发布时间:2022-04-07 19:05:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

多伦多全新的1号酒店室内设计现已落成,项目由纽约先锋建筑与设计工作室Rockwell Group事务所操刀,作为加拿大首家以“环境使命”为己任的酒店,本项目旨在通过酒店的室内设计向大众展示出多伦多的自然之美,将宛如绿洲般的环境引入到密集的城市中心,以高可持续性的豪华体验树立城市酒店的新标准。

Rockwell Group, the leading New York architecture and design studio, has unveiled the interiors of the new 1 Hotel in Toronto, Canada’s first mission-driven hotel that celebrates the beauty of Toronto’s natural environment and offers an urban oasis in the heart of the city and endeavouring to introduce the city to a new standard of a sustainable luxury experience.

▼酒店餐厅1 Kitchen外观,entrance of the hotel’s restaurant 1 Kitchen ©Brandon Barre

▼酒店室外花园用餐区,garden pavilion of the hotel ©Brandon Barre

Rockwell Group事务所为1号酒店打造的室内设计理念重塑了这座城市,将都市化生活由内而外展现出来,同时旨在回应这样一个问题:“假如豪华酒店是通往自然世界的诱人入口,而不是逃离自然环境的避世场所,将会怎么样呢?”酒店室内选材的灵感来自安大略湖的柔和色彩以及四季的对比色调,再生木材、本地植物、预制混凝土板,以及当地大理石等优质材料成为设计中最大的特点。登记柜台后方的石墙带有木材般的复杂纹理,这些纹理线条是由埃拉莫萨河的冰川活动而形成的。此外,背景墙上还装饰有一尊由多伦多艺术家Moss & Lam设计的艺术装置作品。

Rockwell Group’s design concept for 1 Hotel Toronto reframes the city, turning its urbanism inside out, responding to the question “What if a luxury hotel was an inviting portal to the natural world, instead of a flight from it?”. The material palette for the hotel takes inspiration from the muted colours of Lake Ontario and the contrasting tones of the passing seasons and features reclaimed timber, native plants, board-formed concrete, and local marble. A stone wall with wood-like striations – carved out of glacial activity along the Eramosa River – serves as the backdrop to an art installation designed by Toronto-based artists Moss & Lam behind the check- in desk.

▼前台接待,reception area ©Brandon Barre


The hotel’s lobby welcomes guests to a warm and nest-like space surrounded by floor-to-ceiling glass windows, which create a light box at night, as well as a feeling of seamlessness between indoors and out. The entrance to the hotel is framed with a mix of granite and limestone boulders, maple trees, local plants, warm wood, and a trailing green canopy, all reminiscent of Canada’s natural landscape. The lobby features 4.5 metre-high ceilings, reclaimed Elm wood flooring and shelving sourced from a dismantled barn in Ontario. Additional sustainable design details include a living green wall, found objects, local stone and reclaimed furnishings from materials such as elm wood and teak root.

▼酒店大堂,lobby ©Brandon Barre

▼酒店内布满了绿植墙壁、自然艺术品、当地石材,以及回收的榆木或柚木家具,living green wall, found objects, local stone and reclaimed furnishings from materials such as elm wood and teak root ©Brandon Barre

▼绿植墙壁细部,detail of the living green wall ©Brandon Barre

1号酒店致力于为顾客提供全方位的餐饮体验,酒店内共设有两家餐厅以及两家酒吧。1 Kitchen现代餐厅内充满了奢华的复古氛围,大面积的玻璃幕墙、拱形的木制天花板,以及弯曲的桁架上悬挂的绿色植物将餐厅变身为温暖的阳光花房。餐厅内所供应的食物来自方圆50公里的农场,这里是不仅是客人的美食天堂,同样也是当地社区备受青睐的休闲目的地。

1 Hotel offers an all-round dining and drinking experience, with a selection of two restaurants and two bars spread throughout the hotel. The modern 1 Kitchen has a vintage vibe and is located in a glass-walled conservatory-like space with a vaulted wood ceiling and curved trusses hung with greenery. Sourcing all food ingredients from within a 50 km radius, 1 Kitchen is a neighborhood destination that welcomes both hotel guests and locals alike.

▼1 Kitchen现代餐厅,1 Kitchen ©Brandon Barre

▼1 Kitchen餐厅细部,details of 1 Kitchen ©Brandon Barre

▼充满自然气息的餐厅吧台, the restaurant bar with natural atmosphere ©Brandon Barre

酒店的第二家餐厅 —— Madera,是一家提供有机食品的墨西哥餐厅,室内设计遵循了酒店整体的设计原则,采用了喷砂纹理木材、绿色植物、Benchmark制作的木制餐椅、由回收木材制成的活边桌面、艺术手工餐具,以及充满活力与现代风格的照明设施。

Madera – an organic Mexican restaurant follows the design cues of the hotel, with sand-blasted textured wood, greenery, wooden dining chairs crafted by Benchmark, reclaimed live edge wood tabletops, artistic handmade vessels, and modern, vibrant lighting.

▼Madera墨西哥餐厅,Madera Mexican restaurant  ©Brandon Barre

▼自然艺术品让人联想起多伦多的草木鸟兽,The design details recall Toronto’s flora and fauna ©Brandon Barre


Harriet’s is the city’s newest rooftop hotspot featuring an open concept sushi bar with sliding glass walls and a retractable roof, to get the best out of the breathtaking city and lake views. The design details recall Toronto’s flora and fauna, with a woven rope ceiling interspersed between wood beams, reclaimed Elm wood flooring and leather and lambskin accents.

▼顶层的Harriet’s概念寿司吧,Harriet’s sushi bar on the top floor ©Brandon Barre

▼屋顶泳池,rooftop pool ©Brandon Barre


The light and airy guestrooms at 1 Hotel Toronto feature sliding barn wood doors dividing the bedroom and bathroom. Rockwell Group added warmth to the Carrara marble bathrooms by utilising Hickory wood surrounds for the vanities. A natural wood accent wall is added behind the bed, with a leather headboard. An art piece comprised of a fallen tree fragment, sourced by a local wood studio, completes the design.

▼套房客厅,living room of the suite ©Brandon Barre

▼套房厨房与餐厅,kitchen and dining room of the suite ©Brandon Barre

▼客房卧室,bedroom ©Brandon Barre

▼由当地木艺工作室制作的枯木艺术品则成为了室内的点睛之笔,An art piece comprised of a fallen tree fragment, sourced by a local wood studio, completes the design ©Brandon Barre

▼卧室细部,detail of bedroom ©Brandon Barre

在与业主“1号酒店”的合作方面,Rockwell Group事务所创始人David Rockwell表示:“我们一直钦佩1号酒店的可持续发展与环保精神,并且很高兴能够参与到此次多伦多酒店的设计中,设计的核心在于生物友好,我们希望通过运用天然材料以及当地制作的艺术品向客人们展示多伦多优美的自然生态,并邀请他们一起融入其中。”

On the collaboration with 1 Hotel, Rockwell Group’s Founder David Rockwell says “We have long admired 1 Hotels’ sustainable and eco-friendly ethos, and we are thrilled to have been given the opportunity to design the new 1 Hotel Toronto with a biophilic emphasis. Our vision for the hotel invites guests to celebrate Toronto’s ecology through materiality and locally-made artwork.”

▼浴室,bathroom ©Brandon Barre


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