▼剖面图,Section ©未/WAY Studio
功能 Function:小型综合体 Mini Mixed-Use (咖茶、餐厅、中式生活用品、画廊、国学馆、茶室) (Coffee&Tea, Restaurant, Chinese Traditional Household Store, Art Gallery, Chinese Studies Studio, Tea Shop) 地址 Address:中国北京 Beijing, P.R.China 面积 Area: 440 平米 sqm. | 高度 Height:12米m. 设计团队 Design Team: 郑涛, 黎紫翎 Fernie Lai,张泽群,方文,王天墨,陈宇 Zheng Tao, Fernie Lai, Zhang ZeQun, Fang Wen, Wang TianMo, Chen Yu 总包单位 Contractor:北京赫立达建筑装饰工程有限公司 Beijing Helida Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd 摄影 Photography:高原Yuan Gao;曾皓Zeng Hao ;AkunLee 项目周期 Project Duration:2022 – 2023
未/WAY Studio 为北京市中心营建了一所小型综合体建筑。在这个改造的项目中,未/WAY Studio通过云廊的衔接去阐述人造与自然的关系,从而进一步探索城市更新与城市的公共性。
WAY Studio recently designed the renovation of an old and secluded courtyard in the centre of Beijing and transformed it into an urban attraction, incorporating a micro-mixed-use complex. In the design, WAY Studio considers the relationship between old and new, between outside and inside, positive and negative space, to create a cloudscape insertion that mediates the relationship between nature, man, and man-made, in order to emphasize the spatial experience of the void, further enhancing its relationship with its surroundings, and adding to the urban fabric of Beijing.
▼人与建筑、人与自然,People and Architecture; People and Nature ©高原 Yuan Gao
新旧交替”人与建筑、人与自然 Something Old, Something New Creating for the present with consideration of the future and the past
▼重塑空间秩序,对“空”做设计, Reshaping spatial order, designing for ’emptiness’ ©高原 Yuan Gao
This project is an exploration of tradition and preservation, the relationship between new and old, the consideration for the present in reference to both the future and the past. We hope to show that preserving Chinese tradition is not simply a replication of existing historical pavilions and towers, but a spirit of innovation that is a journey of discovery and awareness.
Therefore, we intentionally created an interplay of old and new within the space.
▼入口特写,Close-up of the entrance ©曾皓 Zeng Hao
▼远望云廊,A glimpse of the cloud-bridge ©AkunLee
▼新旧交替, Something Old, Something New ©高原 Yuan Gao
The project is located in the centre of Beijing, within the immediate surroundings of the imperial palace which would have housed the royal extended family in its midst historically.
In the 1990s, after multiple renovations and the expansion of roads, resulting in a smaller isolated irregular courtyard with a mix of old and new decorative styles that lacked unity or purpose, with only the shadows of its previous identity maintained in its spatial sequence.
Consequently, just one block away is the central commercial area WangFuJing which is a major bustling hub of the city.
▼项目紧邻故宫东侧, The project is located in the centre of Beijing ©未/WAY Studio
In order to tap into that energy from the new commercial area nearby while mediating its proximity to our historic centre, we focused on the negative space within the courtyard instead of the building itself, and transformed the area into a more urban and public space, creating a natural gathering place within the courtyard.
The insertion of the cloudscape bridge reshapes the spatial order and changes people’s preconceptions about how traditional courtyards can be repurposed.
In the transformation of Courtyard 35, we aimed to retain the essence of the courtyard, while redefining the flow of space and incorporating a variety of functional areas.
The space transfigures from an originally introverted state, into a small commercial complex accommodating modern functions and aesthetics.
▼上下双流线,Redefining the flow of courtyard space ©高原 Yuan Gao
▼建筑与自然,Architecture and Nature ©高原 Yuan Gao
为了激活城市深处的公共空间,未/WAY Studio在改造时并没有变动传统建筑本身,而是加入廊桥,对院子中的“空”进行设计。将其以装置作品的形式与空间进行对话,“天人合一”的理念,在空间中以各种姿态演绎。人们对曲线天生有着某种程度的迷恋,其与人的搭档显得毫无违和感,可能是因为人本身也是曲线构成的原因。
云廊-洞天,Cloudscape – Art of the “Void” ©高原 Yuan Gao
To activate the public spaces deep within the city, the architectural renovation did not alter the original building; instead, the cloud-bridge was added, to “play with the void”.
The cloud-bridge itself is an installation piece, not only is it a statement between new and old, it is also a frame providing precious moments with nature in the urban landscape.
We have an innate fascination with curves to a certain extent, us also being made of curves, and the organic shapes it creates is what brings us closest to creating nature.
▼云廊,Cloudscape ©未/WAY Studio
未/WAY Studio在改造的过程中,通过云状连廊重塑传统四合院的天际线,让自然与人造空间形成新的关系。 进门后的第一印象是云状连廊怀抱着两颗参天大槐树的院子,树荫清爽了整个夏天,抽象扭曲的镜象悬浮于天花板上,随着夜幕的降临变得光怪陆离,一步步引人入胜。
During the renovation process, WAY Studio redefined the skyline of the traditional Siheyuan (courtyards) with a cloud-bridge, forging a new relationship between natural and man-made spaces.
Upon entering, the first impression is of a cloud-shaped corridor floating within the courtyard embracing two towering ancient trees. The cloud-bridge is made of twisted mirror images floating above, abstracting the immediate surroundings and offering visitors an unexpected experience.
The bridge becomes an extension of the architecture, reorganizing the relationship between building and void, creating grey areas which alters the way the space is navigated.
▼入口云状连廊怀抱两颗参天大槐树, The cloud-bridge redefines the skyline of traditional courtyard houses ©高原 Yuan Gao
As the major component of creating an ambiance of otherworldliness, the cloud-bridges give the sense of separating the ground and the “clouds”. Having a higher perspective of the courtyard is a new experience, and the peeking rooftops of the traditional courtyard houses almost like mountain peaks among the clouds.
▼云状连廊使四合院各个房子之间形成了新的天际线,The cloud-bridges give the sense of separating the ground and the “clouds” ©高原 Yuan Gao
The design integrates the old with the new, preserving the essence of the Siheyuan (courtyard) while introducing contemporary elements that enhance the interaction between the architecture and its users, the architecture and nature, the user and nature.
The cloud-bridge not only redefines the architectural landscape but also serves as a medium for social interaction, bringing vitality and a new dimension to the traditional courtyard.
▼室内外形成“灰空间”,Forming a “gray space” indoors and outdoors ©高原 Yuan Gao
▼传统的四合院屋顶如岛屿般被其环绕, The peeking rooftops of the traditional courtyard houses almost like mountain peaks among the clouds ©高原 Yuan Gao
▼戏剧性的曲线栏杆与人形成的有趣的互动, Dramatic curved railings and interesting interactions formed by people
©高原 Yuan Gao
城市客厅 An Urban Common Room
灵活多变的城市客厅/小型综合体 Transformative Urban Space/ Mini Mixed Use Commercial
未/WAY Studio在梳理各个功能的可能性及核心空间需求的同时,尽可能的保留了空间的多功能性及模糊性以适应不同。室内空间主要由四部分组成:进入院内,北侧原传达室被改造为咖啡茶馆,主体建筑的南房亦由展厅及一个可供14人用餐的长吧台衔接,北屋一层作为包间使用,二层作为国学交流中心分别设有茶室和国学堂。几个主题功能亦根据日夜时间转换或者节日、活动等,互相调配空间使用及院内的公共空间。
▼灵活多变的城市客厅-小型综合体,Transformative Urban Space/ Mini Mixed Use Commercial ©高原 Yuan Gao
WAY Studio carefully considered the required “core functionalities”, while maintaining a degree of ambiguity in all other common spaces in order to maximize flexibility, achieving spatial sustainability.
Striving for an effective mutual use of space. Four key components are hosted within, just within the entrance where the original guard house is located, resides a small coffee and tea shop; within the main body of the courtyard, an exhibition shop and a restaurant bar is located in the south wing, whilst the north wing hosts a VIP room on the ground floor with the second floor being a small Chinese cultural exchange studio.
▼南房—餐厅—长吧台,Song-style fusion dining is presented at the bar located in the south wing ©高原 Yuan Gao
This design not only respects the nature of space within traditional Chinese architecture but also caters to contemporary needs for cultural activities and social interactions. The integration of these elements within the Siheyuan framework demonstrates a thoughtful approach to preserving cultural heritage while accommodating modern functionalities, providing a perfect space conducive to cultural activities.
This approach to design ensures that the Siheyuan remains a relevant and integral part of the community’s social fabric.
▼城市客厅,An Urban Common Room ©高原 Yuan Gao
▼拆解轴测图,Exploded Function AXO ©未/WAY Studio
东方美学 – 别有洞天,别有天地 Chinese Aesthetics – “A World Apart”
▼别有天地非人间, In a world apart, beyond the human realm ©高原 Yuan Gao
The design for Courtyard 35 is also an attempt to explore Chinese aesthetic values, allowing people to break free from the conventional impression of “Chinese space” and instead embark on an imaginative journey, between modern functionality and the abstract and more impressionistic aspects of Chinese aesthetics. Chinese values are honored by the flexibility of the space, where experience and functionality are integrated in a state of fluidity.
The concept to create “a world apart” for Courtyard 35 stems from the Chinese poem of Li Bai – “Inquiries in the Mountains”: Translated into English, the poem reads: Why do I reside in the emerald mountains, you ask, I smile without answer; my heart is at ease. Peach blossoms drift on flowing waters away, In a world apart, beyond the human realm.
▼一层平面图,F1 PLAN ©未/WAY Studio