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MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

发布时间:2020-03-03 09:36:00 00

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

MOCA Arquitetura 公寓设计 | 工业风展览空间,融入感官体验

Industrial, sensorial and plural, 'Art Collector’s Loft' enchants visitors of the Artefacto Curitiba Exhibition

Books, unique furnishings, sculptures and selected works of art were chosen by the architects to compose the industrial universe, bringing life to the home of a plural traveller with lots of stories to tell. The inspiration was dragged from MOCA's own DNA, which carries the idea of an affective architecture in its identity. “We started from the understanding that our senses are always bringing back a memory. A smell, a song, a dish, they all transport us to a special place - so we imagined our persona as someone full of memories”, explains Ana.

Deciding the essence of the project was easy when compared to the challenge that was to transform the exhibition space. Recognised for always working with lots of colors and natural lighting, the architects found themselves with an area of 68 m2 without windows to work. The solution? Easy: remove the ceiling.

“We felt that our environment was lacking some natural light and we decided to introduce a skylight into the roof. Also, we didn’t know we were about to find a beautiful pine tree standing high before the roof, what a moment of joy! Then, we installed a steel structure with glass, framing the top of the tree and creating a sensory experience for those who visit”, says Katia.

Beyond the layout and the decoration, MOCA’s  exhibit space also draws attention due to the intentional variation of different styles. Also, it has a very modern detail: the presence of Corian in selected furnishings. “Our space proposes a mix of textures that refer to coziness. That's why we created unique Corian pieces with rounded lines. The kitchen island draws attention for its monolithic aspect, concentrating the main kitchen functions: the workbench has a basin, a draining board and even a built-in chopping board. In other words: all the functions of the kitchen in a single object ”, explains Ana. These features were only achieved because the material chosen by the architects allows curves and imperceptible amendments.
