发布时间:2019-10-19 04:00:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


It is reported that the garden construction Festival is divided into four stages: scheme design collection and selection, construction drawing and feasibility docking of selected works, on-site construction, on-site award and exhibition. Since the plan solicitation was released in January 2019, it has attracted wide attention, covering 103 universities and 2004 teachers and students at home and abroad. The jury is composed of 15 experts and scholars from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries and regions. This garden construction Festival is jointly sponsored by Beijing Forestry University、 International Network for Bam and Rattan and Education Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture. It is specifically organized by the school of landscape architecture of Beijing Forestry University, the “Bamboo Place” Bamboo Technology Co., Ltd. and Landscape Architecture Journal.

▼花园节开幕盛况,Opening ceremony of Garden Festival

一等奖设计作品“黑洞” | The first prize work “Black Hole”

“黑洞”是北京林业大学代表参加2019第二届北林国际花园建造节的一等奖设计作品。此次竞赛主题为 “花园的诗意”,以原竹和花卉为主要材料,经过设计作品的筛选,在为期3天半的时间内完成15个竹构花园的现场搭建。在“花园的诗意”主题下, “黑洞”团队认为,宇宙中的万物其实都是一座值得探索的诗意花园,关键在于我们能否以一种宁静超脱的心情去探索。方案灵感来源于浩渺星河中的“黑洞”,利用竹子易于弯曲且自由生长的特性,结合自然野趣的植物配置,营造了一座吸引人进入,探索自我、遐想宇宙的诗意花园。

▼灵感来源于浩渺星河中的“黑洞”,the inspiration comes from the real “Black Hole” in the vast Star River

“Black hole” is the first prize work of the 2nd BFU International Garden-making Festival 2019 by representatives of BFU. The theme of the competition is “the poetics of gardens”. With the natural bamboo and herbs as the main materials, fifteen bamboo gardens through the selection of design works were constructed in three and a half days. Under the theme of “poetry in the garden”, the “Black hole” team believes that everything in the universe is a poetic garden worth exploring, and the key lies in whether we can explore with a peaceful heart. The inspiration comes from the real “Black Hole” in the vast Star River. Taking advantage of the bamboo’s easy bending and free growth characteristics, combined with the natural plants, it creates a poetic garden that attracts people to enter, to explore themselves,to wandering in the universe.

▼街景,streetside view

▼内层为一悬挂的交叉编织的“黑洞”,连接顶部圆环和人视点高度的倾斜圆环,the inner layer is a hanging cross woven “Black Hole”, which connects the top ring and the inclined ring at the height of people’s view point

▼形成更加围合的观景空间,让人忍不住想钻进洞里,forming a more enclosed viewing space, attracting people to get into the space


▼结构分析图,structural analysis

In order to create “attraction”, the whole structure is twisted, which is divided into two layers ,inside and outside. In the outer layer, the main supporting structure is six bending bamboos which twisted in the same direction. In the opposite direction,dense bamboo pieces are used to form a stable grid tube structure with strut-and-tie. The whole ring beam is fixed with three rings at the top, middle and bottom respectively. The outermost layer is the thin weaving bamboo strips,which create the lightness and enrich the changing shadow. The inner layer is a hanging cross woven “Black Hole”, which connects the top ring and the inclined ring at the height of people’s view point, forming a more enclosed viewing space, attracting people to get into the hole and explore the vast Star River.

▼内外空间,Interior and exterior space

▼白天的“黑洞”以及细部,“Black Hole” in day and the details

▼夜晚的“黑洞”,“Black Hole” at night


During the construction, considering the natural characteristics of bamboo, the team retained the extended bamboo at the top circle and the spliced woven bamboo strips, adding the whole construction the vitality of freely “growing”. To make artistic conception construction of the garden, considering the simple characteristics of bamboo, the tall Pennisetum and Miscanthus are used to further enclose, forming a secret and brilliant meditation space. Around the bottom, there are little white flowers called ” Euphorbia graminea ‘Starblast’”, as if all the stars are falling down. The entrance is decorated with orange Kniphofia and Salvia guaranitica, which are contrasting colors and forming a lively atmosphere. In order to determine the amount of bamboo materials needed for weaving and the light and shadow effect produced more accurately, the team uses grasshopper and rhino to build the model, the final plan was determined after more than ten adjustments.

▼保留的延伸竹材,Reserved extended bamboo

▼底部一周环绕星星点点的小白花——“星际爆炸禾叶大戟”,仿佛满地都是坠落下来的繁星,around the bottom, there are little white flowers called “Euphorbia graminea ‘Starblast'”, as if all the stars are falling down

▼竹篾编织示意图,Schematic diagram of bamboo strip weaving

▼植物配置平面图,Plant layout plan

二等奖设计作品“樊笼” | The second prize work “Fun Cage”


▼“樊笼”项目概览,Project Overview of the “Fun Cage”

Inspired by Tao Yuanming, who depicted a rural life exempt from external disruption, we create this Fun Cage with bamboo for people. We try to help those who have the same ideal life as Tao’s, to explore how to hold the simplicity of our hearts in the chaos world. Assisting to wake up the appreciation of wonderful things in nature and give a unique space for people to rest is what we want to create.

▼项目街景,Project Streetscape


▼樊笼使用3厘米宽度竹条的编织,塑造出半封闭的空间感,Fun Cage is made of 3 cm wide bamboo strips to create a semi-closed sense of space

Fun Cage is made of 3 cm wide bamboo strips to create a semi-closed sense of space. At the same time, the shape of the ellipsoid has four tentacles-like openings, breaking the boundaries of internal and external space and increasing the communication between the inner and outer spaces. The four openings face the road, the sky, the ground, and the center of the site—the Swirling Cloud pavilion. So what visitors can see is closely related to the location of the visitors, and the conversion of the perspective gives people a completely different sensory experience, thus achieving a transition of mood. Planting a large number of pennisetum around, mixed with honey plants, morning light and herbs and flowers, add a natural wilderness to the scene.

▼椭球的外形上有四个触角般的开口,打破内外空间界限,the shape of the ellipsoid has four tentacles-like openings, breaking the boundaries of internal and external space


▼大量种植狼尾草,使入口若隐若现,Large quantities of Pennisetum are planted to make the entrance looming

The construction period lasted for three and a half days. On the first day, the main skeleton was built and supported by bamboo poles. On the second day, the structure was strengthened, and the four holes were positioned and fixed by skin weaving. On the third day, the bamboo pole support was removed, the weaving of the bamboo pieces and the overall appearance was adjusted, and the plants were placed to create an atmosphere. The entire cage is lightly constructed. The skin of the bamboo weave is both a form and a support structure. The bamboo strips are only fixed with self-locking plastic straps, no nails or bolts, no extra support, and the overall lightness and firmness. As a temporary landscape with a ten-day extension, the cage is simple in construction, short in construction period, small in weight and convenient in transportation. Fan cages can also be fixed by themselves, without the need for foundations, reducing damage to land and the environment. After the exhibition, the straps can be cut and the bamboo strips can be reused to reduce material waste.

▼借景场地主要构筑“云在”亭,The opening faces the Swirling Cloud pavilion.

▼编织的竹片既是表皮也是支撑结构,the skin of the bamboo weave is both a form and a support structure


There are four holes in the cage, which blur the boundary between the inside and the outside. People outside the cage are curious about the inside, and people inside the cage can observe the outside. But at the same time, due to the denseness of the bamboo pieces, when the tourists walked into the cage, they seemed to come to a hidden shelter, and they were in a small world.

▼中心景观洞口,Opening to the central pavilion

▼笼内的游人可以通过景观洞口向外观察,people inside the cage can observe the outside

▼望地洞口,Opening to earth

▼当游人走入樊笼之中时仿佛来到一个隐秘的庇护所,when the tourists walked into the cage, they seemed to come to a hidden shelter

樊笼对竹材料利用巧妙,造型独特,饱含的诗意与自然之感。此项目获得2019年第二届北林国际花园建造节二等奖。本次北林国际花园建造奖竞赛的主题为“花园的诗意”。经过反复讨论后,我们选择了“久在樊笼里,复得返自然”这句诗,并希望设计一个可以让人在其中拥有多样体验的竹构筑物。在进行形态推敲的过程中,我们制作了1:10的手工模型,以在形态上可以更直观的观察、调整,同时也检验了方案的可实施性。在表达方式上,我们选择了 “诗意”的水彩画,并采用了手绘的方式绘制了分析图。田园诗”来自于隐居不仕的文人和从官场退居田园的仕宦者们,所作的以田园生活为描写对象的诗歌,田园诗体由陶渊明开创。田园诗恬淡疏朴,充满生活的气息,勾起人们对回归自然,亲近大地的向往。

Fun Cage made reasonable use of bamboo materials, and created the poetic and natural sense. This project won the second prize of the 2nd BFU International Garden-making Festival 2019. The theme of the 2nd BFU International Garden-making Festival is “the poetics of gardens”. After repeated discussions, we chose the poem “Long in the cage, it is time to return to nature” and hope to design a bamboo structure that allows people to have a variety of experiences in it. In the process of morphological scrutiny, we made a 1:10 manual model, which can be observed and adjusted more morphologically, and also tested the feasibility of the scheme. In terms of expression, we used watercolor that caters to “poetic” and draw analysis graphs in a hand-drawn manner. Tao Yuanming created the idyllic poetry. “Idyllic poetry” comes from poets who live in seclusion and those who have retired from the officialdom. The idyllic poetry is full of life, and evokes people’s yearning for returning to nature and getting close to the earth.

▼周围种植大量狼尾草,夹杂些许蜜糖草、晨光芒与草本花卉等植物,planting a large number of pennisetum around, mixed with honey plants, morning light and herbs and flowers

▼草花自然式种植,增添一分盎然生机,The natural cultivation of grass flowers adds a bit of vitality

▼夜景 Night view

▼手工模型,Manual Model



项目名称:黑洞 Black Hole



项目设计 & 完成年份:2019


指导老师:冯潇 段威 郑小东

小组成员:钱小琴 卢靖 谢家琪 李婷 廖菁菁 聂蕾 梁彤 杨瑞莹

结构咨询:王燕飞 沈雯








项目名称:樊笼 Fun Cage



项目设计 & 完成年份:2019&2019








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