, creating a modern reinterpretation of the rich and bustling traditional street experience of Tianjin.
Exploded axonometric©UV
The sloping roof elements echoing the architectural design are refined and abstracted into herringbone geometric motifs in the interior, repeatedly used and varied in various details and scales。
▼场地元素提取,Design theme extracted from the site©UV
As a response to the historic architecture, copper also extends from the facade to the interior. The copper tube pylon of the main entrance and the copper tube chandelier of the ceiling and feature wall use a similar design language, forming a stunning entrance. The large atrium’s copper-clad tubular columns and bridges form an interesting composition; the LED screen adds vitality to the elegant space while meeting the needs of special events.
▼主入口大厅,Lobby at the main entrance©金伟琦
The inner street is with a pleasant pedestrian scale. The Mocha color aluminum cladding and copper columns wtih herringbone patterns are elegant and exquisite, reflecting the overall design concept of “Renaissance”. The introduction of the sunroof can be opened for ventilation, creating a comfortable semi-open space in spring, autumn and summer.
▼商业内接,Interior commercial street©左:UV,右:金伟琦
China’s first modern elevator was introduced by Tianjin. A set of new sightseeing elevators are added in the south atrium. Decorated with copper-encrusted patterns, it reminds people of the glory time of Tianjin. At the other end of the southwest atrium is a sculptural staircase that takes people from the first floor to the rooftop, which is very popular with young people.
▼观光电梯,Sightseeing elevators©左:金伟琦,右:Selected
▼雕塑感的楼梯,Sculptural stairs©上/下左:金伟琦,下右:Selected
▼以猫咪为主题的艺术品散布商场各处,Cat decoration in interior space©左:Selected,右:UV
Over the first weekend the project attracted over 100,000 visitors, setting a new benchmark for Tianjin’s urban renewal development. It will continue to provide energy for the community and become a warm spiritual home within the city.
▼街区轴侧,Axonometric of the commercial block©UV
▼总平面图,Site Plan©UV
一层平面图,First floor plan©UV
团队:周实@Studio 10,马凯,李童洋,林兆梅,武润泽,李正茂,郁一思,洪伟,陈康迪,翟梦雅,欧阳杰,李南青
幕墙顾问 :清科锐创工程咨询(北京)有限公司
Project Name: Tianjin Vanke Square @ People’s Park
Design: UV Architecture LLC,Design & Completion Year: 2018,08-2019,05
Leader Designer: Zhou Yiyi,Li Pu
Team: Zhou Shi@Studio 10,Ma Kai, Li Tongyang, Lin Zhaomei, Wu Runze, Li Zhengmao, Yu Yi si, Hong Wei, Chen Kangdi, Zhai Mengya, Ouyang Jie, Li Nanqing
Project Location: No. 60, Guangdong Road, Hexi District, Tianjin
Gross Built Area: 25,000㎡
Photo Credits: Weiqi,JinSelected
Art Facilitation: FFAKE Studio
Façade Consultant: 清科锐创工程咨询(北京)有限公司
Lighting Design: LDPI
Clients: Tianjin Vanke Co. Ltd