发布时间:2021-09-18 02:52:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

-壹- 隐世 Seclusion


Man Chao Hui is a top-notch restaurant that serves superior Chinese seafood hot pot, situated in an upscale commercial complex beside Shenzhen Bay. It provides upscale, luxury catering services to elites in the city. “Chinese style”, “luxury”, “exquisite”, “private”, “wealth”, “auspicious”, “lively” and “classy” are 8 key words given by the client for conceiving the restaurant. Inspired by seafood that the restaurant mainly serves, Various Associates imagined the space based on the concept “a wooden boat hidden in the sea”, trying to lead diners to an immersive journey.

▼散座区概览,overall of the extra seats area©榫卯建筑摄影

四种浓烈的颜色与不同的材质互相碰撞,创造出独一无二的色彩世界。仅 333 平方米的室内面积需要容纳多个房间、吧台、散座区、备餐间、洗手间等,而餐饮空间以宴请为主,首先需要考虑多间独立包房的硬性需求。因此有限的空间与多样的功能会让空间规划变得相对不局促且固定。如何在硬性的平面布局上打破常规包房空间给人的固定印象、创造独特的体验感,是万社团队思考的重点。此项目通过对动线与材料的推敲及研究,创造出多重体验,弱化空间的局促感。

The mix of the four strong colors with different materials form a unique world of color. Occupying an area of merely about 333 square meters, the overall space needed to accommodate dining rooms, bar counter, booth area, pantry, and bathrooms, etc. As the space is mainly meant for entertaining, the design firstly needed to meet the requirements for setting multiple private dining rooms. Meanwhile, it had to organize diversified functions in the limited space with an uncramped spatial pattern. For the spatial layout, Various Associates focused on breaking the stereotype of conventional restaurant dining rooms and creating unique experiences. Through pondering and analyzing the circulation and materials, the design team created diverse experiences and weakened the cramped feeling in the space.

▼一段“秘境再现”的沉浸之旅,the space based on the concept “a wooden boat hidden in the sea” ©榫卯建筑摄影

-贰- 寻觅 Exploration


The facade structures can rotate and open like cabin doors, revealing the interior atmosphere from different angles. The door leafs of the booth seats area are opened laterally, subtly introducing the view from the outside space. Passers-by are attracted by the lively and boisterous air of the restaurant.

▼空间外立面上的结构可如船舱门般旋转打开,The facade structures can rotate and open like cabin doors ©榫卯建筑摄影

▼空间外立面细部,detail of the facade structures©榫卯建筑摄影


The long, dim passage shows a sense of mystery, and the wooden walls feature warm textures. The small private booth seats provide a sense of security, and the calming lighting makes people forget the passage of time.

▼幽深昏暗的长廊,The long, dim passage ©榫卯建筑摄影

▼走廊尽头的吧台区,the bar at the end of the passage©榫卯建筑摄影


As people walking ahead, the gradient of structures and the folding ceiling subtly broaden or focus the field of vision, hence bringing a unique spatial experience. The calming wood tone, moderate lighting and refreshing green plants create various classy and tastefully exquisite scenes in the space. Behind the door is a gorgeous mirrored world. Multiple doors with the same form show up gradually along the way forward, and each one is decorated with Malus Spectabilis (Chinese crabapple) flower patterns in different colors.

▼仔细推敲的斜度和曲折的天花,the gradient of structures and the folding ceiling ©榫卯建筑摄影

▼沉稳的木调、适当的灯光,The calming wood tone, moderate lighting ©榫卯建筑摄影

-叁- 赴宴 Feast


Elements full of contrasting tension are matched in a playful manner, presenting strong characteristics and creating unique identity for each space. Traditional Oriental elements like pine bonsai, table lamps, screens and floral patterns are mixed and echo each other through mirrors, making diners feel like they’re in a Chinese courtyard mansion. In contrast, the materials show a strong modern touch, colliding yet integrating with traditional materials.

▼松、台灯、屏风,花样的图案,pine bonsai, table lamps, screens and floral patterns ©榫卯建筑摄影

▼海棠花图样的镂空与门把手,crabapple patterned hollowing and door handles ©榫卯建筑摄影

四种颜色|4 colors


Defined by different colors and materials, the private dining rooms are given distinct spatial identity and expected to convey symbolic meaning.

朱红 予以吉祥如意

Red – auspiciousness & good luck


With the pure red hue matched with reflections of the mirrored screens, the purple velvet sofa, and the floor tiles with customized patterns, various colors and materials fuse together, hence imbuing the space with a rich sense of layering and texture.

▼朱红房入口,entrance of the red room©榫卯建筑摄影

▼朱红房,red room©榫卯建筑摄影

▼朱红色搭配镜面屏风的多重反射,With the pure red hue matched with reflections of the mirrored screens ©榫卯建筑摄影

▼朱红房细部,details of the red room©榫卯建筑摄影

翡绿意味生机盎然 Green – vitality & freshness 新鲜与生命,是高端食材的根本,翡翠般的绿色代表健康与活力。

Green indicates vitality and freshness. It is the foundation of upscale food, and represents health and energy.

▼翡绿房,green room©榫卯建筑摄影

▼翡绿房细部,details of the green room©榫卯建筑摄影

金黄代表富贵正统 Gold – wealth & royalty。中国自古有“黄生阴阳”的说法,把黄色奉为彩色之主。因此最大的包房,予以金色作为居中位的正统颜色,大气且低调。每个房间内的独立洗手间色调上也与房间色相互呼应,如金色空间。

As an ancient Chinese saying goes that “gold begets Yin and Yang”, gold color is regarded as the master of all colors. The largest dining room set at the center is dominated by gold color, appearing magnificent yet understated. The independent bathroom in each dining room continues the tone of the room.

▼大金房,golden room©榫卯建筑摄影

▼大金房细部,details of the golden room©榫卯建筑摄影

黛紫寓意祥瑞高贵 Purple – propotiousness & nobleness


As a color for propitious omens since ancient China, purple symbolizes propotiousness and nobleness.

▼黛紫房,violet room©榫卯建筑摄影

东方符号|Oriental symbols


For this project, Various Associates hoped to convey the contrast and tension generated through inheritance of traditions and creation. “Space is always a place where stories begin.” The Malus Spectabilis flower patterns are derived from traditional Chinese lattice windows, and are presented in the space with new forms and materials, helping enhance the space’s identity and playfulness. In this way, traditional elements are given new vitality and a sense of ritual through new design interpretations.

▼海棠花图样,The Malus Spectabilis flower patterns ©榫卯建筑摄影


Koi fish is a symbol of good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. Vivid koi fish patterns are applied to various materials such as the floor tiles and furniture upholstery fabrics customized for the project.

▼锦鲤图样,Koi fish patterns©榫卯建筑摄影

五十种材料|50 materials

提取并重新演绎的“海棠花”“锦鲤”等中式元素,遍及空间的地面、门窗、家具陈设之中,呼应着传统饮食文化中团聚、喜庆的氛围及东方的审美文化。此外,设计团队在这个 300 多平方米的空间使用了超过 50 种材料及颜色。“材质的丰富性跟项目面积未必是最直接的关系,纯粹的空间美学与多样性的空间层次表达的情感根本上是完全不一样的。在这个项目,我们需要更加浓烈且丰富的空间氛围,除了对应业主方一开始的设计要求之外,我们自身想要表达的,是项目的精致感以及在固化场景下的趣味性,不过时的美学体系以及东方语境下多样的表现方式。”

The designers drew on and reinterpreted Chinese elements such as “Malus Spectabilis” and “Koi Fish”, to respond to the reunion and joyful atmosphere in traditional catering culture, and Oriental aesthetics as well. Moreover, the team utilized more than 50 materials and colors in the 300-square-meter space. The diversity of materials is not necessarily related to the spatial scale. The emotions expressed by pure spatial aesthetics and diverse spatial layers vary fundamentally. For this project, we needed to create a stronger and richer spatial atmosphere to satisfy the client’s requirements. Beyond that, we hoped to demonstrate the exquisiteness of the space, playfulness in fixed settings, an ever-lasting aesthetic system, and diversified expressions in an Oriental context.

▼五十种材料,50 materials ©万社设计




People gather together to enjoy fancy food, drinks and scenes in this mysterious yet colorful environment, and return with full content. The light pillars and the way they come will guide them back out of the restaurant.

▼返途中的入口空间,Entrance space on the way back ©榫卯建筑摄影

-伍- 终章



The design needed to balance multiple materials and break the “monotonous circulation and experience” of conventional private dining rooms, and to organize an uncramped layout in the limited space and bring various unique spatial experiences. Besides, it had to create a series of spatial scenes relevant to seafood, produce a dining atmosphere suitable for fixed hot-pot round tables, and give each dining room a distinctive spatial character, so as to create an inclusive, free and eternal aesthetic in the space. All of the above posed great challenges to the design team. “Chinese style”, “luxury”, “exquisite”, “private”, “wealth”, “auspicious”, “lively” and “classy” are 8 key words mentioned by the client to define the restaurant. Through creative design, Various Associates created a distinctive restaurant that meets expectations.






设计公司:万社设计 Various Associates



平面团队:SenseTeam 感观体




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