本项目是一个综合性文化展示体验空间,集非遗文化教育、文旅养生及培训接待于一体,展示面积约占520㎡。展厅紧扣非遗按照农耕、酿造、企业,三类文化循序渐进的展陈逻辑,充分展示古代农耕文化、非遗酿造技艺及鱼跃匠心精神等不同内容。展厅基于 “鱼跃百年,百年愉悦”的企业愿景作为设计理念,从处州山水及传统建筑中提炼设计灵感,令展示空间更具丽水气息。为更好地汇聚视觉焦点,还原空间展示功能本质,使用旧青石板、青石砖作为装饰主调,并将瓯江元素于空间中进行融糅。多维度感观体验技术的融入,将展厅打造成一个动静相宜、古今并融的酿造文化互动体验空间,为丽水市增添一个富有文化深度的高品质非遗旅游景点。
【Project explanation】
The project is a comprehensive space for culture exhibition and experiencing covering nearly 520㎡, integrating intangible culture heritage education, tourism, health preservation, training and reception. The exhibition room, focusing on intangible culture heritage, follows the sequential display thread of farming, brewing and enterprise, displays ancient farming culture, intangible culture heritage of brewing technology, and Yuyue quality craftsmanship fully. With enterprise vision "Fish springing, pleasure for a century" as design idea, inspired by the Chuzhou beautiful landscape and traditional architecture, the exhibition space bears more of the refreshing atmosphere of Lishui. To draw visual focus better, and restore the functional nature to the space display, retro blue slates and bricks are used as basic decoration tone, blended with Oujiang River element into the space. With the use of multidimensional technology bringing peceptual experiening, the exhibition room is built into a space for brewing culture interactive experiencing with lively, serene, ancient and present feature, adding a tourism spot of quality intangible cultural heritage to Lishui.