发布时间:2023-08-20 03:26:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“图形之家”是Office S&M事务所对一栋位于伦敦Hackney区的爱德华时代住宅进行的改造项目。新的设计旨在反映屋主人作为平面设计师的良好品味,将图形的力量,以及他们对于装饰艺术形式的热爱融入其中,设计以不同的图形来连接空间,并用明亮的颜色来增强每个房间的空间氛围。

Graphic House is an Edwardian home in Hackney that has been transformed by Office S&M to reflect the tastes of its graphic designer owners. The new design draws upon the client’s belief in the power of graphics and love of Art Deco forms, with distinct shapes used to connect spaces and bright colours to enhance every room.

▼住宅外观,exterior view of the house © French + Tye


▼剖面分析图,section analysis © Office S&M

A variety of colours have been used to help define key moments throughout the house and tell a story about the building ’s purpose and history. For instance, a minty g reen tone is used as a graphic tool to highlight all the new-built elements on the ground floor, wrapping around the curved walls of the toilet, through the kitchen, and on to the rear garden wall. Similarly, yellow is used for the window and door frames to highlight the new openings. Where existing walls have been restored, the pink plaster has been left bare, indicating the house’s past and revealing the maker’s hand, as well as bringing warmth and softness to the space.

▼面向花园的厨房,kitchen facing the garden © French + Tye

▼早餐桌/厨房操作台台面由回收的塑料餐具熔化制成,the kitchen worktops were made from recycled plastic cutlery melted down to create hardwearing kitchen surfaces © French + Tye

▼厨房圆窗外观,exterior view of round window © French + Tye


▼厨房部分轴测图,axonometric drawing of the kitchen © Office S&M

Pops of bright colours highlight objects and elements in the space, such as a red curved extractor hood that projects like a nose from the wall in the kitchen, marking the cooking space. The interiors of the toilet and coat cupboards are painted in a bright Dulux Bongo Jazz, a vivid peach, creating an immersive colour experience that contrasts with the minty green. When the doors are ajar, the colour spills out into the hallway, creating intrigue and surprise.

▼厨房,kitchen © French + Tye

▼如“红鼻子”般的抽油烟机,the red curved extractor hood that projects like a nose from the wall © French + Tye

▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen © French + Tye


Throughout the house, circular shapes have been used to puncture walls. Some are transparent, allowing light through, as with the large window in the kitchen, while others mirror and reflect light. In the stairwell, the circular mirrors and glossy paint reflect light and create new views and graphic compositions which play out as one moves through the space. The kitchen window also acts as a time marker, like the oculus in the dome of the Pantheon in Rome. The circle of sunlight will track across the space, recording the passing of time and the seasons. When the circle first appears, it announces the beginning of spring, and its disappearance marks the start of winter.

▼曲面墙体成为厨房与餐厅之间的分隔,the curved wall separates the kitchen from the dining room © French + Tye

▼厨房与餐厅之间视线联系,visual connection between kitchen and dining © French + Tye

▼餐厅,dining room © French + Tye

▼保留下来的混凝土柱,the remaining concrete column © French + Tye

▼客厅与保留下来的装饰艺术风格壁炉,living room with preserved Art Deco fireplace © French + Tye


As lovers of the outdoors, the family wanted this love of adventure to be captured in their home. The architects took these ideas and reconfigured the interiors to bring in more light and create a sense of playfulness. A collection of graphic shapes overlap between the different levels of the house, following the stairwell. This includes an over-scaled stair painted on the wall that draws you up, while reflective circular shapes help to connect the different levels while also capturing sunlight entering through a rooflight above and bringing it downstairs.

▼楼梯与墙面上的超大尺度的阶梯图案,staircase with the oversized staircase pattern on the wall © French + Tye

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase © French + Tye


The clients loved the curved edges in the brick walls and the later addition of the Art Deco fireplace in the original house, and wanted to see these reflected in the designs. These features are echoed in the round windows and mirrors, the rounded worktops and curved walls. The graphics serve a practical purpose as well as an aesthetic one, the curved walls of the WC lead you through the hall, kitchen and dining space.

▼由客厅看入口楼梯, viewing the staircase at the entrance from the living room © French + Tye

▼入口楼梯与墙面上的圆形镜面, the entrance staircase and circular mirror on the wall © French + Tye

▼走廊,hallway © French + Tye

▼底层卫生间,toilet on the ground floor © French + Tye

Office S&M合伙人兼项目建筑师katrina Stewart说:“本项目的设计需要满足一系列实用功能,以改善居住在其中的家庭的生活,但这并不意味着我们不能将这些与大胆的美学选择结合起来。‘图形之家’展示了材料、色彩、光线和空间可以以一种完全积极的方式改变我们的生活方式。我们很高兴看到业主家庭现在甚至未来都能在新空间中享受他们的生活。“ Catrina Stewart, Partner, Office S&M, and project architect, said: “This house had to fulfil a series of practical functions to improve the lives of the family that occupy it but that doesn’t mean we can’t also merge these with bold aesthetic choices too. Graphic House demonstrates that materials, colour, light and space can transform how we live in an entirely positive way. We’re so pleased to see the clients enjoying their new spaces now and into the future.”


Creating a long-term home which is better insulated, well ventilated and more sustainable, was important to the family. Insulation has been added, and wherever possible the house has been repaired and restored, rather than building new. The kitchen worktops were made from recycled plastic cutlery melted down to create hardwearing kitchen surfaces.

▼卧室,bedroom © French + Tye


A new enlarged family bathroom has been added on the first floor. Here yellow grout highlights the grid of the white tiles and unifies the space, and curved walls wrap around the bathroom, creating a rounded shower enclosure. Curved walls, which create softer reflections of light, are also used for a toilet in the centre of the ground floor plan, which acts as a divide between the kitchen and the dining space.

▼浴室,bathroom © French + Tye

▼区位图,site location plan © Office S&M

▼改造后底层平面图,proposed ground floor plan © Office S&M

▼改造后二层平面图,proposed first floor plan © Office S&M

▼改造后屋顶平面图,proposed roof plan © Office S&M

▼改造后正立面,proposed front elevation © Office S&M

▼改造后背立面,proposed rear elevation © Office S&M

▼改造后剖面图,proposed section © Office S&M


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