The landscape of furniture style
图片来源:Kevin Pazik
Flipping Properties设计在多伦多人聚居区的巷道内,它突破了建筑和家具之间的界限。Jiminez Lai和他的团队Bureau Spectacular策划了这个展览,他们解开了传统的多伦多式住宅的束缚建造了这些“超大-家具”。“超大-家具”被Lai定义为“比家具大太多,又比建筑小太多”。这些大块的装置是为了鼓励多伦多市区的人们多进行交流,同时也创造了一种与这些空间互动的新颖方式。不管其尺寸多大,这些块状装置都能在巷道中重新安放,从而留有大量的空间以供他用。Flipping Properties在7月11日开放,位于多伦多市Sheridan大街和Gordon大街之间,直到9月14日才会取消。不收取入场费。
译者: 柒柒
Designed for a laneway inside the Little Portugal neighborhood of Toronto, Flipping Properties tests the boundaries between architecture and furniture. The exhibition, created by Jiminez Lai and his team, Bureau Spectacular, unravels the traditional pentagonal shape of a house to create ‘super-furniture.’ Super-furniture is defined by Lai as “too big to be furniture and too small to be architecture.” The large installation pieces are meant to encourage dialogue on unused urban spaces in Toronto, while creating a novel way to interact with those spaces. Despite their size, the pieces can be rearranged within the laneway, allowing for a variety of assemblages to be created. Flipping Properties opened July 11th, and will be in place until September 14th in the laneway between Sheridan Avenue and Gordon Street in Toronto. Admission is free to the public.