发布时间:2016-10-29 12:55:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


项目坐落于麻省南侧岛屿Martha’s Vineyard上的终碛区,坐拥独特的冰川地貌与无边的开阔海景。考虑到场地中现存的冰川漂砾与大树,建筑以最简洁的形态呈现出来,为数不多的室外露台顺着建筑延伸,自然与建筑相互交融。空间组织的手法和材料的使用在室内外形成了一致与延续,内外空间的界限也随之变得暧昧,而这一切都必须归功于建筑师与景观设计团队的紧密合作。

Set high on the terminal moraine of Martha’s Vineyard, this project emphasizes the unique quality of a glacial landscape with sweeping ocean views. Existing glacial erratics and mature trees are woven into the design, which employs a minimal number of walls and terraces to ground the house to the site. Close collaboration between the Architect and Landscape Architect fostered a strong continuity of spatial organization and materiality between interior and exterior spaces, effectively blurring the boundaries between inside and outside.

△ 总平面图 Site Plan

Photo Credit: Stephen Stimson Associates




怀着对Martha’s Vineyard岛屿上乡土植被的尊重,景观设计团队丛中稍作选择,限定出设计中所使用的物种范围。原生的橡木、枫树、雪松、金缕梅、须芒草、木槿以及蕨类交错种植,打造出层次丰富却又不显凌乱的花园空间。千百年的时光已经见证了这些植被在严酷而无常的海岸气候下的顽强与坚韧,几乎无需人工养护也能茁壮的生长。被完整保留的树木以及与附近区域遥相呼应的植物选择让新、旧景观相互交织,难分彼此。而线性的矮墙与顺着建筑、泳池延伸的露台则棱角分明,与自然生长的错落草甸、林地形成了充满趣味的对比。



场地中的第二根轴线,一道东西向延伸的花岗岩挡土墙,则兼具路径与空间限定的功能。这道水平向的矮墙让泳池和草地从草坪空间中脱离出来,同时在东侧尽头转化为数阶台阶,联系着通往客房的草地小径。场地中散落的墙体将敏感的自然区域与功能性更强的空间区分开来。在本项目中,景观设计团队以各种有效的设计手段,让简洁干净的现代建筑与Martha’s Vineyard独特的冰川地貌融为了一体。

△ 项目建造前场地状况,环顾四周只有古老的牧场、散落的冰川漂砾、海岸橡树林以及灌木丛。

The view of the site prior to construction; old field pasture, exposed glacial erratics, coastal oak forest, and scrubland.

Photo Credit: Stephen Stimson Associates

△ 设计团队以简洁的材料和植被选择,将场地中现存的岩石、树木和草地融入了设计之中。

Existing boulders, oak stands, and meadows are delicately embraced by the site’s design and inform the simple material and planting palettes.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 长长的木制悬浮走道将远处的壮丽景色引入到建筑之中,同时也成为了开放性的车行公共空间与建筑入口处私密空间的转换。

The distant landscape is drawn through the architecture by a floating wood boardwalk and indicates the transition from the open drive into the intimate space of the home’s entry.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 建筑前的蕨类、须芒草以及冰碛景观中寻找到的大岩石形成了丰富的层次。

The house emerges from layers of cinammon fern, bluestem grasses, and a granite boulder found on the moraine landscape.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 原生的野草,少量须芒草以及金缕梅沿着建筑立面生长,在进一步降低建筑本就低矮的体量的同时,为立面增添了活力。

Native grasses, little bluestem and witch hazel run alongside the building facade, embedding the low-slung scale of the architecture and enlivening the facade.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 小小的光井中保留了建筑建造前便已存在的景观元素,展示着室内外空间的紧密联系。

A lightwell frames landscape elements that existed on site prior to design, demonstrating the cohesion between exterior and interior spaces.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 在一条与主建筑渐行渐远的小路一侧,愈发茂盛的下层植被成为了场地与临近橡木林的过渡。

A walking path curves away from the main house and reveals denser understory plantings as it transitions into the surrounding oak woodland.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 原生的橡木、枫树、雪松、金缕梅、须芒草、木槿以及蕨类交错种植,让客房建筑完全融入了草地和林地之中。

Native oak, maple, cedar, witch hazel, bluestem grasses, rose mallow, and ferns immerse the guest house in the meadow and woodland landscape.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 阶梯状的花岗岩石板连接着整齐的草坪与复原后的草地。挡土墙的存在让野趣盎然的草地和海岸灌木林得以在毗邻建筑与草坪的地方自由生长。

Granite slabs cascade from the lawn plinth down to the restored meadow landscape. The use of the retaining wall brings the wilder meadow and coastal scrubland closer to the main house and lawn.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 花岗岩挡土墙呼应、强调着建筑的空间秩序,同时也成为让人为设计的景观与周遭海岸林地共存的关键。

The granite retaining wall reiterates the geometry of the house while also emphasizing the juxtaposition between the formal landscape and the surrounding coastal woodland.

Photo Credit: Charles Mayer

△ 泳池与露台被茂盛生长的草地与灌木林所环绕。其无边设计让泳池与远处的壮阔大海仿佛无缝相连。

A pool terrace is sited within the meadow and scrubland. An infinity edge provides a seamless transition from pool to distant ocean vista.

Photo Credit: Evan Joseph

△ 被保留下来的橡木框出了露台的界限,同时也模糊了人工设计的景观与周围林冠线的界限。

A preserved oak stand frames the terrace, while also relating the designed landscape to the surrounding canopy line.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 花岗岩板的处理手法随着渐渐深入原始草地而愈发的粗犷。内嵌于石板上的巧妙灯光设计让人们在夜间仍然能够走入草地。

The treatment of the granite slabs becomes rougher as it enters the meadow landscape. Subtle site lighting allows for walks into the meadow during the evening hours.

Photo Credit: Roger Foley

△ 建筑师的精心布局放大了人们对空间的体验,让微妙海岸冰碛景观的层次愈发丰富。

The architecture’s considerate siting allows for an amplified experience of this subtle coastal moraine landscape.

Photo Credit: Peter Vanderwarker

The project was conceived of as a 4 acre vacation retreat consisting of a main house, guest house, basketball court, parking court and swimming pool. The clients as collectors of modern art and photography wanted a design that was minimalist, understated, and strongly integrated with the site, taking full advantage of the ocean views to the south.

The Landscape Architect and Architect worked together from conceptual development to locate and orient the house, site major landscape features, capture views and incorporate existing trees and rock formations into the design. Grading and sight lines are enhanced by stone walls which underscore the dramatic contours of the unique glacial terrain. A strong interplay exists between the native landscape and the “man made” features of the design, which weave seamlessly through the spaces created by large existing trees and boulders.

The Landscape Architect created a simple planting palette that celebrates the native vegetation of Martha’s Vineyard. Native Oak, Maple, Cedar, Witch Hazel, Bluestem grasses, Rose Mallow, and ferns form understated garden areas. Plant species were selected for their proven hardiness against the unpredictable coastal climate, and for their ability to thrive with minimal maintenance. The new and old landscapes are stitched together by integrating plant types found in the surrounding environment, and by preserving trees. The linear geometry of walls and terraces adjacent to the house and pool contrast the less ordered, intersecting landscape of native meadow and woodland.

The existing driveway was realigned to serve the residences and to preserve and highlight significant oaks on the property. The use of crushed stone and shells in the driveway and the vast amounts of meadow planting reduce the amount of sub-grade drainage required. Upon entering the parking court, the raised wood decking in the boardwalk and terraces encourages infiltration of rainwater.

The strong relationship between interior and exterior materials becomes evident in the entry sequence. Concrete pavers lead across the gravel driveway to a wooden boardwalk that passes through the front entry. The boardwalk geometry continues as wood flooring in the house and rear deck, and evolves into a concrete plank walkway leading toward the pool. This north-south axis functions as a central spine which connects the garage, parking court, entry garden, house, and rear lawn plinth. Granite slabs lead informally through the meadow to the pool terrace, which is built into the hillside creating a dramatic juxtaposition between the pool’s edge and distant ocean views.

A second axis on site, a granite retaining wall running east-west, provides both circulation and delineation. The wall divides the pool and meadow from the lawn plinth and transforms into a set of stairs connecting to a meadow path which leads to the guesthouse. Walls on the site help demarcate sensitive natural areas from those more programmatic in use. As a whole, the project effectively integrates clean modern architecture with the unique surrounding glacial landscape of Martha’s Vineyard.


Lead Designer: Stephen Stimson, FASLA

Architects: Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen

General Contractor: Andrew Flake, Inc.

Landscape Contractor: R.P. Marzilli & Company


Stephen Stimson Associates Landscape Architects




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