Switzerland La Fontenette Social Housing
这是由frundgallina设计的La Fontenette社会住房。该项目位于卡鲁日。原来10座建筑是自20世纪50年代开始陆续建造,共120套公寓。尽管外观有明显损坏,但该建筑综合体仍保留有一些特色,如大量绿化和美丽的树种。客户对现状建筑的恢复可行性进行了分析,并未得到结论,同时为了解决廉租房的短缺问题,业主组织了一次建筑设计竞赛,提供335套新经适住房。
译者: 艾比
From the architect. La Fontenette, in Carouge, hosted since the 1950s ten buildings with 120 apartments. Despite obvious signs of decay, this complex still has interesting features, thanks to the many green areas and to the presence of beautiful trees.
Having analysed the opportunity to rehabilitate the existing buildings, which proved to be inconclusive, and to respond to a shortage of low-rent housing, the owner organized an architectural competition for the construction of 335 new affordable apartments.The project reinterprets the former construction’s planning principles, which can be described as living in a park. Seven new compact buildings are freely disposed in-between the existing trees, which are preserved. They define quality outdoor spaces, providing residents great visual relationships with both buildings and landscape.
The project forms a homogeneous whole. Each building acquires singularity by varying the positions and dimensions of the windows. Developed from three concentric structural rings, each floor receives different typologies of apartments, from one to five rooms. The latter are distributed by generous entrance halls characterizing the proposed typologies. On this principle, eight different floor plans are stacked and then redistributed at different levels in each building.In addition to this housing program, ground floors are dedicated to the neighbourhood, hosting extracurricular premises, two multipurpose rooms and shared laundries.
瑞士La Fontenette社会住房外部实景图
瑞士La Fontenette社会住房内部实景图
瑞士La Fontenette社会住房平面图
瑞士La Fontenette社会住房立面图