发布时间:2020-06-12 06:14:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

新墨西哥州留给人的印象是绯红的夕阳、漂白的牛头骨、矮松树以及乔治亚·欧姬芙和D.H.劳伦斯笔下的异域景象。Sawmill市场的出现可谓是对新墨西哥州风情的当代诠释。Islyn Studio与业主Jim Long和餐饮理念开发商Lauren和Jason Greene进行了合作,从“迷人之地”(新墨西哥州的别称)的丰富文化中直接地汲取灵感,打造出全新的Sawmill市场,它不仅是美食的殿堂、烹饪的实验场,更是对新墨西哥州文化想象力的颂赞。

Sawmill Market is a contemporary interpretation of an unsung New Mexico — a place synonymous with electric pink sunsets, bleached white cow skulls, pinon pine and the otherworldly landscapes immortalized by Georgia O’Keeffe and D.H. Lawrence. Together with owner Jim Long (Heritage Hotels and Resorts) and F&B Concept Developers Lauren and Jason Greene (The Grove Cafe), Islyn Studio drew directly from the rich cultural heritage of the Land of Enchantment to create Sawmill Market, a food hall, culinary laboratory and homage to the cultural imagination of New Mexico.

▼Sawmill市场外观,Sawmill Market exterior view ©Read Mckendree


Transformed from a sprawling and sunlit lumber warehouse in the Sawmill District, just a stone’s throw from Albuquerque’s original settlement of Old Town, Sawmill Market offers 40,000 sq ft of art, design, and culinary innovation, with boutique owner-operated restaurants, cocktail bars, farm-to-table pantries, tap rooms, test kitchen, pop-up shops and demo kitchens.

▼Sawmill市场由一座木材仓库改造而成 ©Read Mckendree Sawmill Market was transformed from a sprawling and sunlit lumber warehouse in the Sawmill District


Sawmill Market is New Mexico’s first food hall, but it’s more than that, too. It’s a place to gather and rejoice, to experiment and take risks and to champion the best, most innovative ideas circulating in Albuquerque. The diversity of offerings at Sawmill Market reflect the eclectic tastes of its audience, a wide-ranging demographic that includes cowboys (there’s horse parking out front), artists, young professionals, low riders, freelancers, scientists and preachers alike.

▼建筑外墙,facade view ©Read Mckendree

在精心的设计下, Islyn Studio将一个大尺度的空间转变为一系列亲切又具有探索感的口袋空间:Botanic是一个形似温室、隐蔽在葱郁植物中的鸡尾酒吧,出售自制的汤力水和用调酒师自藏的干燥草本植物制作的甜酒。Paxton’s是一间啤酒吧,借助开放的酒架、木制钉板、堆叠的木材和手绘标牌,传达出对建筑曾经作为木材仓库的历史的戏谑式的致敬。Flora餐厅明艳的花墙和复古的瓦哈卡手工古董物件将你带往墨西哥城;Mercantile葡萄酒吧和咖啡店则以平易近人的方式呈现了新墨西哥州繁荣的工业发展。

▼室内概览,interior view ©Read Mckendree

▼Paxton’s啤酒吧,Paxton, tap room ©Read Mckendree

▼Mercantile咖啡店,Mercantile Cafe ©Read Mckendree

With meticulously considered design, Islyn transformed a large space into intimate pockets of discovery: Botanic, a hidden cocktail bar masquerades as a lush greenhouse apothecary slinging house-made tonics and local shrubs made from the bartender’s stash of drying herbs. Paxton, a tap room, nods to the heritage woodworking with open-shelving, wood peg boards, stacked lumber and hand-painted signage — a playful, irreverent twist on the former lumberyard; Flora restaurant catapults you to Mexico City with neon flowers and beautiful vintage Oaxacan treasures, hand-sourced from an antique dealer down the road; and The Mercantile Wine Bar and Cafe: an intimate introduction to the pleasures of New Mexican harvest and industry.

▼Botanic鸡尾酒吧,Botanic cocktail bar ©Read Mckendree

▼Mercantile葡萄酒吧,Mercantile Wine Bar ©Read Mckendree

▼Mercantile咖啡店,Mercantile Cafe ©Read Mckendree

▼Flora餐厅,Flora restaurant ©Read Mckendree


Islyn Studio摒弃了传统的新墨西哥设计理念,以一种更具深度和故事性的手法为中世纪的木材仓库赋予了更丰富和吸引人的体验,使客人们在此流连忘返。生锈的金属、钉板、老式的集尘器、钢眼梁、旧铁轨和磨光的木头共同传达出对场地历史的致敬,并在律动的光影和略有瑕疵的色彩的搭配下带来更加柔和与细腻的感官体验。空间布局的设计受到了功能灵活且高效的传统纳瓦霍商铺的启发,整个空间中使用了与之相似的寻路元素。

▼演示厨房,Demo Kitchen ©Read Mckendree

Using the mid-century lumber warehouse as an architectural foundation, Islyn Studio eschewed the conventional notions of New Mexican design to opt instead for a deeper, more story-driven approach that roots the guest in place and allows their experience to animate the design. Nods to the site’s past — patina’ed metals, peg boards, the original dust collectors, steel eye beams, historic rail tracks and burnished wood — mingle alongside softer, more sensory touches including natural plays of shadow and light and imperfect painterly strokes of color. In architecting the layout of the space, we were inspired by the flexible functionality and wise use of space of the traditional Navajo trading posts and employed similar way-finding structures throughout.

▼啤酒吧的木制钉板墙,wood peg boards in the Paxton’s ©Read Mckendree

▼室内细节,interior detailed view ©Read Mckendree


▼室内设计加入了富有本土特色的元素 ©Read Mckendree the interior design weaved in storied elements of heritage and indigenous craft

▼餐厅的镂空砖墙,the hollow wall in the Flora restaurant ©Read Mckendree

▼葡萄酒吧座位区,dining area in the wine bar ©Read Mckendree

Reclaimed timber from the original warehouse demolition and poured concrete comprise the flooring and custom furniture and fixtures. Among the historic materials, we weaved in storied elements of heritage and indigenous craft: handmade natural tiles, saddle leather and earthy and organic layers that serve as both an homage — and, given the industrial architecture, a surprising subversion of — New Mexico’s signature adobe. Throughout, we feature the work of local artists, artisans and expert craftspeople and woodworkers, perpetuating the site’s tradition.

▼餐厅和咖啡店美食,Restaurant and café cuisine ©Read Mckendree

▼标牌细节,sign detail ©Read Mckendree

宽阔的户外露台增添了街头生活的气息,也为市场提供了公共的用餐区和休闲区,进一步完善了Sawmill市场作为文化和创意中心的意义,使其成为一个能够容纳公众活动、电影放映、野餐和协作办公,促进创新与交流的包容又灵活的场地。舞台空间由原先的锯屑收集器结构改造而成,延续了Islyn Studio在适应性与再利用方面的一贯承诺。

The expansive outdoor terrace animates the street experience and serves as a communal dining and entertainment area for the market, a design decision that complements Sawmill’s commitment as a cultural and creative hub for communal events, movie screenings, picnics and co-working — an inclusive and flexible vessel for innovation, communion and aspiration. The stage was built from the original sawdust collector structure, furthering the studio’s commitment to adaptive re-use at every turn.

▼户外空间,outdoor space ©Read Mckendree

Sawmill市场邀请世界各地的游客以崭新的视角去欣赏阿尔伯克基的美景,体验丰富而又安逸的城市氛围。依托客户自主经营的店铺,Sawmill市场将立足于对新兴的、本地化声音的关注,再次激活传奇的美国西部的创业风潮。在项目推进的过程中,有大量渴望为自己正名的当地居民参与进来(包括新一代的厨师、调酒师和艺术家等等)并借助Sawmill市场的振兴重新获得了关注。这也再次例证了Islyn Studio立足于当地文化环境、与当地社区紧密合作的设计方法的正确性,唯有扎根于土地本身的设计能够为其赋予全新的生命力。

▼外墙上的店铺标识,store signs on the building facade ©Read Mckendree

Sawmill Market invites the world to view Albuquerque through fresh eyes, to experience a richness and ease of spirit, rare in today’s culinary culture. With its owner-operated outlets, Sawmill Market refreshes the entrepreneurial spirit of the mythical American West with a focus on new, localized voices. This project was a testament to collaboration and discovery, and Islyn Studio’s approach to design as conductor of local symphony. We were lucky enough to work closely with the land itself and the people who animate it, including a wide swath of locals hoping to make a name for themselves. With Sawmill Market, we were able to hold local talent up to the light, and in so doing, invigorate the new district for the next generation of chefs, bartenders and artists.

▼Sawmill市场外观,Sawmill Market exterior view ©Read Mckendree


Sawmill市场,美国 / Islyn Studio
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