发布时间:2023-11-22 22:00:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


After each project is completed, we reflect on why we initially chose this design. Unlike masters who draw from classical references, our approach is based on the first impressions. When facing projects that demand a “new identity,” our primary consideration is the trace of time—seasonal changes, the ebb and flow of people. We absorb these scenes, borrow these stories, and contemplate what “attire” the project’s “new identity” will wear in the coming period.

Exterior view © ANDY

庭院和入口,Courtyard and entrance© ANDY© William


▼建筑原貌,The existing building© 直距设计

With the acceleration of urbanization, many buildings are forgotten in corners. This ancient-style building in the wetland park is one of them. The main structure dates back two or three decades and served as a park facility. It was last bustling about ten years ago when it operated as a distinctive restaurant before being sealed off for a whole decade. In a building’s lifecycle, it may play various roles (akin to life itself), constantly changing during the process of time and role transitions. Sudden interventions—whether for better or worse—are often unpredictable, yet they bring opportunities filled with imagination and anticipation.

▼外部庭院景观,Courtyard landscape© ANDY

▼建筑外观,Exterior view© william

▼庭院长椅,Seating area© ANDY

庭院细节,Courtyard details© ANDY © william


“Transforming” the original building, despite the extensive use of glass, still exuded a dull and aged atmosphere. In such a vibrant environment, we aimed to make it more elegant. Considering lighting, ventilation, and responses to different seasons, we implemented an operable external wall system. Additionally, various internal and external interface styles were applied in different areas, allowing the building’s interior to sense diverse outdoor scenes.

▼阅读区,Reading area© ANDY

▼氧吧阅读区,Oxygen bar© ANDY

▼可开启的外墙系统,Operable external wall system© ANDY

▼可折叠的窗屏,Foldable window screen© ANDY


▼剖面透视,Section© 直距设计

The building known locally as “Book Inside” suddenly gained popularity due to a barbecue, presenting itself to the county as an “urban library.” The internal structure underwent bold experimentation, retaining only load-bearing elements. The entire building achieved a state of comfortable fluidity, where the circulation is the soul of the entire space. It guides entrants to perceive the spatial context, arousing their desire for exploration—a source of design delight.

入口,Entrance© william

▼中庭,Atrium© william


▼中庭天顶,Atrium ceiling© william


The product shelves on the basement floor extend seamlessly to the bookshelves on the ground floor. Glass floors, accessible to people, replace traditional ones between floors. In terms of spatial perception between “upstairs and downstairs,” there is a visual exchange experience, while the darkness of the basement is also illuminated.

悬空书廊,The floating library© ANDY

▼B1悬空书架,Basement floor library© william

▼B1悬空书架,Basement floor library© ANDY

▼B1森林阅读室,Basement floor -forest library© ANDY

咖啡操作台,Coffee bar© william


竹编书架,Bamboo bookshelf© ANDY

The entrance is woven with a bamboo bookshelf, becoming the first focal point. The transparency of the woven material subtly reveals the reading area and rotating passage beyond the entrance. In this limited depth, it adds spatial richness without feeling rushed due to the compact entrance.

▼B1悬空书架,Basement floor library© william

▼曲面书架,Curved bookshelf© william


Expressive desires in the design manifest recent viewpoints, exploring different materials, envisioning new structures, and intending to share these innovations. Through the transmission of this space, the question arises: can visitors grasp the emotions intended by the design? It reflects an anticipation and sense of accomplishment in crafting this design.

▼二楼,Upper floor© ANDY


The passage to the second floor concealed within a bookshelf reveals a view full of greenery. Materials such as bamboo weaving, wood, concrete, metal, glass, and red bricks, borrowed from the building’s original structure, serve different purposes in creating a tranquil, oxygen-rich library. Patiently awaiting the arrival of visitors.

▼路径,Circulation© william

二楼通道,Upper floor route© william

会客厅区域,Reception room© ANDY

▼会客厅室内,Reception room interior view© william

▼2F会议室,Meeting room 2F© william

▼木与混凝土,Wood and concrete© william

▼B1平面,Plan B1© 直距设计

▼1F平面,Plan 1F© 直距设计

▼2F平面,Plan 2F© 直距设计

立面图1,Elevation 1© 直距设计

立面图2,Elevation 2© 直距设计


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