发布时间:2020-10-26 05:06:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Daniel Statham Architects

Appreciation towards Daniel Statham Architects for providing the following description:

太平鸟总部办公大楼的概念设计是通过业主与建筑师不断沟通所取得的成果。著名时尚产业集团总部办公大楼的设计提出了挑战,设计不仅要创造出传统意义上能满足办公功能需求的空间,同时也可以激发和培养集团公司不同品牌部门间的联系与交往。 由建筑内连贯的“集合空间”团结公司凝聚力的同时也创造出一种类似“大家庭”的友善的办公环境。


The concept is the fruition of the dialogue that has taken place between the Client and the Architect. Designing a Fashion Headquarters Office challenges a design response to create spaces and building that not only functions in the traditional sense of an office space but a space that can inspire and nurture a community between the different Brand Departments of the Company. A collection of spaces that ‘Unite’ the company and furthermore make the environment a family, a ‘home’ to enjoy your work and people you work with.

▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©曾天培

▼项目概览,project overview ©曾天培


PeaceBird as a Company is very successful and the name itself conjures the imagination to think of ’freedom’, ’to be yourself, express yourself’. The sense of ’flight’ like a bird, ’free as a bird’. Our aim was to capture this spirit in the conceptual design so the headquarters itself also expressed this ideology and will represent the company values towards fashion and textile design in its architectural language. We also felt it necessary that the design have within its ’DNA’ a contemporary Chinese essence. The architecture should embody Chinese Culture and manifest itself for a modern World and not just become a Globalized design without place or a sense of belonging.

▼概念草图,concept sketch ©Daniel Statham Architects

尝试了不同的设计后,我们强烈的感觉这栋建筑应该是由内到外的一种抒发 ……. 这意味着我们将环绕总部建筑的“心脏”核心来设计具有活力的空间,并将这种活力通过搏动传递到建筑外部与景观场地。在某种意义上,我们想要达到的目标计划是全面的、动态的,来展现与庆祝公司总部所要表达的理念;“成为宁波市一幢具有标识性的,能给公司与宁波市带来自豪感的建筑”。

After considering many approaches to the project we had a strong sense of feeling that this building should express itself from the inside out……..meaning we wanted to embrace the energy from the design environment within the ‘heart’ of the HQ and allow this to pulsate outwards like a source of energy to the outer envelope and landscaping. In a sense we wanted to achieve a scheme that was holistic and dynamic to celebrate the company ideology. A building that takes an ‘iconic’ status within the City of Ningbo. A building and Company Ningbo can be proud of.

▼建筑外观-入口立面,exterior view – entrance facade ©曾天培

“鸟的翱翔”本身具有很多的寓意与讲述,但我们如何将其与创意时尚公司联系在一起,并表达出某种含意呢? “一个年轻的,时尚的,现代的,充满活力的公司!一个代表面向21 世纪新中国的公司!” 很显然,我们首先应该研究什么创造了飞行,什么能量和力量,让这种现象发生。“热流”是最纯粹的与此相关的气象问题,它会影响很多事情。例如“鸟”可以毫不费力地滑行于热流之上。它动作优雅,并使用最少的努力, 以实现“飞行”。

这种“热流”的形式是“自由流动”和“高效”的。这种运动和空间成为概念设计的催化剂。它多层次有效的运转和功能性,成为我们设计计划中的漩涡核心。楼层空间向外延展,类似于中国古扇一样。这种布局方式形成可供人们交流的空间。 建筑空隙与垂直流通空间以 “超级楼梯”的形式,穿透并旋转建筑空间,营造出壮观的室内空间,同时引入并造型自然采光。这些透空与中庭提供了建筑更多地空气流通,增大了能源利用效率。

▼轴测图,axon ©Daniel Statham Architects

The‘flight’ of a bird can be taken in the form of many narratives but how could we express this and combine it with the creativity of the fashion company? a young, fashionable, contemporary, dynamic company! A company that represents a New China for the 21st Century. It became apparent early on that we should research what creates flight, what energy and forces allow this phenomenon to occur. A ‘Thermal’ is the purest meteorological matter associated with this and it affects many things. A ‘bird’ for example can effortlessly glide on a thermal. It can be graceful and use the most minimal of effort to achieve ‘flight’.

The thermal in its form is ‘sinuous’ and ‘efficient’. This movement and space became the catalyst for the concept. It operates and functions efficiently at many levels and gave us a kind of vortexepicenter to the whole scheme. Floor levels could radial outwards from this form like a Chinese Ancient fan. This approach would become the space in the building where people could ‘connect’. Voids and vertical circulation in the form of ‘super staircases’ could penetrate and rotate in the space generating spectacular spaces and sculpt the natural daylight. It allows for more ventilation through the space providing greater energy efficiency.

楼层空间向外延展,类似于中国古扇一样,floor levels could radial outwards from this form like a Chinese Ancient fan ©曾天培

▼建筑内部立面,internal facade ©曾天培


▼平面图和剖面图,plan and section ©Daniel Statham Architects

The ‘thermal’ takes on a pure circular form in plan and spirals upwards. These geometric ingredients gave us a very strong form that integrated functionality, sustainability and architecture. A ‘Loop’ is formed which ‘sucks’ you in through the entrance and takes you on a fluid, sinuous journey through the spaces of the HQ Building coming to a climax at roof level where the‘Thermal’ movement delivers you at the roof gardens to spectacular panoramic views across the notion of a soaring upward movement.

“热流”沿着一个标准的圆形平面形式螺旋向上运动,the ‘thermal’ takes on a pure circular form in plan and spirals upwards ©曾天培

▼朝向花园的露台,terraces facing the garden ©曾天培


The office plans through design studies created ‘ringed thresholds’ that filter the space from outside (private) to inside (community) converging on views and access to a modern day interpretation of the Chinese hidden garden that was so prominent in ancient Chinese architecture. This garden acts as a ‘lung’. It is the space that is revealed progressively to the eye on approach and where offices have views and people can relax when they need to recharge their creativity.

▼圆环中心花园景观,landscape of the circular central garden ©曾天培


The Garden also ‘crowns’ the spaces below in the underworld of the project where exhibition, conferences and fashion shows can be accommodated. It is like a multi layered, multi-functional roof. The garden becomes more though, it takes the same holistic approach as the office spaces and movement by creating a sinuous movement through two floor levels. This allows it to respond to the views from reception and the office spaces above. A kind of landscaped amphitheater that in the summer months can be used for company events from fashion shows to lectures or ‘Cinema’ at night for the staff.

▼屋顶视角,rooftop view ©曾天培

中心花园为入口接待大堂提供了优美的视觉感受,the gardenresponds to the views from reception and lobby area ©曾天培


The landscape resonates through the building to the external site where the geometry echoes the movement and energy created from the spaces within. The tangential geometry from the loop sculpts the landscape and provides gradients and textured surfaces of plants, water and access roads. This architectural treatment covers the site allowing shade and camouflage for the pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle users.

▼建筑圆环的外部几何元素雕刻了景观设计,the tangential geometry from the loop sculpts the landscape ©曾天培

▼外立面细节,facade detailed view ©曾天培

概念设计的最后一笔利用“总部建筑的表皮构架与内部结构”来表现出建筑强大的活力与精神,并暗示出“太平鸟”建筑独特的身份特质。建筑的形式是纯粹的,但利用精妙的细节创建一个温柔的“环波” ,这个表皮帮助办公空间遮蔽和阻挡了夏季高角度直射的阳光,形成内部舒适的光环境;同时完全开敞的玻璃内墙提供给办公空间内部人员广阔的外部视觉景观。这种微妙的方式使得建筑表皮隐喻地表达出某种与纺织品或面料相关的特质,它被设计制造并“穿”上建筑主体,赋予建筑灵动的生命。建筑表面随视觉运动变化的光影涟漪仿佛是给建筑穿上了一件优雅独特的外衣。


▼立面分析示意,facade analysis ©Daniel Statham Architects

可持续设计分析,sustainability analysis ©Daniel Statham Architects

It is the final piece of the concept that ‘frames’ the view of the HQ Building giving it a ‘spirit, energy and expression of the identity of PeaceBird’. The form seems pure but in the subtlety of its detail creates a gentle ‘looped ripple’ that helps screen and shade office spaces from the direct sunlight allowing full height glazing to open up expansive views. This delicate approach has a metaphoric connection with textiles/fabrics that come alive when they designed, manufactured and worn. The movement and ‘ripple’ gives it shape and celebrates the individual that graces the garment.

Therefore, the Concept is ‘tailored’ and ‘expresses’ the needs of this project, it aspires to connect with the way people will live and work in this space and celebrate a new era in 21st century Chinese Culture which PeaceBird as a Company is part of and is defining in this moment of time.

▼建筑表皮隐喻地表达出某种与纺织品或面料相关的特质 ©曾天培

thedelicate skin has a metaphoric connection with textiles/fabrics


"Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." —Coco Chanel

▼太平鸟总部夜间鸟瞰,aerial view to the Headquarters by night ©曾天培

▼透视图,perspectives ©Daniel Statham Architects

▼剖面透视图,sectional perspectives ©Daniel Statham Architects

▼大堂分析图和剖透视图,lobby analysis &sectional perspectives ©Daniel Statham Architects

▼+01层平面图,plan level +01 ©Daniel Statham Architects

▼B1层平面图,plan level B1 ©Daniel Statham Architects

项目名称:PeaceBird Fashion Centre 太平鸟总部


项目设计 & 完成年份:2013-2020

主创及设计团队:Daniel Statham and his team

项目地址:Ningbo, China 宁波,中国

建筑面积:75,000 sq.m





结构设计:Atelier One LTD.

机电设计:Atelier Ten LTD.



幕墙: 幕墙工程上海江河幕墙系统工程限公司

幕墙顾问: 上海伊杜幕墙建设咨询有限公司

室内设计: 方案上海汉行建筑设计有限公司

智能化顾问: 霍尼韦尔(天津)有限公司



客户:Ningbo PeaceBird Group Ltd. 宁波太平鸟风尚男装有限公司


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