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Woods Bagot

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Woods Bagot

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Woods Bagot事务所以流动为概念,在悉尼与巴兰加鲁之间设计了一条9米宽的人行走廊。温亚德走廊位于悉尼市中心,它拥有“流动”的形态,和良好的可达性。这条走廊设计挑战了传统交通汇流的高效方式,注重交通体验,以其独特的蜿蜒形式和最佳的空间利用,创造最舒适的空间移动体验。温亚德步行走廊的“流动”设计理念以悉尼的自然地理形态为原型,描绘了悉尼的悬崖深谷和沙滩河流。这种隐喻的流动设计手法,将行人的移动看做水流。通过对材料和细节的斟酌,加强了这种线性移动方式,创造了一种统一的步行体验。

Connecting Sydney city to Barangaroo through architectural expression Woods Bagot designs Wynyard Walk: a nine-metre wide pedestrian tunnel on the concept of ‘flow’. In the heart of Sydney sits Wynyard Walk: a fully accessible pedestrian link designed around the concept of ‘flow’. The design challenges the perception of a transport interchange, shifting the emphasis from efficiency of travel to the quality of experience, with the forms optimised to capture the largest volume of space and ease pedestrian movements through its curved profiles, rounded corners and sinuous forms.The design concept of flow draws on the natural geology of the Sydney Basin, with its landscape of deep cliffs, gorges, beaches and estuaries carved by erosion. A metaphor for the fluid flow of pedestrians, the design references the movement of water as, like water, people follow the path of least resistance. The linearity of movement is reinforced through materials and detailing to enhance wayfinding and create a unified experience.

▼拥有独特造型的城市走廊,the unique pedestrian in Sydney


Providing a highly functional and practical connection, the design is focused on the quality of the customer journey – allowing pedestrians to travel from Wynyard Station to the Barangaroo waterfront in approximately six minutes by avoiding steep inclines and road crossings. Linking Wynyard Station to the western corridor of Sydney’s CBD, Wynyard Walk consists of a series of above and below ground urban interventions including a nine-metre wide pedestrian tunnel, bridge, plaza and a new civic building connecting the existing Wynyard Station.

▼城市走廊包括地面,地上及地下三个组成部分,the Wynyard walk including the ground and underground level of pedestrian

▼步行天桥,pedestrian bridge


The western portal and glass canopy acts as the most visible landmarks of the project, increasing traffic capacity of the station to meet current and future demands. The shape of the canopy was parametrically modelled and tested in wind models to ensure weather protection while allowing fresh air and natural light into the tunnel. The innovative form has geometric rationality, sculpted and cut from a cylindrical section and elliptical plan. Principles of sustainability drove the design solution, with consideration for maintenance over the project’s 100- year life span. A lifecycle costing analysis of the tunnel lighting reduced the carbon footprint, with natural daylight supplemented by the use of LED strip lighting throughout the project. Materials were selected for environmental performance.

▼入口天棚实现采光与通风双重功效,the shape of canopy allowing fresh air and natural light into the tunnel


Earthen materials including concrete and stone ground the project, while lighter elements such as glass and metal provide diaphanous canopies filtering natural and artificial light. The form of Wynyard Walk harnesses human desire to create the most efficient route, imbuing the project with a unique character and identity.

▼地下隧道地面为混凝土铺装,the concrete ground floor

▼金属作为地下天花板,metal provides canopies

▼手扶电梯和升降机,escalator and elevator


Designed as a piece of socially sustainable infrastructure, Wynyard Walk enhances the experience of (projected) 20,000 commuters per hour via a timeless architectural form complemented with integrated digital art. Residing within the Clarence Street entrance of Wynyard Station, the 23 metre wide Wynscreen – named as a play on the word ‘windscreen’ due to its unusual curved shape – combines art, culture and technology to create a series of visual experiences.

▼弯曲的内墙结合数字技术打造出别样的空间体验,the curved shape wall combines art, cultural and technology to create a series of visual experiences

▼名为“挡风玻璃”的屏幕将艺术,文化和科学技术融为一体,the ‘windscreen’ residing within the Clarence Street entrance

▼“流动”的造型设计,the “flow” concept reflects on the design


Connecting one of Sydney’s busiest transport interchanges to Barangaroo through architectural expression, Wynyard Walk has created a unified identity and civic presence, delivering a socially sustainable piece of infrastructure to Sydney’s CBD.

▼地下隧道的数字屏幕,digital screens in the pedestrian tunnel




Project size: 1600 m2

Completion date: 2016


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