发布时间:2024-03-03 22:46:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Nantou, where a hidden millennia-old town and a vibrant urban village collide and integrate, has been simultaneously written in the grand national narrative of Shenzhen Hong Kong’s relationship while living the trivial daily life for over 20 years. In early 2016, URBANUS was invited to conduct a comprehensive spatial study of Nantou Old Town, a quintessential example of Shenzhen’s urban and cultural heritage spanning various historical periods. Through historical documents and field research URBANUS developed a regeneration strategy focused on rejuvenating Nantou through incremental revitalization that impacts larger clusters with micro-scale interventions, as well as organizing cultural events.

▼东北侧外观,改造后,North-east view after renovation ©张超


In 2017, URBANUS served as the curatorial team and brought the “Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture” to Nantou Old Town. It marked the commencement of preserving and revitalizing Nantou Old Town through integrating spatial renovation with the exhibition. Returning in 2019, URBANUS has resumed its work in Nantou Old Town, applying the concept of “Urban Coexistence” to the transformation of the Nantou Hybrid Building. This project demonstrates a progressive regeneration approach, focusing on preserving historical layers through collaging and juxtaposition, rather than replacement.

▼西南向鸟瞰南头古城,South-west aerial view of Nantou Old Town ©张超

▼南头古城杂交楼俯瞰,Aerial view of Nantou Hybrid Building ©张超

▼东向鸟瞰,East aerial view ©张超

“杂交楼” 位于南头古城中心报德广场,是五栋独立楼房簇拥而成的建筑组团,建造于不同时期,材料、结构、风格各异。改造设计保存了现有建筑的复杂、矛盾与冲突。经过内部雕镂贯通,外部重新型塑,经年的加建改造、材料更替被记录,顶部还并置了一直一曲、一实一虚的新体量,隐藏了一个屋顶小园。

▼西南向鸟瞰报德广场及杂交楼改造前,2017年,South-west aerial view of Baode Square and Nantou Hybrid Building before renovation in 2017 ©URBANUS都市实践

▼改造前后东南轴测图,south-east axonometric before and after renovation  ©URBANUS都市实践

The Nantou Hybrid Building, located next to Baode Square in the heart of Nantou Old Town, is a hybrid cluster of five individual buildings constructed during different periods of history showcasing diverse palettes of material, structure and style. The adaptive reuse design preserves the complexity, contradiction and conflicts of the existing buildings. Trace of additions and transformations, as well as replacement of materials, has been retained in the repoussé and chasing of both the interior and exterior. Two new volumes, one rectangular and one curvilinear, one solid and one void, are juxtaposed on the rooftop, with a small roof garden hidden within.

▼西南向鸟瞰杂交楼及报德广场改造后,South-west aerial view of Baode Square and Nantou Hybrid Building after renovation  ©张超

▼东南向鸟瞰,South-east aerial view  ©张超

▼报德广场及杂交楼东南侧外观,改造后,Baode Square and south-east view of Nantou Hybrid Building after renovation ©张超

▼北侧外观夜景,改造后,North view at night after renovation ©张超


▼报德广场及杂交楼东侧外观,改造前,2017年,Baode Square and east view of Nantou Hybrid Building before renovation in 2017 ©UABB, 摄影:张超

▼东北侧外观,改造前,2020年,North-east view before renovation in 2020 ©URBANUS都市实践

▼西北侧外观局部及街景,改造前,2009年  / 杂交楼南侧巷道,改造前,2020年,Partial of north-west view and street view before renovation in 2009 / South alley before renovation in 2020 ©URBANUS都市实践

▼原建筑空间组成,axonometric before renovation ©URBANUS都市实践

▼轴测表现图,axonometric ©URBANUS都市实践

The exterior walls of the five buildings not only marks the boundaries of the property of the three owners but also plays a significant role in its overall structural integrity. The design carefully preserves the existing facade while removing partition walls and replacing the haphazard additions that pose a structural risk. A central void was created to accommodate a new elevator and staircase, forming a “circulation core”. Communal spaces on each level extend outward from the core, puncturing through the facade to create red-iron steel versatile plug-ins that serve as doorways, canopies, balconies, footbridges, and staircases. It grants a remarkable journey as if navigating through the crevices between the buildings. The spaces between the buildings, along with the addition of skylights introduced natural light to the ground floor, significantly enhanced the indoor environment and atmosphere.

▼报德广场及杂交楼东侧外观,改造后,Baode Square and east view of Nantou Hybrid Building after renovation ©张超

▼西北侧外观局部及街景,改造后, Partial of north-west view and street view after renovation ©张超

▼杂交楼南侧巷道,改造后,South alley after renovation ©张超


▼改造前,2020年,Interior before renovation in 2020 ©URBANUS

▼剖透视图,sectional perspective ©URBANUS都市实践

Before the renovation, the five building had their own separate circulation system. The street level of the five buildings was packed with shops and stalls, offering a variety of programs and activities to the surrounding public space, and adding to the vibrant urban village lifestyle. The renovation upholds the compact and vibrant ground floor layout, enhancing it with additional semi-outdoor spaces. With independent entrances on each perimeter, a preexisting outdoor staircase next to Baode Square has been adapted to allow for direct access to the second floor after renovation. The second to fourth floors of the existing buildings were divided into 29 small and overcrowded residential units. The internal circulation is rearranged by the means of taking advantage of preexisting apertures, opening up for passageway and creating corridors. The formed “enclosed circulation” connects spaces of each building at different heights to facilitate social interactions while providing flexible layout for adaptability.

▼东侧二层入口, East entrance to the second floor ©张超

▼一层室内空间, Interior on the 1st floor  ©张超

▼采光天井,Light court  ©张超

▼采光天井局部,Partial view of light court ©张超

▼中庭弧梯,Spiral staircase in the atrium ©张超

▼中庭弧梯俯视/仰视,Bottom and upper view of the atrium ©张超

▼中庭弧梯局部,Partial view of the spiral staircase in the atrium ©张超

▼三层室内空间,Interior on the 3rd floor ©张超

▼四层东侧室内及露台,Interior and terrace on the east side of the 4th floor ©张超

▼花园侧窗仰视,Bottom view of the side window on the roof garden ©张超


▼屋顶改造前, 2020年,Roof garden before renovation in 2020 ©张超

▼孟岩手绘草图,sketch by Meng Yan ©URBANUS都市实践

The design meticulously preserves the existing facade’s myriad materials, with selective replacement or supplementation of mosaics and colored paint. The colorful collage of old and new materials, along with the intricate interlocking, reflecting the authentic essence of Nantou Hybrid Building. A red semi-circular volume extends from the fourth to the fifth floor, juxtaposed with a green, rectangular volume featuring semi-outdoor spaces, both perched atop the rooftop. These structures interact with the double-height space and skylights, harmonizing with the roof terrace. This innovative design brings together the previously separated rooftops into a single, tranquil garden, creating an oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of the urban village. Each part of the building, from the street-level shops and the interior spaces to the rooftop terrace, exudes a dynamic tension that leads to the ultimate revelation: a mini “Vertical Arcadia” unfolding expansively, a serene haven tucked away above the urban bustle.

▼北侧外观局部,改造后,Partial of north view after renovation ©张超

▼屋顶花园,Roof garden ©张超

▼屋顶花园南侧夜景,South view of the roof garden ©张超

▼屋顶花园夜景 ,Roof garden at night ©张超


The Nantou Hybrid Building stands as a testament to the evolving history of Shenzhen’s urban villages. The renovation has reorganized chaos into coherence, creating an open, micro-complex within the densely populated Nantou Old Town. It meets the social and cultural demands of contemporary living and introduces a novel typology of vertical communal spaces that are both public and accessible, paving the way for future urban village developments. In the face of extensive urban construction, enhancing and optimizing original genealogies, structures and environments emerges as a crucial strategy against urban homogenization. The Nantou Hybrid Building represents a significant experiment by URBANUS, under the ethos of “Urban Coexistence”. It transcends mere architectural innovation, representing a paradigm shift in thought and concept.

▼报德广场及杂交楼东侧外观夜景,改造后,Baode Square and east view of Nantou Hybrid Building at night after renovation ©张超

▼东立面局部夜景,Partial of east elevation ©张超

▼工作模型,study model  ©URBANUS都市实践

▼区位图,site map ©URBANUS都市实践

▼总平面图,site plan ©URBANUS都市实践

▼剖透视图,sectional perspective ©URBANUS都市实践


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