发布时间:2017-09-13 07:48:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼住宅坐落于Kopřivnice和Štramberk之间的一小块土地上,the house located on a small piece of land between Kopřivnice and Štramberk

▼远眺建筑 ,the overview of  the house

The first house designed and built by our architect studio is located on a small piece of land between Kopřivnice and Štramberk. It was built in a former recreation area where a large, old Chestnut tree was growing in an overrun field. This beautiful tree was a focal point for this property and the house became known as Chestnut House. The small area, orientation of the land and location of the chestnut tree clearly determined the overall atmosphere.The dark brown house surrounded by the lush green landscape mirrors a chestnut breaking out of its thorny green shell. It is built of raw, untreated wood with burnt lining to compliment the solid chestnut tree.

▼深褐色的房子对映着这棵引人注目的栗子树 ,the dark brown house surrounded by the lush green landscape mirrors a chestnut

▼建筑一览,the exterior view of  the house


The freestanding house is built in 2 sections, a larger living area and a smaller technical area.Both sections share one roof. The roof also covers half the terrace and entry with carport.The vestibule connecting the 2 sections is multifunctional, primarily protecting the entry to both the living and technical area but also functions as a wood storage and covered seating area where one can enjoy a cup of coffee.

▼建筑立于铁和混凝土构成的支架上,the house sitting on iron and concrete supports

▼这栋独立式住宅分为两个部分 ,一个较大的生活区和一个较小的工作室,the freestanding house is built in 2 sections, a larger living area and a smaller technical area

▼多功能前厅连接这两个部分,the vestibule connecting the 2 sections


▼屋顶覆盖了一半的露台,the terrace covering by the roof

▼建筑东边部分比西边部分更高 ,The east side of the house extends taller than the west

▼屋顶覆盖下的车库入口和车库 ,the entry with carport covering by the roof

Above the foyer and kitchen in the larger living area is a sleeping loft for guests overlooking the living room and eating area. This entire space is open all the way to the ceiling. The east side of the house extends taller than the west and is covered with windows, mainly for the morning sun but also for a view of the famous Štramberk tower. A small walkway connects this main living space to the bedrooms and bathroom/toilet. At the end of the walk way is the main bedroom with built closet. On one side of the hallway is the bathroom and separate toilet. On the opposite side is the kid’s bedroom. The kid’s bedroom is divided to 2 spaces, the sleeping area is on an upper floor and living area is below.

▼门厅和厨房的上方是一个供客人睡觉的阁楼,above the foyer and kitchen in the larger living area is a sleeping loft for guests

▼阁楼下的厨房区域,the kitchen under a sleeping loft

▼从此可以远眺著名的Štramberk塔, a view of the famous Štramberk tower


▼客厅区域 ,the living room

▼东面开窗让早晨的太阳可以进入室内,the east side of the house covered with windows mainly for the morning sun

▼主卧室在走廊的尽头内配有壁橱 ,the main bedroom with built closet

▼工作室区域,a smaller technical area view

This house was build using wood framing with a steel skeleton. It is sitting on iron and concrete supports and has is an accessible crawl space. All materials were sourced locally when possible with an emphasis on natural materials.The entire house was built to be compact and functional. A legacy to the original Wallachian architecture built from local sources and natural materials with maximum self-sufficiency.

▼户外壁炉,outdoor fireplace

▼建筑平面图 ,the plan

▼ 建筑立面图,the elevaion of the building

▼ 建筑剖面图,the section of the building

Architect: Ing. arch. Tomáš Jalůvka, Ing. arch. Lenka Jalůvková

Address: Tyršova 1098, Bystřice pod Hostýnem 76861

Co-author: Bc. Tomáš Kašík

Client: private investor

Project: year 2014

Building and completion: 2015-2017

Area: 78m2, 148m2

Cost: 3.5 million CZK


栗树下的绿意生活——Chestnut 住宅
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