发布时间:2018-02-01 15:24:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

故事Story 雁舍—顾名思义—大雁的家。一语双关,也暗指人们的栖息生活的场所。大雁归巢,游子回家。大雁归巢是雁之本能,游子回家是人之本性。这就是“雁舍”名字的由来。也许您并不了解雁舍,只要您来到这里就一定能感受到她的温暖,她的真诚。在设计之初我们就为雁舍确定了清晰的风格定位。

Goose Hut, as the name suggests, is the home of geese. Actually, it also implies the people’s habitat of life. As an old Chinese saying goes, geese fly to their home as people returning home. Returning home, the instinct and nature, shared by both geese and human beings, is contained in the name – ‘Goose Hut Bistro’. Maybe you do not know the Goose Hut Bistro, you will certainly feel her warmth and sincerity as long as you stepping into the restaurant. We set a distinct position for the goose hut bistro at the beginning of our design.

▼餐厅外观,exterior view


As a traditional Hunan cuisine, how can the Goose Hut Bistro get rid of the heavy culture? It might not be appropriate to use the word ‘get rid of’. But in the fact, there are indeed many traditional things stuck in the stereotype of culture and cannot extricate from it. Therefore, Hunan cuisine also face the same problem. In order to carry forward Hunan cuisine, it is a must that making innovations and changing the dining environment. What’s more, getting rid of the symbolic design and making a breakthrough on spatial design is our first goal.

▼空间是完美的矩形场地,the plan of this project is a rectangular site


What is the interior design? Utilizing the space to express culture and change people’s lifestyles is real design. That is the responsibility the designer should take. The plan of this project is a rectangular site, which is not easy to bring designers inspirations and it is difficult to seek the design breakthrough to some extent. Houses and trees are the two major visual symbol of the restaurant. We could not solve the problems with brutal visual methods. Instead, we hope to make use of the spatial advantage to express a profound sense.

▼房子和树是雁舍的视觉语言,houses and trees are the two major visual symbol of the restaurant


With the hardworking and kind-hearted feature contained in traditional Chinese culture, Yan Huang descendants have constantly constructed the Great Wall for defending against the foreign intruders. Since ancient times, Chinese people have introverted personalities. Speaking of the architecture, from Forbidden City to Beijing courtyard, the enclosed style has been applied to a large sum of buildings, which also plays an important role of preventing sandstorms from climatology. The Kitchen bar is kept as the service room; the three round sofas in the back of the restaurant represent the principal house. The left two groups of long sofas represent Western-wing house. The main kitchen and two compartments are regarded as Eastern-wing house. Fortunately, the spatial design of Goose Hut Bistro encountered Beijing traditional courtyard, then a few trees in the middle of the yard have become the essence of whole restaurant.

▼雁舍的场地结合功能正好符合四合院的空间特点,the spatial design of Goose Hut Bistro encountered Beijing traditional courtyard

▼围合的内向型空间,the enclosed style

▼后面的三组圆卡座代表正房, the three round sofas in the back of the restaurant represent the principal house

▼代表厢房的包间, two compartments are regarded as Eastern-wing house


The goose nests were added later, which seems a bit superfluous. It would be better if the design can leave people more imagination space. When you come to the Goose Hut Bistro, you will be melted by her flavor and design style. Not fish head with chopped pepper, not pork bibimbap but because of her atmosphere which can be your spiritual habitat.

▼树造型的装饰成为空间的点睛之笔,the trees in the middle of the space becomes the essence of whole restaurant

▼装饰细节,detail of the decoration

▼树形装饰细节,detail of the tree decoration


项目名称 : 雁舍 (北京APM店) Project name: The Goose Hut Bistro (APM Beijing) 设计师(公司) : 古鲁奇公司 Company: Golucci International Design 设计团队 : 利旭恒,赵爽,郑雅楠,马冬洁 Designer Team: LEE Hsuheng , ZHAO Shuang ,ZHENG Yanan ,MA Dongjie 客 户 : 雁舍 Client: The Goose Hut Bistro 项目位置 : 中国北京 Location: Beijing, China 项目面积 : 280平方米 Area: 280㎡ 完成时间 : 2018年01月 Completion Date: Jan.2018 摄 影 : 鲁鲁西 Photographer: Luluxi


雁舍,北京APM店 / 古鲁奇建筑咨询有限公司
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