设计师Leyla Uluhanli创立的Hanli Home品牌复兴了创造艺术家具的传统,她的产品组合包括从莫斯科到纽约的全球内饰。各种项目,公寓和私人住宅以经典的空间比例和精心挑选的家具而著称,其中许多是真实的艺术品。
Hanli Home brand created by designer Leyla Uluhanli revives the tradition of creating artistic furniture. The portfolio of Leyla Uluhanli Interiors includes interiors around the world, from Moscow to New York. A variety of projects, apartments and private residences - are distinguished by classical proportions of space and impeccably selected pieces of furniture, many of which are real works of art.
Leyla Uluhanli在巴黎和伦敦的画廊中购买了其中的一些,其中许多都是根据她的素描创作的。随着时间的流逝,由装潢设计师发明的单个物品形成了一个独立的室内收藏,并在去年的Maison&Objet展览中成功展出。
Leyla Uluhanli acquired some of them in Paris and London galleries, many were created according to her sketches. Over time, a separate interior collection was formed from individual objects invented by the decorator, which was successfully shown at the Maison & Objet exhibition last year.
继巴黎之后,是时候征服莫斯科了,新的Hanli Home家具和配件系列现在出现在该品牌在Povarskaya Street上的第一个陈列室中。Leyla Uluhanli在设计室内装潢时始终忠于自己:在画廊空间中重现了类似于巴黎豪宅的经典装饰。这种背景完美地强调了作者家具的风格,以现代的方式诠释了装饰艺术和本世纪中叶的现代元素。
Following Paris, the time has come to conquer Moscow - and the new Hanli Home furniture and accessories line is now presented in the brand's first showroom on Povarskaya Street. Designing its interiors, Leyla Uluhanli remains true to herself: a classic decoration resembling Parisian mansions was recreated in the gallery space. This background perfectly emphasizes the style of author's furniture, which interprets elements of art deco and mid-century modern in a modern way.