发布时间:2019-05-12 20:54:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}




In 2017, one of China’s innovative education pioneers ETU EDUCATION commissioned Crossboundaries to design the first campus for the ETU School in Beijing, after starting off experimenting with their educational practice in a temporary space for about two years.

Shortly after Crossboundaries handed over the completed space, ETU School’s founder Mrs. Li Yinuo told us, that our children-centered design made the school extremely popular among the children, many of whom calling it “home”.

When a former Finnish Counselor for Education at the Beijing Embassy came to visit the school, expressing that it was the first time they’d seen a Chinese school that felt very similar to Finnish Schools.

From a boiler room, this well-accepted school was transformed in just five months.

▼学校外观,external view of the school



After a long time of site selection, ETU team chose to rent a small, gray three-story industrial building that used to be a boiler room. The intention was to renovate it into an innovative primary school that had to represent ETU’s educational vision in a unique way.

▼学校与周边环境,项目原本为一座小型工业建筑,School and its surroundings, the project was a small industrial building in the past.


Located in the middle of an old residential compound, this new campus of 2600 square meters consisted of a very compact building, with several additions to the original structure, surrounded by a dense residential neighborhood that appeared crowded and chaotic. The industrial interior came with challenges too. On each floor inside the building, only one side of the façade has windows for natural lighting.

▼项目外观,外墙上有一些小开窗, external view of the building with small windows on the facade


Crossboundaries’ solution



With limited time and budget, Crossboundaries decided to focus on enriching the functions and discrepancies of the interior, while fulfilling the basic need for outdoor space.

Firstly were moved the double-loaded office layout and made the necessary structural reinforcements to implement an entirely new spatial pattern.

By arranging special rooms like dance studios on the more private side of the building, the classrooms could be placed on the other side with most natural light.

▼一层空间一览,overall view of the first floor space

▼舞蹈教室设在采光欠佳一侧,dance studio located on the more private side of the building

axonometric of the first floor, with three multifunctional blocks

The wide corridors created thereby are where we land our unique spatial interventionsat. In each floor’s corridor, Crossboundaries introduced various experiential, multifunctional blocks tailored for the areas outside each classroom, like peninsulas extending from the mainland, integrating spaces for informal learning, social activities and events.

▼一层空间走廊上的两个多功能模块,为学生提供丰富的公共活动空间, the two multifunctional blocks on the corridor of the first floor, providing various spaces for different activities

▼一层教室中的多功能夹层,丰富空间体验, the multifunctional mezzanine in the classroom on the first floor, enriching the space experience


When designing those multifunctional blocks, we carefully considered both needs of group and individuals. As a result, the blocks can not only be used to organize spontaneous events, but can be combined with other spaces – like the dance studio, where a performance can be viewed from the opposite terraced seating.

In addition, there are more hidden, intimate areas for close friends and book nooks for quiet reading and rest.

▼阶梯区可以用来举办不同活动, the stepped space could be used as venue for different activities

▼模块内部空间尺度更小,适合儿童活动, inner space of the block with smaller scales suitable for children

▼模块中较为隐蔽的小空间,small private space in the block


▼二层轴测图,axonometric of the second floor

The activity of the multifunctional blocks permeates into the classrooms, with small windows and special staircases enabling visual connections and interactions between students and teachers before, during and after class. In the meantime, they can add in transparency and connections between spaces and offer a feeling of safety for the teachers and the students.

▼模块上部设有可以看向教室的小窗口,small windows on the top of the blocks, which provide view to the classrooms


▼三层轴测图 axonometric of the third floor

Yinuo used to write about how to build a good school, emphasizing a loving, supporting environment that offers a sense of safety to children. The key to create this kind of environment according to her lies in respect.

From this point, our design does not only follow children’s nature, allowing children to climb up and down, in and out, adding to their conventional physical activities, stimulating curiosity and exploring consciousness, but also caring for their sensitive feelings by offering familiar scales in the variety of spaces provided.

▼从窗户看向下方教室, view to the class room below from a window


Besides generating interactions between learning and playing, Crossboundaries also had a practical consideration on introducing these blocks. Due to the constraints of the existing space, the small building could not accommodate an independent library, a lecture hall or a room for self-study. Instead these functions were skillfully integrated into the “peninsula”, to maximize the spacial efficiency for the school and its program.

▼模块上集成了不同的功能空间,different functions were integrated into the blocks

在一土学校,Crossboundaries依然运用了一贯擅长的色彩系统,让空间氛围愉悦而有序。 班级教室的主题色选用的是“一土”标志性的绿色;活泼的明黄色则作为模块空间的主题色,辅以中性的灰蓝色,富于层次,动静皆宜。

Color is an important guide throughout the ETU School – both metaphorically and practically. Crossboundaries introduced bright yellow and blue to highlight the multifunctional blocks; while the school’s symbolic green is used for classrooms.

▼儿童的活动,空间色彩明快丰富, activities in the space with bright colors


▼建筑轴测图,运动地带连接各个楼层,axonometric of the building, a three-dimensional lap connecting different floor levels

On the exterior, the ETUgreen is also applied on the connective tissue of the campus, the entrances and staircases, forming a three-dimensional lap around the school to tie together the ground floor sports fields with the roof terraces of the original building. With a total length of around one kilometer, the running track supports running, climbing, playing, relaxing, gathering for small performances and events, and also roof gardening. Meanwhile, with these punctual interventions on the façade and surroundings, the campus becomes noticeable to stand out in its chaotic context.

▼儿童在室外活动,outdoor activities of the children


Crossboundaries’ design represents the unique vision of the ETU School - by providing an adventurous space for the individual health and happiness of students and teachers, the direct interaction between them is enhanced.

▼设计为儿童提供了更加丰富愉快的空间,the design provided healthy and happy space for the children


基本信息: 基地面积:2,600平米 总建筑面积:2,100 平米 学生人数:200人

项目信息: 地点:中国,北京 客户:一土教育 面积:2,100平方米 设计周期:2017年5月至2017年8月 施工周期:2017年6月至2018年6月 完成时间:2018年7月 设计方:Crossboundaries, 北京 合伙人:Binke Lenhardt(蓝冰可), 董灏 设计团队:崔雨柔,肖载源,王旭东 施工方:北京艺豪建筑装饰设计工程有限公司 摄影:杨超英,刘敏玲,郝洪漪,玄力,王蕾,饶岗

General Data: Campus area: 2,600 m² Total Architecture Area: 2,100 m² Student no: 200 ppl

Project info: Location: Beijing, China Client: ETU school Size: 2,100 sqm Design period (including feasibility study): May 2017 – August 2017 Completed: July 2018 Construction period: June 2017 – June 2018 Partners in charge: Binke Lenhardt, DONG Hao Design Team: Cynthia Cui, Ewan Xiao, WANG Xudong Contractor: Beijing YIHAO architecture and interior construction Co., Ltd. Photographers: YANG Chaoying, Mini LIU, HAO Hongyi, XUAN Li, WANG Lei, RAO Gang


一土学校北京校区 / Crossboundaries
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