发布时间:2020-08-13 01:28:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Nature reigns in the restored Château de Vignée, a high-end boutique hotel deeply rooted the Belgian Ardennes. But not in a way you might expect. Belgian design studio WeWantMore brought the ancient estate’s wilful surroundings inside in a poetic, yet novel way. Yes, the materials, marbles, lighting and colours are Ardennes inspired, but witty taxidermy art pieces and a stream of seasonal textures as part of an evolutive branding add a sense of humour and wonder to the guest experience. The studio’s interior and brand design has transformed Château de Vignée into a lush retreat sourced by its natural surroundings and hunting heritage.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Styn Vanderdeelen


“我们的设计过程始于我们希望在设计中捕获到的感觉。我们设想了一个猎人在清晨五点穿梭在树林里的感觉,那种纹理、声音,和第一缕阳光透过枝叶的感觉。酒店的客人会很容易体验到这种感觉。同时,我们尽可能地尊重建筑和场地原貌,试图在历史遗迹与令人惊叹的体验之间找到平衡,使客人们在这里真正地收获乐趣。”——WeWantMore空间设计创意总监Ruud Belmans

▼周边环境,context ©Styn Vanderdeelen

Intrigued by Chateau de Vignée’s century-long link with hunting, WeWantMore found its initial inspiration in the dramatic 18th century ‘nature morte’ paintings portraying the art of hunting in a claire-obscure manner. The idea naturally evolved into a design concept drawing from the sensorial experience of a hunter exploring the Ardennes.

“Our design process ultimately started off from a feeling that we aimed to capture in the design. We imagined how it must feel for a hunter to wander the woods at 5 o’clock in the morning. The textures, the sounds, the  first sunlight shimmering through the leaf canopy. A recognizable experience for hotel guests. At the same time, we respected the building and site and searched for the right balance between heritage and marvel. We wanted to make it genuinely fun for guests to be there.” – Ruud Belmans, Creative Director Spatial Design WeWantMore.

▼晨光中的森林与餐厅,restaurant and natural view in the morning light ©Styn Vanderdeelen

酒店坐落在莱斯河畔,共设有25间定制客房、一间酒吧和休闲区、一家被列入Gault & Millau指南的餐厅、一间私人餐厅、两个活动场地以及一个水疗中心。在进入城堡的主楼之后,客人便立刻能够感受到酒店独特的氛围。大厅内悬挂着季节性的人造花卉装置,太阳的光线从绿色的枝叶中穿过。吧台区设有一面显著的浮雕背景墙,由阿登高地的青石雕凿而成,描绘了狩猎的场景。

Nestled alongside the river Lesse, the boutique hotel includes 25 bespoke rooms, a bar and lounge area, a Gault & Millau listed restaurant, a private dining, two event venues and a spa. Entering the main chateau building immediately sets the tone. A seasonal faux flower installation descends from the sky in the lobby. Rays of sunlight seem to pierce through the greenery. In the bar section, a custom designed bas-relief in the backbar catches the eye. The hunting scene is carved out of Ardennes sourced Blue Stone.

▼接待台,reception ©Frederik Vercruysse

▼花卉装置,the seasonal faux flower installation ©Styn Vanderdeelen

▼酒吧,bar ©Katoo Peeters

▼定制浮雕背景墙描绘了狩猎场景,custom designed bas-relief in the backbar showing the hunting scene ©Frederik Vercruysse

设计团队在整个项目中选用了Rouge Belge和Gris d’Ardenne等种类的原生大理石和天然石材,以强调中心设计理念。大堂内铺设的定制水磨石地面完全由原先酒店客房拆下的大理石碎片构成;休闲室内,定制的灯具在天花板上延伸,使人联想到清晨森林的幽暗氛围。

WeWantMore opted for native marbles and natural stones like Rouge Belge and Gris d’Ardenne throughout the entire project to add to the main design concept. The tailor-made terrazzo flooring in the lobby is entirely composed out of marble fragments of the former hotel rooms. The hunter’s journey continues in the lounge, where the custom designed lighting branches out across the ceiling conjuring the same early morning, gloomy forest atmosphere.

▼休闲室,lounge ©Frederik Vercruysse

▼休闲室细节,lounge details  ©Katoo Peeters


The interior design of the rooms echoes the fluid beauty of the Ardennes region. Expressive and flamboyant on occasion, but equally pure and tranquil at other points in time.

▼客房内部,guest room interior view ©Frederik Vercruysse

▼浴室,bathroom ©Frederik Vercruysse

为了能够同时吸引追求高端设计的现代旅行者,以及庄园周围较为传统的现有客人,设计团队试图通过一种新颖的方式去诠释经典的狩猎和自然元素。在休闲室,传统的动物标本与荷兰设计二人组Les Deux Garçons创作的艺术品被结合起来,形成某种“异常”却又幽默的独特感觉:墙面装置展示了喜鹊对闪亮事物的迷恋;Arden餐厅里,一对海狸正在肆意地享用着古玩柜的美味木头。餐厅内提供的菜品部分来自城堡的温室和菜园。城堡庭院的下方还设有一个圆形的酒窖,存储着大量葡萄酒,与Kwinten Boelen掌管的厨房菜肴形成和谐的搭配。

▼Arden餐厅,restaurant Arden ©Frederik Vercruysse

▼墙面装置展示了喜鹊对闪亮事物的迷恋,the magpie’s fascination for all things shiny resulted in an unusual wall unit ©Frederik Vercruysse

To appeal to both the modern-day traveler with high-end design needs as the more conventional existing clientele of the estate, the Antwerp based design studio interpreted classic hunting and nature elements in a novel way. In the lounge, traditional taxidermy pieces made room for morbid, yet humoristic art objects created by Dutch design duo Les Deux Garçons. Beware of the silverware in the private dining. The magpie’s fascination for all things shiny resulted in an unusual wall unit. In Arden, the hotel’s restaurant, a couple of beavers are undisturbedly feasting on the wood of the curiosity closet. The kitchen is run by Kwinten Boelen, Gault & Millau debutant and vegetable devotee. He serves up a terroir driven cuisine partly plucked from the chateau’s greenhouse and vegetable garden. Arden pairs its dishes with an extensive selection of wines kept in the underground, circular wine cellar below the chateau’s courtyard.

▼传统的动物标本与艺术品相结合,traditional taxidermy pieces are integrated with the humoristic art objects ©Katoo Peeters

▼细部,detailed view ©Katoo Peeters

“像Vignée庄园这样的猎人酒店,非常需要借助标本雕塑来为其增添意趣。设计团队本可以随便选择一些打猎的战利品,但是我们双方都不约而同地希望做出更有创新性的东西。最后我们毫不费力地完成了一个由5只雉鸡构成的艺术品——这是一件令人惊叹的作品,我们希望它能够为入住的客人带来兴奋和鼓舞的体验。”——设计二人组Les Deux Garçons

“A hunter’s hotel like Château de Vignée just calls for taxidermy sculptures to be integrated in the interior. WeWantMore could have just selected some random hunting trophies, but for creative minds like them and us that doesn’t cut it. That’s why we immediately saw eye to eye with the design team and collaborated with them so effortlessly on the art object composed of five pheasants. It looks stunning. We hope it genuinely excites and inspires the guests during their stay.” – Les Deux Garçons

▼休闲室壁炉区,fire place in the lounge ©Katoo Peeters

▼Les Deux Garçonss设计的艺术装饰品,the art object composed of five pheasants designed by Les Deux Garçons ©Styn Vanderdeelen


The visual identity draws from the same hunting narrative, but focusses on the signature beauty of the Ardennes from up close. The graphical and textual elements are reduced to a bare minimum allowing for nature to reign in the close-up, detailed photography of elements like moss and fungi. But every season trees grow, rivers swell and dry out, animals arrive and migrate, … and with them the textures, graphical patterns and colour palette evolve. So WeWantMore created an evolutive branding following nature’s rhythm. It changes every season to align with the guest experience.

▼视觉和标识设计结合了自然元素的细部特写照片,the visual identity featured with close-up, detailed photography of elements ©Château de Vignée

为了进一步阐释设计和项目,WeWantMore工作室与导演Bjorn Tagemose和制作公司Shoottheartist进行了合作,出品了一步名为“梦境”(The Dream)的短片。在影片汇总,这位比利时裔的瑞典导演详细说明了工作室的设计理念,并与比利时新生代女演员Sophie Marechal和美国演员James Crittenden合作,共同讲述了一个简短却迷人的故事。

To illustrate the design and project even further, the Antwerp based design studio collaborated with director Bjorn Tagemose and production company Shoottheartist to create a short fictional film called ‘The Dream’. Similar to an actual movie trailer, it’s aimed to offer a teaser of what the project is about, The Belgian-Swedish director elaborated on the studio’s design concept and developed a brief, yet captivating storyline with upcoming Belgian actress Sophie Marechal and American actor James Crittenden in leading roles.

“以拍摄的方式呈现Vignée庄园的氛围可谓一项挑战,但不可否认的是电影更加具备吸引人们的能力。Tagemose的宣传片传达了我们希望在设计中唤起的同样感觉。观者将被虚构的元素拉入其中,从情感的尺度上短暂地体验Vignée庄园的奇妙旅程。”WeWantMore空间设计创意总监Ruud Belmans

“Capturing the feeling that Château de Vignée embodies in photography was a challenge. A film on the other hand, has a greater ability to draw people in. Tagemose’s trailer triggers the same feeling we set out to evoke with the design of the project. The element of fiction pulls you in and allows you to experience Château de Vignée on an emotional level for a brief moment.” – Ruud Belmans, Creative Director Spatial Design WeWantMore

▼入口地面细节,flooring details ©Katoo Peeters

Duration:May 2018 – June 2020 Total area:3000 m2 Construction cost:3,3 M Photographer:Frederik Vercruysse, Styn Vanderdeelen, Katoo Peeters


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