发布时间:2023-12-27 00:41:27 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

场地位于Son Tay小镇Co Dong社区的Trai Lang村,南侧和西南侧被湖水环绕。场地现状有38棵菠萝蜜树,13棵柚子树,是典型的越南北部乡村样貌。

▼视频,Video ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

The site is located in Trai Lang Village, Co Dong Commune, Son Tay town, with a total area of 1.7 ha, surrounded by a lake in the South and South-west. The existing site has 38 jackfruit trees, 13 pomelo trees, which are typical of rural areas in the North of Vietnam.

▼项目顶视图,Top view of the project ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu


The main ideas: nuclear of the project is the Meditation house: a meditation space, community space, located in the center. Residential units are spread from the center and naturally relied on feet of jackfruit and pomelo trees, making the most of shade for common yards. According to the topography, house platforms are elevated to avoid termite, humid as well as ensure natural surface drainage. Each building is an enjoyable experience, maximize symbiosis with local vegetation and topography.

▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu


The project identifies a unique form of hotel and hospitality business in which guests experience living with local farmers in a variety of housing genres: detached villas, semi-detached villas, etc. By applying the agriculture model with a vegetable garden, jackfruit tree (a local specialty) and fruit-tree garden, cage fish farming and cattle farm, organic food products are provided daily. Service area with diversified amenities: local cuisine, swimming pool, spa, traditional herbal bath, practice meditation sharing happiness viewpoint, bungalow for artists,…promote vernacular culture, allow guests to mingle with artists’ living space and contribute to improving income and living standards of local people.

▼鸟瞰社区空间与别墅,Aerial view of the community spaces and the villas ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼别墅与泳池,Villas and the swimming pool ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼建筑于优美的自然景观之中,Beautiful green environment ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼社区空间顶视图,Top view of the community space ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu


The design emphasizes a sense of community inside Jackfruit village as well as easily connects with surrounding villages by experienced routes: biking, rowing.

▼别墅群概览,Overview of the villas ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼社区空间特写,Close-up of the community spaces ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼泳池特写,Close-up of the swimming pool ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu


Buildings’ envelope in the project uses local and friendly materials: adobe bricks, broad expanse thatched roof which creates shadow itself and controls solar radiation efficiently. Each building has its own biological 5-chamber septic tank and waste water filtration are placed at the end of wind direction.

▼别墅环境,Villa environment ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼公共空间,Public space ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu


This project desire to create a simple, peaceful and friendly environment for guests, evoke a new image of Vietnamese rural life, stabilizing and enhancing local people’s lives based on the foundation of inheriting and promoting local cultural values in the context of urban explosion and market economy.

▼从植物中望向别墅,Viewing the villa from surrounding environment ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼别墅特写,Close-up of the villa ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼社区空间特写,Close-up of the community space ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

▼檐下空间空间,Space under eaves ©Trieu Chien, Son Vu

菠萝蜜之村-1+1>2融合性村落: (1) 与自然相融 (植物,牛羊,生态系统等); (2) 与居民相融 (人与人之间交往); (3) 与自己相融(本地居民和顾客都能实现自我探索).

Jackfruit village – 1+1>2 Tolerant village: (1) Tolerance to nature (plants, cattle, ecosystem, etc); (2) Tolerance to fellow-creature (human interact with each other); (3) Be tolerant of yourself (local people, guests are able to find themselves).

▼平面图,Plans ©1+1>2 Architects

▼剖面图,Sections ©1+1>2 Architects

▼概念,Concept ©1+1>2 Architects

▼分析图,Diagram ©1+1>2 Architects


菠萝蜜之村,越南 / 1+1>2 Architects
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