来自挪威Trondheim的摄影师Oystein Aspelund从2009年开始了他的摄影之旅,他走到哪拍到哪,试图在自己的作品中反映某种文化,从全新的角度展现一个与众不同的世界。
Oystein Aspelund is a photographer based in Trondheim, Norway. He started his photographical journey in 2009 and let his camera take him, seeking to have a kind of cultural presence in his photographs and tries to show the world in a different way than people usually see it.
“CYAN” is a photographic series focusing on architectural details. The images can be seen as artistic interpretations of the buildings, structures and monuments they depict. They are presented as fragments, in isolation from their original context, united through a colorful cyan sky.
The images are shot in different countries in Europe and in Brazil.