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设计生活美学 城市诗意栖居Life Aesthetics & Live Poetically

人间有味是清欢 幸福不囿于方寸缔造一个令人向往的写意空间在悠然生活中舒展身与心 钻石华府玄关HALLWAY

进门见景,宁静与喜悦油然而生。海天一色的壁画,只一瞬,便令人恍然陶醉。绿植有着新生的力量,向外吐露清新芬芳。小猴造型摆件可供钥匙存放,活泼俏皮,凸显空间灵动的质感。Entering the door and seeing the scene, tranquility and joy arise spontaneously.The murals of the same color of the sea and the sky, in just a moment, are suddenly intoxicated.Green plants have the power of new life, exuding fresh fragrance.The monkey-shaped ornament can be used for key storage, lively and playful.Emphasize the dynamic texture of the space.

玄关左侧格栅,有序的光影与物交织成律动的音符,随着它的变化而知晓清晨和夜晚。玄关右侧格栅,与空间的设计语言相统一,绝妙地将入户衣帽间隐藏其中,把功能与美观完美结合。On the grille on the left side of the porch, orderly light and shadows and objects interweave into rhythmic notes, and the morning and night are known as it changes.The grille on the right side of the entrance is unified with the design language of the space.厨房KITCHEN

左侧两组隐藏式超薄冰箱+一组零食抽拉柜的设计,整体外观简洁耐看,收纳量惊人。U型台面设计能最大化操作台面的使用,玩转空间,方便家庭烹饪大厨一展身手。墙面的三组可移动式插座,细节考究,灵活安全,厨房也能玩出黑科技。The design of two sets of hidden ultra-thin refrigerators on the left side + a set of snack pull-out cabinets has a simple and attractive overall appearance and an amazing storage capacity.The U-shaped countertop design can maximize the use of the worktop, play with the space, and facilitate home cooking chefs to show their skills.Three sets of movable sockets on the wall are exquisite in details, flexible and safe, and the kitchen can also play black technology.餐厅DINING ROOM

黑色餐桌椅,更突出食材与盛放器皿本身,美食与人成为了空间中的主角。餐边柜的设置随时满足用餐所需,餐厅成了艺术角,就餐更有仪式感,尽显纯粹特色。Black dining tables and chairs highlight the food materials and containers themselves, and food and people become the protagonists in the space.The setting of the side cabinet can meet the dining needs at any time. The restaurant has become an art corner, making the dining more ceremonial and showing pure characteristics.客厅LIVING ROOM

最强硬的黑白基调,加入最柔软的元素.布艺沙发、毛绒地毯的“柔”,与金属玻璃、铁艺柜架的“硬”相碰撞,局部搭配温润的木色,中和冰冷感。黑色窄线条的运用,勾勒出整体空间的形态和特色,空间氛围极简而富有活力。阳光穿过落地窗与白色纱帘,客厅盛满了四季的温柔。家不单是居住空间,更是心灵的一片净土。窝在客厅,拥抱舒适,释放疲惫。The toughest black and white tone, adding the softest elements.The "softness" of fabric sofas and plush carpets collides with the "hardness" of metal glass and wrought iron cabinets, and is partially matched with a warm wood color to neutralize the cold feeling.The use of narrow black lines outlines the shape and characteristics of the overall space, and the space atmosphere is minimal and vibrant.The sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows and white gauze curtains, and the living room is filled with the tenderness of the four seasons.Home is not only a living space, but also a pure land for the soul.Nest in the living room, embrace comfort and release fatigue.书房STUDY

简练的线条,镂空的设计,虚实分隔空间,有藏有露,设计感十足。书房区域既保持独立,又开放舒畅,便于与亲友访客交流。忙可紧急处理公务,闲可慢品诗意生活。Concise lines, hollowed-out design, separate space between virtual and real, there are hidden and exposed, and the design is full.The study area is not only independent, but also open and comfortable for communication.Busy can handle official business urgently, and leisure can take time to enjoy a poetic life.楼梯间STAIRCASE

楼梯间是链接各个空间的枢纽,南面挑空区两层光线的进入,三楼北面墙体拆改为落地窗后的光线进入,使楼梯间明亮而通透。楼梯侧面装备智能感应灯,应需而亮。光影间的几何美感,贴心呵护家人的每一步。The stairwell is the hub linking various spaces. The light from the two floors of the open space on the south side and the north wall on the third floor are demolished and replaced by floor-to-ceiling windows, making the stairwell bright and transparent.The side of the stairs is equipped with intelligent sensor lights, which can be turned on when needed.The geometric beauty between light and shadow takes care of every step of the family.主人房MASTER ROOM

卧室,往往沉淀出使人内心安定的空间力量。主卧室内背景硬包以简约线条体现,斜向双侧的吊顶弱化了原本大斜顶的不平衡性,并保留了最大的层高空间,整体风格冷静、简洁、明了。主卧南露台能远眺感知四季变化的景观,对面公园美景尽收眼底,晚霞如油画,把生活过成诗。The bedroom often precipitates the power of space that makes people feel stable.The background hard package in the master bedroom is embodied by simple lines. The sloping ceiling on both sides weakens the imbalance of the original large sloping ceiling, and retains the largest floor height space. The overall style is calm, concise and clear.The south terrace of the master bedroom can overlook the changing landscape of the four seasons, and the beautiful scenery of the park opposite is unobstructed. The sunset glow is like an oil painting, making life a poem.女儿房DAUGHTERS ROOM

吾心安处是吾家,每一处设计,都透露家的温馨。床头背景保留了业主女儿婚房卧室的设计,熟悉和亲切萦绕在其回娘家的每时每刻。墙面装饰画与梳妆柜选择了亮色,用期许点亮空间,愿未来多姿多彩。My heart is my home, and every design is the warmth of home.The bedside background retains the design of the owners daughters marriage bedroom, and the familiarity and kindness linger in every moment when she returns to her familys home. Bright colors are chosen for the wall decoration paintings and dressing cabinets, and the space is lit up with expectations, and the future will be colorful.卫生间BATHROOM

主卫和二楼卫生间都采取双台盆加干湿分离的设计,满足多人共同使用需求。浅色调的卫生间设计,一扫改造前的沉闷灰暗,删繁就简,带来干净明快的视觉印象。Both the main bathroom and the bathroom on the second floor adopt the design of double basins plus dry and wet separation to meet the needs of multiple people.The light-colored bathroom design swept away the dullness and gloom before the renovation, simplified the complex, and brought a clean and bright visual impression.娱乐室&宝宝房RUMPUS&BABY ROOM

意大利B-LINE 4/4可拆分拼接茶几,优雅精巧的造型,可以不断对居住空间进行新的诠释。暖黄小帐篷、夹子长条凳、隐形书架、彩条地毯,所有家居选品无一不环保亲肤,柔婉温馨。The Italian B-LINE 4/4 detachable and spliced coffee table has an elegant and delicate shape, which can continuously give new interpretations to the living space.Warm yellow tents, clip benches, invisible bookshelves, and colorful carpets, all home furnishings are environmentally friendly and skin-friendly, soft and warm.

白板漆面的墙面,让宝宝在成长过程中能自由尽情的涂涂画画,释放天性。娱乐室与宝宝房中间使用了可移动的隔断作为分隔,满足小家庭亲子互动、娱乐,和未来二孩出生后作为独立房间的多重需求。The whiteboard lacquered wall allows the baby to paint and draw freely as he grows up, releasing his natural instincts.A movable partition is used as a separation between the entertainment room and the babys room to meet the multiple needs of small families for parent-child interaction, entertainment, and as an independent room after the birth of the second child in the future.挑空区THE VOID AREA

谈笑风生,阅读书籍;品味窖藏,共度良日。境随心转,像是漫步在充满活力的白色花蕾盛开的林间,午后的风沁人心脾。生活的小美好总能带给我们心灵的悸动。Chatting and laughing, reading books, savoring cellars, and spending time together.The mood changes with ones heart, like a stroll in the forest with vibrant white buds in full bloom, and the afternoon breeze is refreshing. The little things in life can always bring our hearts throbbing.健身房FITNESS ROOM

健身区域内部墙面设置落地镜,让整体空间愈加开阔。运动,不仅仅是一种对身体的锻炼,同时也是一段强化心灵的旅程。认真生活,收获滋养与成长。Floor-to-ceiling mirrors are installed on the interior walls to make the overall space more open.Fitness is not just an exercise for the body, it is also a journey to strengthen the mind.Live earnestly, reap nourishment and growth.露台TERRACE


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