发布时间:2018-07-24 19:24:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


HASSELL。Appreciation towards HASSELL for providing the following description:


Stadium Park on the Burswood Peninsula in Perth, Western Australia is home to the city’s new Optus Stadium. The 41-hectare precinct, designed by HASSELL, provides a stunning parkland setting for the world-class sports and entertainment venue, as well as an impressive array of casual recreational facilities for Perth’s community, and visitors, to enjoy year-round.

▼体育馆公园鸟瞰,Stadium Park aerial view

▼体育场外观,Stadium exterior view


A community arbour links the new HASSELL-designed Stadium Station to the Swan River, BHP Amphitheatre and Boardwalk, playgrounds and picnic areas, and a community sports oval is available for public use on non-game days.

▼体育场与周边区域的连接,Stadium connecting with surrounding areas

设有顶棚的路径,Community arbour


▼体育场内部交通空间,Stadiuminterior transportation space

体育场看台,Stadium grandstand

修复体育馆公园——营造安全健康的游乐环境|Rehabilitating Stadium Park – creating safe and healthy foundations for fun


The Stadium Park site had endured significant environmental degradation over many years, due to its past uses as a sewerage treatment facility, cement works and rubbish tip. The Chevron Parkland site presented its own challenges, with its location between the river and the lake making it prone to geological instability and flooding. We rehabilitated the entire site, making it safe for the community and local wildlife. The capping of contaminants in latent soils, reduction of fertiliser use, and bio-filtering of surface water has improved the micro-organisms found in both the soil and the water. Site flooding has been mitigated through the creation of a series of mounds and undulations; with key play structures situated above the 1-in-100-year flood level and incorporating deep pile footings.

▼生态修复后的公园基地,Park base after ecological restoration


Our design has introduced thousands of native plants creating a beautiful native setting with spectacular vistas across the river to the city. This naturalisation of the parkland and its lake and river edges, provides habitat and food for endemic insects, fish and bird life – including species suitable for foraging by the endangered Black Cockatoo. Native wildflower planting for endemic fauna also supports the cross pollination of plant life throughout the area.Risk consultants and the Royal Life Saving Society assessed the waterside play area – informing our positioning of pathways, bio-engineering to water edges, benching of banks, sightlines, signage and CCTV.

引入了数千种原生植物,营造出美丽的自然景观introducing thousands of native plants creating a beautiful native setting

体育场公园内的一大亮点为雪佛龙公园,占地 2.6 公顷的自然游乐空间让家人和儿童更亲近环境,并帮助他们与这片被原住民社区称作“努加国”的土地上的原住民文化遗产建立联系。更重要的是,体育场公园项目修复了天鹅河东岸的这处重要场地,这里曾一度是城市的垃圾堆放地,而现在已转型为集风光宜人的步道、骑行道、灵活的活动和游乐空间及地标性公共艺术品为一体的公共场所。“将体育场片区河岸转型为适宜各年龄段人群的自然游乐空间,对于HASSELL来说是一次激动人心的场所营造机遇。我们的设计实现了景观的生态复育并通过生境营造、游乐、艺术及故事讲述凸显了其对于Whadjuk社区的重要意义。”HASSELL董事Anthony Brookfield表示。

A major attraction within the precinct is Chevron Parkland, a 2.6-hectare nature-play space that’s designed to engage children and families with the natural environment and connect them with the indigenous cultural heritage of this land known to the Aboriginal community as ‘Whadjuk Noongar’ country. Significantly, the Stadium Park development has rehabilitated this prominent site on the eastern foreshore of the Swan River – once a waste ground of the city – to provide a collection of scenic promenades, cycle paths, and flexible event and play spaces, filled with landmark public artworks. “The transformation of the stadium precinct foreshore into a multigenerational, nature-play space was an exciting placemaking opportunity for HASSELL. Our design synthesises the ecological revitalisation of the landscape with a celebration of its significance to the Whadjuk community through habitat creation, play, art and storytelling,” said Anthony Brookfield, Principal.

▼雪佛龙公园概览,Chevron Parkland overview

致敬 Whadjuk 文化——六季的概念|Celebrating the Whadjuk Culture – the six seasons concept

设计伊始,我们从 Whadjuk 族工作小组(Whadjuk 族的代表)处了解到他们对体育场公园应如何呈现其族文化的期望。Whadjuk族人将努加(Noongar)的“六季”确定为首要主题,表达原住民与土地(国家)之间平衡与和谐的关系。从这一概念出发,我们与工作小组密切合作,将这些描述性的元素贯穿于整个景观设计中。雪佛龙公园由六个主要区域组成,分别代表了努加(Noongar)的六季——Djeran、Makuru、Djilba、Kambarang、Birak及Bunuru,再由组合植栽、所用材料、自然游乐主题及教育标识元素得以呈现。另外,还有14件公共艺术品点缀于景观中,其中有十件作品由原住民艺术家创作,八位来自当Whadjuk社区。

At the beginning of the design process, we asked the Whadjuk Working Party (as representatives of the Whadjuk people) how they would like their culture to be represented across Stadium Park. They identified the Noongar ’six seasons’ as the overarching theme to express the Aboriginal connection to the land (country) in balance and harmony. From this idea, we collaborated closely to integrate interpretive elements throughout the landscape design. Chevron Parkland comprises six key zones, each representing one of the Noongar seasons – Djeran, Makuru, Djilba, Kambarang, Birak and Bunuru – through planting palettes, materiality, nature-play themes, and interpretive educational signage. A collection of 14 public artworks is also woven through the landscape. Ten of these works are by indigenous artists, with eight of the artists from the local Whadjuk community.

▼对于Whadjuk文化描述性的元素贯穿于整个景观设计,Descriptive elements of Whadjuk culture throughout the landscape design

▼原住民艺术家创作的公共艺术作品,public art works by indigenous artists

在这些独具一格和引人入胜的空间中,游客可以了解当地的文化和原住民传统以及他们在六季转换时与环境的关系。例如,随着气温的逐渐升高,Birak 季节也就是“第一个夏季”便到来了,因此游乐空间的主题是寻找避暑空间,如“袋食蚁兽的地洞”和隧道就创造了凉爽的感官空间,以其丰富的肌理与色彩吸引人们一探究竟。

In these unique and intriguing spaces, visitors can gain a sense of the culture and learn more about indigenous traditions and how they relate to the environmental conditions of each seasonal change. For example: Birak season is the ’first summer’ when temperatures rise, so this play-space is about finding places to beat the heat – like the ’numbat burrows’ and tunnels that create a cool, sensory space with rich textures and colours to explore.

▼“袋食蚁兽的地洞”,the ‘numbat burrows’

不止于365天的自然游乐|365 days of nature play, and more

雪佛龙公园的另一设计主旨是创造一片广阔的城市树林,各年龄层的孩子都能充分亲近自然,在灌木丛里安全游乐,自在漫步。“我们希望孩子们在雪佛龙公园中发掘对自然的热情。更理想的是他们能成为公园的主人,移 、动摆放树枝石块,堆起堡垒和小屋,踏出新的小径,搭起瞭望台,挖出秘密据点等,逐渐塑造出公园独具一格的特色。”HASSELL资深景观设计主管Hannah Galloway说。

Another key objective of the Chevron Parkland design was to create an expansive area of urban bushland, where children of all ages can play safely with opportunities to roam free, fully immersing themselves in the natural environment. “We want children to discover their passion for nature at Chevron Parkland. Ideally, they will become the stewards of the park – shaping its evolving character through the migration of sticks and stones, the building of forts and cubbies, and forming new paths, lookouts and dens,” said Hannah Galloway, Senior Associate at HASSELL.

广阔的城市树林,an expansive area of urban bushland

各年龄层的孩子都能充分亲近自然,在灌木丛里安全游乐,自在漫步,children of all ages can play safely with opportunities to roam free, fully immersing themselves in the natural environment


在更大的体育场公园中,我们规划了更有组织性的感官游乐空间,在其中配备了乐器、蹦床、 攀岩绳索等设施。“珀斯体育场的典型特色是其位于体育场公园之中。公园里有各种开展社区体育、休闲娱乐和举办活动的空间和场所等。一年365天,这里总有一处适合你。”Galloway说。

To encourage engagement and creativity, a series of nature-play zones were created offering a mix of structured and unstructured activities. They include various climbing, balancing, tunnelling and ‘chill out’ elements, with sand pits and lookouts. Each zone is separated by indigenous planting, creating a sense of discovery and adventure between activities.The wider Stadium Park also incorporates a more structured sensory play-space with musical instruments, trampolines, climbing ropes and more. “One of the new stadium’s defining qualities is that it’s set within a park. The parklands are full of engaging places and spaces for community sports, relaxation, entertainment, events and more. There’s something for everyone 365 days of the year.” said Galloway.

▼攀爬游乐装置,Climbing amusement device

快速了解可持续数据|Sustainability fast facts

新栽树木 1,380 棵

移栽场地现有树木 23 棵

栽植当地节水植物 55,000 株

通过生物工程修复 10,000 平米水岸面积

回收利用 100 多米枯木,用于自然游乐区空间营造和生境营造

再利用 4,000 平米废弃表层土


850米骑行道和 600 个自行车位

LED 照明

1,380 trees planted

23 existing site trees transplanted

55,000 water-wise native plants used

10,000sqm of water’s edge rehabilitated through bio-engineering

100m+ of salvaged timber repurposed for nature play and habitat creation

4,000sqm of salvaged topsoil utilised

350m lakeside boardwalk

850m of bicycle path & 600 bicycle stands

LED lighting

公园的设计体现了可持续发展的原则,The design of the park reflects the principles of sustainable development

公共艺术|Public artworks


Perth Stadium Park incorporates several permanent artworks. The pieces celebrate Western Australia’s indigenous culture, landscape, history and community, while responding to the themes of people, land and sport.Major works include:

Chris Drury – 彷徨(The Wandering)环境艺术家 Chris Drury 创作了“The Wandering”——这件 190 米长的石块造型艺术品使用了当地 460 吨图吉石和唐尼布鲁克石。Drury 从流动的天鹅河获取灵感,用当地特色抗旱植物粘合石块,创作出一件灵动的艺术作品。该作品从艺术咨询机构 FORM 提交的众多国际作品中脱颖而出。

Kim Scott 教授 – Kaya

Optus 珀斯体育场的外立面是由一幅独具特色的诗歌装饰而成,由科廷大学教授 Kim Scott 与 Whadjuk 工作小组的成员共同创作。诗歌名为“Kaya”,意思是“你好”或“是的”,由 11 节努加(Noongar)原住民的诗歌和 6 节英文诗歌组成,刻于 68 块预制的混凝土板上环绕于体育场的裙楼,歌颂了过去、现在至未来的西澳人民。

Barry McGuire - 消息之杖(Message Sticks)著名的西澳原住民艺术家 Barry McGuire 创作了两件 4.2 米高的铸铜“消息之杖”,置于 200 米长的必和必拓步道尾端。在过去,消息杖的作用是将人们聚集到一处,杖身的角度代表了人们手把手传递的意向。消息杖雕塑带有水泥底座,内置会在晚上将其点亮的科技装置。▼艺术作品“彷徨”鸟瞰,aerial view of “The Wandering”

The Wandering – Chris Drury

Environmental artist, Chris Drury created The Wandering – a 190-metre-long rock formation that uses 460 tonnes of local Toodyay and Donnybrook stone. Inspired by the flow of the Swan River, Drury created this living art piece incorporating Indigenous drought-resistant plants to bind the stone structure together. Drury was selected from an international field of submissions through art consultant FORM.

Kaya – Professor Kim Scott

The Optus Stadium façade is the canvas for a unique poem, created by Curtin University Professor Kim Scott in close collaboration with members of the Whadjuk Working Party, who represent the traditional landowners. The poem named Kaya, meaning ‘Hello’ or ‘Yes’, interweaves 11 verses of Indigenous Noongar prose with six verses of English text, etched into 68 pre-cast concrete panels that circle the podium level of the Stadium. The poem celebrates Western Australian people from the past, present and the future.

Message Sticks – Barry McGuire

Well-known Western Australian Aboriginal artist, Barry McGuire created two 4.2 metre cast bronze message sticks, which are located as bookends to 200 metre BHP Boardwalk. Message sticks have traditionally been used to bring people together in one place, and the angle of these message sticks




建筑师:HASSELL / Cox / HKS

规模:60,000 人

竣工时间:2017 年

客户:Brookfield Multiplex

协作方:Cox / HKS

图片:Peter Bennetts

Project name: Optus Stadium

Location: Burswood Peninsula, Perth, Australia

Architect: HASSELL / Cox / HKS

Scale: 60,000 seatsCompleted: 2017

Client: Brookfield Multiplex

Collaborators: Cox / HKS

Imagery: Peter Bennetts




规模:41公顷(体育场公园)/ 2.6 公顷(雪佛龙公园) 竣工时间 2017年12月



协作方建筑设计:Westadium Consortium(HASSELL、COX 和 HKS 联合体)原住民文化顾问小组:Whadjuk 工作小组 顾问 景观设计承建商:Deep Green Landscaping


艺术家:Tjyllyungoo Lance Chadd, Jade Dolman, Chris Drury, Flint Edwards, Sharyn Egan, Miranda Farmer, Kylie Graham, Norma McDonald, Barry McGuire, Laurel Nannup, Fiona Reidy, Kim Scott, Jonathan Tarry, Chris Nixon & Tom Lucey (with Ned Beckley, Sam Price and Steve Berrick)图片:Robert Frith (Acorn Photography); Peter Bennetts; HASSELL

Project name: Stadium Park & Chevron Parkland

Location: Burswood Peninsula, Perth, Australia

Landscape Architect Scale: HASSELL

Completed: 41 ha (entire Stadium Park)/ 2.6 ha (Chevron Parklands) December 2017

Client Contractor/Developer Collaborators: Western Australian Government

Multiplex Architecture: Westadium Consortium (comprising HASSELL, COX & HKS); Indigenous Consultation Group: Whadjuk Working Party

Landscape Contractor: Deep Green Landscaping; Public Art Consultant: Consultants Artists: FORM, Tjyllyungoo Lance Chadd, Jade Dolman, Chris Drury, Flint Edwards, Sharyn Egan, Miranda Farmer, Kylie Graham, Norma McDonald, Barry McGuire, Laurel Nannup, Fiona Reidy, Kim Scott, Jonathan Tarry, Chris Nixon & Tom Lucey (with Ned Beckley, Sam Price and Steve Berrick)Imagery: Robert Frith (Acorn Photography); Peter Bennetts; HASSELL


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