101 Wall Street NYC Just steps from the East River waterfront esplanade, 101 Wall Street is a singularly elegant example of the many architectural gems that bring depth and texture to lower Manhattan’s intimately scaled streets. Our main focus for the interior design of 101 Wall Street in 2013 was to transform an architectural grand old lady, beautifully located in a rapidly developing area, into a luxury residential building for a sophisticated, design savvy audience. We embraced the beautiful view over the river and the generous amount of natural light and accommodated this in the design and layout, to enrich the total living experience as much as possible. 101华尔街纽约距离东河滨水公园仅一步之遥,101华尔街是许多建筑宝石的一个非常优雅的例子,这些宝石为曼哈顿下城的密切规模的街道带来了深度和质感。2013年,我们主要关注101华尔街的室内设计,目的是把一位坐落在快速发展地区的建筑风格宏伟的老妇人,改造成一座豪华的住宅大楼,供一群老练、有设计头脑的观众使用。我们拥抱河上美丽的景色和丰富的自然光,并在设计和布局中容纳了这一点,以尽可能丰富整个生活体验。
The subtle ornamentation of 101 Wall Street’s façade is highlighted with accents of brass at the lobby entrance. The lobby features a honed limestone floor and concierge desk, elegant new lighting, furnishings by Piet Boon, and the original ornate brass elevator doors. 在大厅入口处,101个华尔街外观的细微装饰突出了黄铜的口音。大厅配有磨练的石灰石地板和礼宾台、优雅的新照明、Piet Boon的家具和原始华丽的黄铜电梯门。