发布时间:2019-08-21 16:38:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


At the end of 2018, due to the needs of team development, the company decided to move the office from 9F of the original office building to 19F of the original office building. The new office site covers an area of about 1100 square meters and has a relatively wider field of vision. It can accommodate up to 110 people. It will provide better support for the development of EPC mode within five years.

以“进窄门,走远路,见微光”为主题的入口空间,the theme entrance of“narrow doors, long walks, low light”

▼入口空间的“窄门”和“远路”,the narrow doors andlong walks at the entrance space


As a design company, this time our first party is ourselves, so we have a dual identity.We set up a project design team. The project design team first counted the needs of each member of the company, totaling more than 110 items. After sorting out and screening, it began a month’s design work.“Must do different office design, completely jump out to re-understand the new office model.” This is the concept of office space design.

▼办公室爆炸轴测动图,the gif of the exploded axon of the office space


After several communications and discussions, the design team decided to give the office space three qualities: artistry, leisure and sharing, which we named “three qualities”: artistry, in order to make the company’s staff think in soul and spirit; leisure, in order to relax everyone’s body; sharing, In order to improve the efficiency of our work.

▼入口前厅走廊旁的DOMO会议室,DOMO conference roombeside the front office corridor

▼从DOMO会议室的二层俯瞰,overlooking from the second floor of the DOMO conference room

▼DOMO会议室天花板细节,镜面材料映照出一个反向的虚拟空间,ceiling details of the DOMO conference room, the mirrors reflect areversed DOMO space

▼DOMO会议室局部,独立的楼梯可通向其局部二层空间,partial view of the DOMO conference room with the independent stairs leading up to its second floor

基于以上的“三性”,在空间不同的区域,我们进行了不同体验感的设计,例如一段“进窄门,走远路,见微光”的主题入口;一个长约21米的“T”台长廊;一个集酒吧、咖啡吧、茶吧、餐吧、Free talking的综合吧;以及一个“去接待化”的接待中心,我们又叫“项目档案中心”。


▼竹编装置呈现图,the gif of thebamboo weaving device

Based on the above three characteristics, we have designed different experiences in different areas of space, such as a theme entrance of “narrow doors, long walks, low light”; a 21-metre “T” corridor; a “red brainstorming” conference; and a “blue” conference which only talks about rational landing. Storm conference; a comprehensive bar of bars, coffee bars, tea bars, dining bars, free talking; and a “de-reception” reception center, also known as the “Project Archives Center”.

As an indispensable element of this scheme, bamboo weaving device is presented in different forms in different spaces: the twisting and revolving extension model circles around the theme entrance of “narrow doors, long distance, low light” and the top of the comprehensive bar, which makes the space full of flexibility and vitality. Large-scale arrays are formed at the top of the “T” platform corridor to make the space more hierarchical. In the incubation center and reception center of the program, the formation of enclosure, clear space boundaries.

▼行政办公区,上方笼罩着竹编装置,the administrative area covered by the bamboo weaving device

▼行政办公区内“去接待化”的接待中心,the“de-reception” reception center in theadministrative area

▼等候区内的T台拙廊入口,the entrance of the“T” corridor at the waiting area

▼T台拙廊,竹编装置在“T”台长廊的顶部形成大规模阵列让空间更有层次感,the“T” corridor of the Z show, large-scale arrays are formed at the top of the “T” platform corridor to make the space more hierarchical

▼办公区,中心区域由半穹顶形的绿色竹编装置围合,the office area whose central space is defined by the green semi-domed bamboo weaving device

▼综合吧,thecomprehensive bar


▼开放办公区二层空间,the second floor of the open office area

In the design and use of space furnishings, we have produced sculptures that represent the image of the clumsy people in our hearts, which are forward, positive and full of childlike innocence; the sculpture that represents the image of the engineering department, which is strong in appearance and simple in heart; and a device that collides with the thinking in the perceptual creation; and various advocates the scientific use of time. Design concept and a series of devices for people’s values.

▼立体开放区的整体办公关系,the open office area

▼1F设计中心与2F工程部入口,设有一系列雕塑,the design department at 1F and the entrance of the engineering department at the 2F with sculptures

▼工程部的入口雕塑细节,details of the sculpture at the entrance of theengineering department

▼方案孵化区的拙人装置,the sculpture at the concept design area


Besides, there are also a dazzling integrated EPC template center library, which integrates lighting, soft-fitting, engineering, construction methods and materials in a multi-functional space; A dressing room that can accommodate the whole company and store a suit of clothes at the same time…

▼“蓝色风暴”会议室,只谈理性的落地概念,the“blue” conference room which only talks about rational landing.

▼“红色头脑风暴”会议室,只谈天马行空的概念,the“red brainstorming” conference room only for conceptual idea

▼从独立会议区看另一个独立办公空间,viewing from one independent office to the other

▼梁思成会议室,the Liang Sicheng meeting room



The bamboo weaving project lasted 35 days. The members of the design team participated in the whole process of selecting bamboo, cutting bamboo, breaking bamboo, removing green, polishing, anti-corrosion, transportation and weaving. Nine bamboo weavers, all of them from Luan, Anhui Province, were involved in the bamboo weaving. Five were from the early stage of cutting bamboo to the grinding stage. Four weavers came out of the bamboo sea to Zhengzhou for weaving. The total number of bamboo slivers used for weaving was 12 kilometers.

On-site weaving has encountered many difficulties that are difficult to solve, and has been on the verge of giving up for many times. With the persistence of the design team and the old craftsmen, all kinds of difficulties have been overcome, and finally the bamboo weaving technology has been realized. The use of bamboo weaving aims at inheriting the spirit of craftsmen and inheriting the traditional bamboo weaving technology and the natural material “bamboo”.

▼竹编步骤1,the procedures of thebamboo weavingdevice 1

竹编步骤2,the procedures of thebamboo weavingdevice2

▼办公室3D打印模型,the 3D print model of the office

▼平面布置图,layout plan

▼剖面图1,section 1

▼剖面图2,section 2





项目地址:中国河南省郑州市郑东新区中兴南路与永平路交叉口 正商和谐大厦




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