VARI 几里设计前年参与的成都宽窄巷子二期匠造所城市更新项目于去年底落成。项目坐落于成都市区最传统的人文景区宽窄巷子,长顺上街。项目原为80年代的预制结构招待所,通过建筑的结构改造与立面更新,形成社区里的创新微更新。
VARI has participated in the renovation of Kuanzhai Alley phase II in Chengdu two years ago which has been completed last year.The project located in the most traditional cultural district, Kuanzhai alley. The original building was built in 1980s, pre fabricated structure. With the renovation of the structure and facade, the design has created the minor renovation with local community fabric.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
The vision of the deisgn is to open a vertical public space to the visitors and local residents that people could walk along the space to the top with the perpenticular alley.
▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
The design has blurred the boundaries of the interior and outter spaces, and extend the horrizontal public space to the top.
▼由街道看建筑,viewing the project from the street ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼街道近景,closer look from the street ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼垂直的街道,the vertical space ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
We designed the red path from ground level to the roof top for leading people walking along the vertical space more clearly. Visitors will be attracted from the serpentine entrance.
▼一条红色的路径从一楼一直到达屋顶空间,a red path from ground level to the roof top ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼分析图,diagram ©VARY几里设计
While clearing the public space, we inserted this red path to link the ground level to the roof top.We hope when people walking in the tube, they can feel the change of scale, materials and color. People could enjoy the bird view of the local alleys from the top while walking in and out of the path.
▼红色的匠造之廊,Red Serpentine Path ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼抽象的放大入口吸引人们进入,Abstract enlarged entrance draw people in ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
The red path is twining around the structure and facade of the building, from bottom to the top as a linear tube.
▼红色的通道如同丝带一般,The red path is twining around the structure and facade of the building ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼由底层看红色的通道,viewing the red path from the ground level ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
The closed gallery space let people focus on the two sides of the exhibition space, through the scale and light sense of guidance. The stray colonnades on the ground floor are overhead, dissolving the boundaries inside and outside the space.
▼底层柱廊架空层与红色通道,The stray colonnades on the ground floor and the red path ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼红色通道仿若一个线性的时空隧道,the red path from bottom to the top as a linear tube ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼仰视红色通道,looking up through the red path ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
The renovated building hide in the community,coonects the past and future, the community and new retail space.
▼通道内部,interior of the red path ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼台阶与线性灯光,Steps and linear lighting ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼夜景,night view ©INSPACE 言隅建筑
▼模型,model ©VARY几里设计
项目:宽窄匠造所 地点:中国成都 面积 :7000㎡ 合作单位:TJAD 同济大学建筑设计院有限公司 主持建筑师:齐帆,杨丁亮 设计团队:蒋逸男,童轩 建筑摄影 :INSPACE 言隅建筑
Project:The Alley Location:Chengdu,China Area:7000㎡ Partner:TJAD 同济大学建筑设计院有限公司 Design Team Leader:Fan Qi,Dingliang Yang Design Team:Yinan Jiang,Xuan Tong Photography:INSPACE