发布时间:2022-07-27 04:18:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

以内省为焦点,Perry House作为一个考虑到位的插入物,尊重周围环境,同时通过冷静定义自己的住宅。A for Architecture创始人兼总监Anna Rozen富有洞察力、克制的方法支撑了最终的住宅,赋予其室内和室外空间一种与生俱来的平静品质。

With an introspective focus, Perry House emerges as a considered insertion in place, respectfully engaging with the surrounding context while defining its own residential offering through composure. A for Architecture Founder and Director Anna Rozen’s insightful, restrained approach underpins the resulting home, imbuing its indoor and outdoor spaces with an innate calming quality.

Perry House是对不断增长的城市扩张和对更大住宅的需求的一种反击。将其设施堆叠在多个层次上,场地上的正式组合不像它的邻居那样触及每个边界边缘,而是通过其约束来定义自己。花园和房子成为远离外界的避难所。新的建筑形式需要阻挡和遮挡周围住宅的任何潜在景观,从而形成了场地上的u型。

Perry House stands as a counter to increasing urban sprawl and the perceived need for larger homes. Stacking its amenity over multiple levels, the formal composition on site resists the need to touch each boundary edge like its neighbours and instead defines itself by its restraint. The garden and house become a sanctuary away from the outside world. The new building form needed to block and shield any potential views from surrounding homes, resulting in the U-shape on site.


The carving of an internal courtyard creates a safe harbour for the garden and pool, ensuring they feel protected, encased by the built form and distinctly disconnected from the surrounds.Materials become a signature of Perry House, with the concrete brick, travertine and charred timber coalescing, their inherent contrast and textural diversity adding a certain depth to the family home and layers for natural light to interact with.


The connections between the inside and the private outdoor landscaped areas are key to creating this prevailing sense of calm. Capturing the animation of family life, clear lines of sight through long linear corridors and expansive glazing ensure the home feels private and yet internally bound. Facing north, the courtyard becomes the epicentre of the home, with living zones wrapping around this central element. Full-height frameless glass windows blur the boundary between inside and out, so that the pool becomes an integral part of the interior space – light then bounces off the surface of the water and plays across the travertine floors. The arrangement of living elements around the open spaces reflects how the family live and what they value, allowing the outdoor spaces to become rooms of their own, as places to gather and connect.

Perry House被理解为一个连接的整体,建筑事务所将整个场地的材料和形式的变化最小化,以加强设计的整体完整性。材料成为Perry住宅的标志,混凝土砖、石灰华和烧焦的木材结合在一起,它们固有的对比和纹理多样性为家庭住宅增加了一定的深度,并为自然光线增加了层次。作为与自然世界的开放呼吸连接,天窗位于上方,将光线引入室内。

Understood as a connected whole, Perry House sees A for Architecture minimise the changes in materiality and form across the site to reinforce the overall integrity of the design.Materials become a signature of Perry House, with the concrete brick, travertine and charred timber coalescing, their inherent contrast and textural diversity adding a certain depth to the family home and layers for natural light to interact with. Complementing the courtyard as an open breathing connector to the natural world, skylights sit above, bringing light deeper into the home.





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