Jointly funded by the Shenzhen Municipal Government and Vanke Group, the Tibet Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is constructed by Vanke as Shenzhen’s key project in support of the Tibet Autonomous Region.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view
Being located in the newly developed Cijuelin cultural and creative park, the site of the building is on a slight slope extending from the Lhasa river valley, facing the old city proper of Lhasa across the river to the north, and surrounded by mountains on its eastern, western and southern sides.
▼总平面图,master plan
We hope the building will become Tebet’s new cultural landmark, integrating into the existing natural environment and urban texture with a friendly attitude as well. Meanwhile, it is expected to establish a culturally symbiotic relationship with Tibet’s important historic buildings such as the Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple, thus forming among them a dialogue across both time and space.
博物馆、拉萨河谷与布达拉宫,the museum, river valley and Potala Palace
博物馆远景,building in natural and urban context
▼远眺拉萨河谷,building and the river valley
▼西南侧视角,view from the southwest
Lhasa is a very special city. Here, nature and humanity, history and modernity intertwine with each other, forming the specific conditions for our design as well as the core of our thinking.
▼远眺布达拉宫,building and the Potala Palace
▼概念草图——天路,conceptual sketch—“Heavenly Road”
Tibet is considered to be a holy place close to the sky, with the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple being pilgrims’ destinations. So, our basic design concept of Heavenly Road is consistent with the most unique natural and cultural genes here.
博物馆与山脉遥相呼应,building and the mountains
The concept of “heavenly road” is embodied at three levels. Firstly, we find a walking path at physical level. Inspired by the prototype of zigzag footpath of Potala Palace, it is transformed into a spatial circulation rising from the entrance of the site to the building and spiraling up inside the museum.
▼整体鸟瞰,bird view
▼场地入口视角,view from entrance
▼西侧视角,view from the west
▼南侧视角,view from the south
▼体积生成,volume generation
▼“天路”生成,generating the“heavenly road”
▼空间体验,spatial experience
Secondly, it means a unique experience of space. The main volume of the museum evolves from the main hall of the Jokhang Temple, forming an introverted and stable space. The touring path of the “heavenly road” put up in such a space creates a diversified spatial experience that makes people feel tall, narrow, spacious, dim, or bright in different public spaces or exhibition chambers, and indicates an reflection of a special journey of life.▼大堂及展厅,lobby & exhibition chamber
▼内院及坡道,courtyard & ramp
The subtle psychological and emotional changes triggered by the unique spacial experience leads to a third meaning of the heavenly road, the road of heart.
眺望布达拉宫,overlook to the Potala Palace
跨越时空的守望,dialogue across time and space
▼建筑与远山,dialogue with mountains beyond
▼“致敬”,”the tribute”
After appreciating the rich intangible cultural heritage of Tibet through a hard climb, visitors will finally reach the ending point where they can overlook the Potala Palace across both time and space, establishing a dialogue as well as paying a tribute not only to Tibet’s great natural landscapes, history and culture, but also to the holy land at the bottom of everyone’s heart.
▼不同视角中的建筑,the architecture from different views
▼晨光中的博物馆,museum in the morning mist
▼局部特写,close-up views
▼模型照片,model photo
▼首层平面图,plan level 1
▼二层平面图 plan level 2
四层平面图,plan level 4
▼五层平面图,plan level 5
▼墙身节点,wall section
地点:西藏拉萨 类型:文化/博物馆 主持建筑师:肖诚 设计团队:廖国威 朱琳 梁子毅 梁鉴源 徐牧 建筑面积:总建筑面积 6800 平方米 结构材料:钢筋混凝土,砌石,钢结构 设计时间:2016-2017 年 竣工时间:2018 年 规划及建筑设计:深圳华汇设计 施工图合作:中国建筑西南设计研究院 景观设计:朱育帆工作室 室内设计:共和设计 摄影师:姚力