发布时间:2022-08-26 07:24:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Followed by Kerry Center Store, Petit·Yanran Xinyue Store on Yanan Road, Shangcheng District is the second store. Say hopes that the new store on the side of the street will not bring the sense of distance to customers while keeping French elegance and romance. The French experience can be obtained easily in this moderate way.


Exquisite Elegant under Minimalism


In Paris, while visiting local historical sites and walking on streets and lanes, tourists will find that cream-colored stone brick buildings with carefully carved details of different shapes on a large area of stone are seemingly local culture symbols.


Because the abstraction of urban texture will be reflected in the French dessert space after abandoning traditional understanding, giving up complex columns, carved patterns and decorative lines, Say hopes that the overall space can focus on materials and simple forms and inclusively present romantic exquisite beauty under neo-classicism in a modern and reserved language.



The external wall of the original building shows the stone texture meeting our imagination. A sunshade is added based on the arched storefront style and rough stone texture, making the facade layered and creating the atmosphere of a coffee and dessert shop in a foreign country.


Draw an Urban Roaming Map


This is a two-floor store. Limited by conditions, two floors are separated independently. On the first floor, there are seating and gift areas; on the second floor, there are seating area, private kitchen and transparent dessert preparation room. Taking a panoramic view of the plans, the integrity and functionality of each space are kept in composition and proportion.


In atrium, a semi-circular area is regarded as the display area of desserts and gifts. While bringing smooth arrangement of dynamic lines to the seating area, the cambered wall standing in the center is used for proper obscure vision between the store and the shopping mall; the semi-open design endows the sense of separation.


Candlestick-style wall lamps and inlaid floor lamps seemingly bring the space a retro and solemn dramatic effect. It’s like wandering through local history. Curved wall reflects the simple application of arc elements in local buildings, softly expressing hard stone. Facing the west, the store will be covered by afternoon sunlight, adding a warm tone to the space.


Practical Decorationism


If arc expresses rich emotions, straight line is a smooth and clean language in a simple, straightforward way. Set off by a large area of retro cream-coloured tone, the bar counter applies cone pattern and stone fully, lightening the overall space. Except exquisite desserts, the dining table is made of black stone scattered with golden, which will distract customers’ attention to the artistic pattern extending from orderly conflicts.


Although the complex expression way is abandoned, Say still keeps the core of exquisiteness. Through simple texture and block surface processing, perfect integration is realized, and the distance with customers is closed for better personal experience. Starting from actual perception, customers will see and taste the rich layers of desserts.



项目名称 | Petit·Yanran法甜空间

项目业主 |


状况 | 完成

完成年份 | 2022

项目面积 |


项目地址 | 杭州市上城区延安路88号

项目类型 | 餐饮

设计公司 |

say architects

主持设计 | 张岩、单嘉男

设计团队 | 周瑶、范雅雯、叶金

空间影像 | 汪敏杰

家具品牌 | 吱音、勤楚家居科技有限公司

照明设计 | 上海缀忆照明设计

Say architects

张岩 / 单嘉男

Say(说;讲述;表达)是一种世界共通的传达信息方式,也是最高效简洁的沟通手段。Say通常是口头的表述,此时其信息是瞬时、灵活且多作者的;但同时书写下来的物理信息,也可以认为是Say的一种表达方式,此时是永久、固定且个人的表达方式。Say architects认为在设计项目中,表达方式与设计成果同样重要。Say强调空间的情感氛围与人文连结,尝试与客户共同发掘每个项目独特的设计概念,并通过多种方式将最初概念演化发展为最终的物理空间,这过程也是一个由Say与业主共同讲述的故事。

"CHINESE MEDICINE成立于2019年,是国内首家先锋派(Avant-Garde)首饰买手店。"

"我们有幸与CHINESE MEDICINE合作,在今年7月一起迎来了位于广州的第二家店。"

"CHINESE MEDICINE was founded in 2019, the brand is one of the first Avant-Garde jewelry boutique shops in China."

We are honored to work with CHINESE MEDICINE, together celebrate the 2nd store opening in Guangzhou this July.


空间位于广州商业集中的天河区,与太古汇几街之隔的地方,是有23年楼龄的华康小区。CHINESE MEDICINE 就在这个小区临街的铺位。我们马上被广州老小区中的年轻商业形态所吸引,这里频繁出现着新与旧、特立独行与传统之间的张力与共生。这种复杂却自然而然的对比和对立,恰好和 CHINESE MEDICINE 的品牌内核产生了强烈的连接。

The new store is located within the busiest business center in Guangzhou. Just several blocks away from TaiKuHui, is a 23 years old residential community named Huakang. This is where CHINESE MEDICINE is, a first floor store opens to the street. We were intrigued by the flourishing young businesses happening in this old community. Stores and brands that are constantly creating new within an aged environment, the tension and co-living relationship between being unique and celebrating the traditional, has formed a sophisticated yet natural scenario. However, CHINESE MEDICINE has found a strong connection here.

本真 自然 尊重

Authenticity Nature Value

CHINESE MEDICINE更加倾向于选择存留手工痕迹的首饰:独一无二的色泽、自然流动形成的肌理、随着时间会变化的材质表面。我们在空间设计中,尝试用同样的态度对待原始空间。1999年建成的老住宅,是用现在城市中已经不再使用的黄土和红砖搭建的。很多设计决定在拆除至毛坯、结构改造的过程中随机应变。这种变化中带来的不确定性,贯穿在整个设计和施工的过程中,一些不在预料之中的、失望的、惊喜的结果都随之而来。拆除或保留、裸露或遮盖、新建或开孔,就像在手工制作一件首饰一样,不断的思考自然和人工之间的平衡。

CHINESE MEDICINE prefers jewelry that preserve hand-made textures: unique color and polishing, naturally formed sculptural texture, material surfaces that change over time. These are qualities CHINESE MEDICINE always cherishes. We applied the same attitude towards the original interior condition. The building was constructed in 1999 using mud and red bricks, which is rarely used in Chinese cities nowadays. Many design decisions were made while demolition to roughcast, and many decisions had a second thought during structural renovation. The uncertainty carried through the whole design process and later construction, meanwhile unprediction, frustration, and surprising results came along. Either remove or preserve, remain nude or cover up with new materials, build new structures or add openings, the process constantly required us to think of the balance between being natural and artificial, which we found very similar to the process of hand making a piece of jewelry.



The brand wanted some of the furniture pieces movable, to better adapt to different event or popup usages of the space in the future. Therefore, we made the display area at the entrance fixed, left the window display area blank. For the facade, we simply reinforced the original red brick structure. Instead of designing an exaggerated form or installation, we decided to preserve a clean window frame, put a floor to ceiling transparent glass to invite natural light to come inside. Meanwhile we wish the store to bring continually changing contents to the local community, through a frankly opened facade.

原始 工匠 传承

Primitivity Craftsmanship Heritage


We carefully applied natural textured materials to interior details. We applied coarse textured paint on the walls, then hand hammered to remove three parts of the paint to reveal the brick construction material beneath. Concrete flooring left hand brushed traces. The craftsman used a delicate flat-head hammer to sculpt the edges of travertine applying different strength, to make natural worn edges experimentally. Casted concrete showed irregular bubbles inside, and uneven corners after the mold was removed. The steel plate used on the wall and bar surface, after many experiments, we hand poured solutions on the surface of the material to form beautiful, different shades of metal colors.

每一件都与工匠的双手密不可分。这也是我们尝试通过空间来呼应 CHINESE MEDICINE 所深深热爱和不断传递的“工匠精神”。

Each piece of material was treated by hands. Our dedication to each detail shared the same ambition and passion to craftsmanship, that CHINESE MEDICINE embraces as well.




项目名称 |




主持设计 | 张可儿

设计团队 | 窦建超、苏岑、孟伟

完工时间 |


主要材料 | 肌理漆、浇筑混凝土、洞石、做旧钢板

施工方 | 深圳市颐和大作装饰设计工程有限公司

道具制作 | 佛山市天一地九金属制品有限公司

空间摄影 | 杨俊宁



受青岛本土买手品牌尤宿UIXIU委托,今朝风日好(One Fine Day Studio & Partners,以下简称ofD)为其打造了位于老牌高级百货海信广场中的第四家店铺,委托方希望新门店呈现的氛围是复古时髦,贴合所在场地气质,并能容纳新加入的古典中式风格品牌。

Commissioned by UIXIU, a local multi-brand boutique of Qingdao, One Fine Day Studio & Partners(refer to as ofD) conceived its fourth store located in the luxury shopping mall Hisense Plaza. The client demanded a retro and slick mood for the new fit-out in order to fit in with the stylish mall context and provide a suitable milieu for the upcoming classic Chinese style collections.


Looking to the Ancient Roman architecture aesthetics for inspiration, ofD brought a solemn and grandiose sensibility and pragmatism spatial order into the location, using natural stone materials as main components to build a space aesthetic that blends the sense of eternity and vibrancy, echoing the curated boutique’s ethos — selecting the finest and maintaining the style through ups and downs of fashion trends.

着色 · 静谧与生机

Tranquil and Lively Palette


The starting point for the design is to amplify the sensory attraction of materials and colors to distinct the brand’s characteristics among its variegated mall neighbors. ofD took marble as a pivot element to construct the spatial atmosphere, using its visual weight and varying hues to capture customers’ attention at the first sight.


The door comprises of two oversized granite slabs, whose simply polished surfaces resemble the unprocessed jades. Selected to add an oriental flavor, the delicate and warm green neutralizes the cold and horny feeling of the material. As the prima color of the space, different shades of green symbolize a growing vitality. Along with the peaceful apricot tone, it separates the store from the outside hustle and bustle, allowing natural liveliness extend in the quiet space.


The rhythm of the store is composed by the evolving colors which are gradually added from the entry to the rear, evoking multiple layers of responses and imaginations. In the middle area, a mahogany granite partition wall is placed to contrast with the restrained light-tone base hues, brightening the space with its dense color.


At the rear of the store, a blue display shelf brings an air of freshness into the space. Comprised by four color codes, the harmonious color scheme recalls the unique horizon scenery of the coastal city Qingdao: blue sea and sky, meadows and distant hills, red tile buildings and white stone banks…… The combination brings back a refreshing regional memory, aligning the customers and the space.

肌理 · 动感与触觉

Vibrant and Tactile Texture


Modular display tables and decorative panels stand still, whereas a flow of movement and vibrant dialogues are formed among their patterns and textures. Without physical links, those marks ripple over the material surfaces, all engaging in a silent visual play.


In contrast to the calm and glossy sheen, the granite’s large-scale cracks and organic form patterns hint a narrative of time changing, decaying, and regenerating. Additionally, steel frames of the display shelvings are clad in woodgrain finish and custom tables are covered with rippling circular marks, echoing with each other in a sharing natural mimicry form. In using the spreading patterns as visual medium, ofD presents the flowing emotions of the space to customers.


Aesthetic pleasure lives in the details. As visual and tactile stimulations of materials bring to mind the delicacy of fabrics and craftsmanship, ofD took a design approach with a focus on textures to create an impressive offline shopping experience.


Hard-surface materials, such as porous travertine and bumpy plaster walls, feature with obvious scratches and dents as if they are the traces of time. Comparing to such “imperfect” is the softness of the new life: the cylindrical hanging rails are wrapped with soft recycled leather and the lush moss backdrop wall-covering is actually made of fluffy fabrics, reminiscent of an endless grass-field, fulfilling the space with a free spirit natural vibe.

构造 · 秩序与重置

A Rearranged Space in Order


Following the guide of order and practicability, ofD rearranged the layout, emphasizing a visual sense of axis and the depth of the store. Although the planning is not strictly symmetrical, it can still lead eyes to trace the invisible axis line and look deeper into the inner area to get an overall impression of the store’s style and selections, while also leaves blank for further exploration.



The evenly arranged ceiling light panels are in coffer form, resembling the significant dome of the Pantheon, bathing the interior through filter plates in a classical glow. On both side, hanging rails act as directional lines, inviting customers to step into the space.



At the entrance, the sculpture-shape center island, combining display and cashier functions, incarnates a practical consideration for efficient use of the space as well as a design intention for enhancing the solemn sensibility. With a sinuous structure, the island also lead the customer flow to go inside. The fitting room is divided into several independent boxes, two of which are placed in the middle of the store. The pair’s two inward-facing sides are clad with mirrors, whose reflections add a sense of layer to the space.


The display components can be assembled freely, while their frames were remolded into chunky volumes to harmonize with the other heavy blocks. Their hollow structures ensure a sense of transparency in the space. From different points of view, the structure either becomes an object in the painting or a picture frame for showcasing wear collections.


From a spatial planing based on a pragmatism perspective to a sensory aesthetic concept — implemented with multiple colors, tactile materials, and precise attention to details, everything was designed to create layers and dialogues within the space, setting an enchanting poetic atmosphere. Both tranquil and vibrancy, sometimes clear and sometimes vague, the subtle and evocative spatial experience also enriches UIXIU’s brand imagery.




项目名称 | UIXIU买手店

项目地址 | 青岛海信广场

完成时间 | 2022

项目面积 |


设计机构 | 今朝风日好

设计总监 | 李俊鹏

设计团队 | 梁昊,苏嘉城

项目摄影 |



李俊鹏/合伙人&设计总监今朝风日好(One fine day studio & partners)2010年初建于汕头大学,2013年正式成立广州公司,专注于视觉设计,空间设计,艺术装置,品牌整合。我们倡导设计的差异化,从品牌中挖掘个性基因,为客户解决传播的个性化和系统化问题;我们拥有跨越不同媒介的设计能力,力求通过多元的方法为品牌与消费者之间建立最有效的沟通;我们探索消费时尚与品牌战略的完美结合,为品牌塑造以及提升提供更多方向的可能性。

李俊鹏,今朝风日好(One fine day studio & partners)联合创始人,设计作品曾荣获多个国际设计奖项(Architizer A+Awards、意大利A’Design Award等),现主要负责空间及艺术装置设计创意顾问,专注于挖掘材料的多种可能性及生活艺术化创新。

如森设计 | 余晖下的悠然

OPS观致设计 | 招商臻湾府下沉会所

万相无形 | 中海·星樾府

LSD | 汇智中心


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