DROO和NAME事务所为厨师Leandro Carreira在伦敦的第一家正式餐厅设计了一套木地板和墙板系统,为具有工业感的建筑外壳赋予了独特而温暖的内部空间。
DROO and NAME create a bespoke wood floor and wall panelling system to create a strikingly warm interior to an industrial shell, for Chef Leandro Carreira’s first permanent restaurant in London.
▼餐厅外观,exterior view
该餐厅位于London Bridge的Snowsfield Yard,设计师的任务是将一个宽敞而空旷的建筑改变为一个温暖而舒适的空间,使其为餐厅的饮食增色。粗糙的工业元素——混凝土和高大的天花板被保留在空间中,并通过精心定制的镶板加以补充。
Located in the Snowsfield Yard development in London Bridge, DROO and NAME were tasked with transforming a large, empty unit into a warm and comfortable space that complements the food and drink offering. The rough industrial elements of the space like the concrete and the high ceilings were kept and complemented with refined bespoke panelling.
▼具有工业感的建筑被赋予了温暖的内部空间,a strikingly warm interior was created to an industrial shell
Included within this was the implementation of the all practical elements such as a kitchen, storage and plant facilities. A mezzanine level, for example, was created for storage and back of house. The restaurant is now composed of three spaces and an open kitchen sits in the middle and is visible wherever you sit. Two of the areas are dedicated to the restaurant and the third is the bar, which has a slightly different atmosphere but overall there’s a common language throughout.
▼从用餐空间望向厨房区,kitchen area seen from the dining area
▼用餐空间,dinging area
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
▼定制的木地板和墙板系统,the bespoke wood floor and wall panelling system
特别定制的实心胡桃木桌子与Ligne Roset系列餐椅形成和谐搭配,以流畅的线条融入餐厅的木质基调。
We created Bespoke tables in solid walnut to complement the Ligne Roset range of chairs, to create a coherent thread in the wooden tones of the restaurant.
▼实木家具融入餐厅空间,furniture pieces create a coherent thread in the wooden tones
▼家具细部,furniture detailed view
Londrino餐厅是厨师Leandro与Unlisted Collection集团所有人Loh Lik Peng共同合作的结果。Leandro将借此来落实他在过去几年内关于快闪店的一些创意和实践想法。以葡萄牙美食为基础,餐厅将提供一系列风味独特而又多变的菜肴,以及来自葡萄牙和欧洲其他地区的小众葡萄酒等。
The project is a collaboration between Leandro and Unlisted Collection owner Peng Loh. Londrino will build on ideas developed and tested by Leandro at his popular pop-up venues over the last few years. The menu, while featuring a number of dishes with Portuguese roots, will be an evolving entity that reflects a variety of flavours and influences. Alongside the sumptuous food offering is a wine list featuring lesser known producers from Portugal and the rest of Europe.
Project size: 250 m2 Completion date: 2017 Project team: DROO