发布时间:2021-07-24 10:29:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Contemporary universities are undergoing a profound transformation: learning methods and knowledge sharing models are evolving, research institutions and disciplines are renewing, students’ lifestyle and social environments are changing. All these factors raise new opportunities for campus planning and design. Building an innovative campus that will train future industry leaders, in the site where Guangming New City connects to its ecological protection area, in Shenzhen, the core of innovation and pioneering enterprises, is an exciting challenge.

▼鸟瞰图,Bird view © 丝路视觉科技股份有限公司


The site is located between a sensitive ecological zone and the upcoming Guangming Tech City. The water runoff is reorganized into a series of ecological creeks that form a resilient flood protection system. They work as the ecological structure of the site, defining the boundaries of 6 compact mixed-use clusters. The original reservoir is renovated, expanding southward to become the central spine of the campus. Thus a new multi-layered water system is designed to mitigate flood risks while providing at the same time a rich palette of spatial experiences and a healthy habitat for the school.

▼场地区位,Site location © reMIX Studio

▼水文现状,Local hydrological system © reMIX Studio

▼过去30年场地演变,Site transformation over the last 30 years © reMIX Studio

▼规划策略:聚落式校园,Planning strategy: a campus of clusters © reMIX Studio

国际交流中心、图书馆等公共组团紧邻街道,方便与社区共享,塑造积极的城市界面。三院一体的校园组团则位于东侧自然边界,底层架空,最大程度保护生态本底。HYPER LOOP将聚落式校园高效的串联起来形成整体联通的校园空间。

Public facilities such as the International Centre and the Library sit on the West boundary, facing the street. They are resources to be shared with the surrounding neighborhood, forming an active urban interface. The three–in–one teaching clusters are located next to the hill; their podiums are elevated, maximizing ground permeability. The Hyperloop connects all the clusters of the campus into a holistic complex, creating an integrated school environment.

▼与地铁站结合的校园次入口,Secondary entrance © 丝路视觉科技股份有限公司


▼分析图:最大程度保护生态本底 Diagram: maximized ground permeability © reMIX Studio

▼分析图:纳入市域绿道激活城市链接 Diagram: connection to regional green trails © reMIX Studio

Around the central lake, a slow traffic network organizes indoor and outdoor leisure programs: water sports, bike and jogging trails, plazas, amphitheaters, etc. Such network connects to the planned city trails in the West and the mountain trails of Guangming Forest Park in the East making the university an open campus without fences.

▼绿色廊道,Green corridor © reMIX Studio

▼湖畔自然泳池,Lakeside natural pool © reMIX Studio


▼体型策略:裙房,Massing strategy: podium © reMIX Studio

▼体型策略:塔楼,Massing strategy: towers © reMIX Studio

模块策略,Modular strategy © reMIX Studio

The architectural design of the three-in-one clusters is based on low-impact-development principles. The podium is elevated so the ecological corridors from the mountain better connect to the lake and the porous massing promotes natural ventilation and lighting. The podium hosts the classrooms and the A-B lab modules, while the vertical towers accommodate the wet labs, with more demanding MEP requirements. A series of interdisciplinary zones, connected by sky bridges, stand in between two vertically adjacent lab modules. These pedestrian friendly clusters are scaled to allow a mix of dorms, labs and classrooms within a 5min walk, forming a holistic and seamless life experience for teachers and students. Modular design allows maximum flexibility to break the boundaries between disciplines and adjust to future educational requirements. It also makes prefab construction easier. The semi-covered waterfront plazas are particularly suitable for Shenzhen sub-tropical climate, creating an important public space for students that can operates 24/7.

▼教学组团:食物自足聚落,Teaching cluster A: Farming City © reMIX Studio

▼教学组团:水敏聚落,Teaching cluster B: Water-sensitive City © reMIX Studio

▼教学组团:亲自然聚落,Teaching cluster C: Biophilic City © reMIX Studio


▼剖面透视图,Sectional perspective © reMIX Studio

The LOOP, elevated at the second floor, connects all the different clusters in the campus. It not only functions as a high speed transportation loop and bicycle path, linked to the subway station in the North, but it is also a spacious and active promenade of culture and technology. Along the loop, multiple labs display engaging information on their research, inspiring teachers and students as they walk across different clusters. This gives rise to a collision of ideas and cross-disciplinary cooperation.

▼公共运输系统,Public transportation system © reMIX Studio


The lakeside library is close to the main entrance of the campus. It is not only the cultural icon of the school, but also an important resource for the whole city. The building emerges from the landscape as a spiraling sequence of ramps filled with books. From A to Z, from humanities to technologies, it forms a complex that accommodates a multitude of programs: learning, exhibition, conference, etc. Its porous volume is covered with a semi-permeable skin that adapts to the local sub-tropical climate; as if floating on water, it looks dynamic and mysterious.

▼图书馆:中央湖视角,Library: view from the central lake © 丝路视觉科技股份有限公司

▼图书馆:室内视角,Library: interior view © reMIX Studio


SIAT takes innovative scientific research as its mission. Facing the social and climatic challenges of the 21st century, the campus itself is a test bed for new eco-friendly living models. Each cluster is a different prototype of urbanization in symbiosis with nature. The interaction between nature, technology and architecture gives unique spatial identities, forming a sense of belonging for different learning communities, providing students with direct experience and inspiration, cultivating forward-looking young leaders that will shape the future of our cities.

▼实验性校园:五种未来城市模式 © reMIX Studio The campus as lab: five futuristic urban models

▼模型,Physical model © reMIX Studio

▼总平面图,General masterplan © reMIX Studio

项目: 编码自然-中科院深圳理工大学 年份: 2021 地点: 中国,深圳 状态: 竞赛中标 类型: 建筑与景观规划 功能: 教育 规模: 建筑551,600平方米 业主: 中科院深圳理工大学 招标人: 深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心 合作团队:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司(合作设计院),瓦地工程设计咨询(北京)有限公司(景观)

主持建筑师: 陈忱, Federico Ruberto,Nicola Saladino 项目建筑师:吕守拓,Javier Pelaez 项目组:Marco Navarro, 李梅康,王子凡,林奕薇,王翊人,王萌萌

建研院团队: 肖从真(技术总监、全国工程勘察设计大师),任志翔(项目经理、市场部主任),赵耀(项目负责人、设计七院院长、副总建筑师、一级注册建筑师),杨春翔(主任建筑师),李延都(一级注册建筑师、主任建筑师),邹杨(一级注册建筑师、主任建筑师),任瑞文(主任建筑师),侯毓(主任建筑师),郭辰(主任建筑师),刘佳(主任建筑师),沈康惠(主任建筑师),李小雪(一级注册建筑师、主任建筑师),邓小云(一级注册结构师、结构副总工程师),王强(注册设备工程师、暖通副总工程师),周瑶(给排水副总工程师),陈冠群(电气副总工程师) 瓦地团队:吴昊(项目负责人、总经理、荷兰注册景观设计师),杜超(主任水文工程师),李辰(主任景观设计师),郭奇(景观设计师),郭书岳(景观设计师),贺逸萱(景观设计师),郑钧(生态工程师),沈君镕(生态工程师)

制作团队:视件设计 (多媒体),丝路视觉科技股份有限公司 (渲染图),深圳市微创模型设计有限公司 (模型)

Project: Coded Nature: Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Campus Design

Year: 2021 Location: Shenzhen, China Status: competition winner Type: architecture and landscape planning Program: education Size: architecture 551,600 sqm Client: SIAT Campus Tender Organizer: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality Design Collaborators: China Academy of Building Research, WADI Engineering and Design co.,ltd

reMIX studio Team: Partners: Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino Project Architects: Lv Shoutuo, Javier Pelaez Designers: Marco Navarro, Meikang Li, Wang Zifan, Lin Yiwei, Wang Yiren, Wang Mengmeng

CABR Team: Xiao Congzhen (Technical Director, National Engineering Survey and Design Master), Ren Zhixiang (Project Manager, Marketing Director) , Zhao Yao( Project Leader, President of the 7th Design Institute, Deputy Chief Architect and Class-I Registered Architect), Yang Chunxiang(Chief Architect), Li Yandu (Class-I Registrated Architect, Chief Architect), Zou Yang (Class-I Registrated Architect, Chief Architect), Ren Ruiwen (Chief Architect), Hou Yu (Chief Architect), Guo Chen (Chief Architect), Liu Jia (Chief Architect), Shen Kanghui (Chief Architect), Li Xiaoxue (Class-I Registrated Architect, Chief Architect), Deng Xiaoyun (Class-I Registrated Structural Engineer, Deputy Chief Structural Engineer), Wang Qiang (Registered Equipment Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer of HVAC), Zhou Yao (Deputy Chief Engineer of Water Supply and Drainage), Chen Guanqun (Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer)

WADI Team: Wu Hao (Project Leader, General Manager), Du Chao (Chief Hydrologic Engineer), Li Chen (Chief Landscape Designer), Guoqi (Landscape Designer), Guo Shuyue (Landscape Designer), He Yixuan (Landscape Designer), Zheng Jun (Ecological Engineer), Shen Junrong (Ecological Engineer)

External Production: visionwidget (video), SSR (rendering), Shenzhen Minimally Invasive Model Design Co., Ltd (physical model)


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