发布时间:2021-07-09 23:19:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The building is approached from the south through a dense spruce forest, as the lake landscape slowly opens to the right on the east side. The spruce forest forms a natural and characteristic back wall for the construction site. It acts as a strong visual barrier along the western boundary of the plot, but also softens the place’s otherwise open sound landscape and adds a gentle, dark tone to it.

▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view © Marc Goodwin

▼项目概览,overview © Marc Goodwin

▼住宅东侧朝向湖岸,the lake landscape opens on the east side © Marc Goodwin


At the beginning of the design, the plot was almost treeless and only one maple tree had to be removed to make room for the building. The rhythmic line of birches by the shore is an essential feature for the landscape opening from the interior of the house, and it also provides privacy when viewing the building from the lake. The steep stone embankment of the shore is repeated with the paving stones of the lower part of the house. The exact location of the building was largely determined by the views. The more north you move on the plot, the more the lake landscape opens, on the other hand the shortest distance to the shore was precisely determined.

▼远观住宅,a distant view to the house © Marc Goodwin

▼从岸边的白桦树林望向建筑,view from the birches by the shore © Marc Goodwin

▼通往岸边的楼梯由落叶松木制成,The stairs leading to the shore are made of larch © Marc Goodwin


The old sauna by the shore had to be moved slightly in order to get the best view. Views have been sparingly opened towards the closest neighbor, located northwest, and towards the under-grown tree layer facing north, and the house is more enclosed in that direction. Instead of covering the large glass surfaces with interior curtains, a sun- blind was integrated into the outer surface of the wall structure, which does not allow heat radiation to enter, but allows views to the landscape to be enjoyed from inside the house.

▼局部抬升的体量,the partly raised volume © Marc Goodwin

▼窗户高2.3米,上下覆盖着莱茵辛克预镀锌板 © Marc Goodwin All above and below the 2.3-meter-high windows is Rheinzink pre-patinated sheet zinc

▼后方立面,rear facade © Marc Goodwin


The building consists of three interlocking square masses. The locations of the spaces in different masses are strictly distributed according to the functions; the main mass contains the living, sleeping and dining areas, and the smaller ones have sauna and utility facilities, garage and technical facilities.

▼平面图,floor plan © Studio Puisto Architects


The core of the main mass and the side masses are within the same coordinate system, which clarifies the connections between the spaces and calms the spatial experience. The basic idea behind the main mass is the core of the open square space, where all the fixtures are integrated and much of the functionality is located. The core has been shifted from the coordinate system of the main mass so that the use of the spaces between it and the outer walls could be optimized. The hallway, sleeping areas, entertainment corner and study are located in caverns created within this spatial distribution. Inside the core is a utility room, toilets and a walk-in closet. There is no traditional division into rooms, but spaces can be separated from one another by sliding doors if desired.

▼主要体量的门厅,The hallway of the main mass © Marc Goodwin

▼起居室,living room © Marc Goodwin

▼核心部分的表面采用了漆面胡桃木,the core, with all its surfaces and fixtures, is oiled walnut © Marc Goodwin

▼睡眠区,sleeping area © Marc Goodwin

▼走廊,corridor © Marc Goodwin


The nature of the spaces varies greatly due to large glass surfaces and powerful openings to the landscape. The landscape itself is the most important element of the interior, which is alive and constantly changing according to the time of day and the seasons.

▼临湖视野,view opens to the lake © Marc Goodwin

▼从走廊望向树林,view towards the forest from the corridor © Marc Goodwin

▼桑拿室,sauna © Marc Goodwin

▼盥洗台,washroom © Marc Goodwin


On the lake side, the floor height of the building is clearly higher than the surrounding terrain to give the impression of floating above the lake. Similarly, the atmosphere of the spruce forest can be sensed in the living area, located in the western corner of the house, which has been raised to the height of the forest brush. This side is rooted in the ground, and less natural light seeps into the space so the experience is closer to that of the forest atmosphere.

▼临湖视角,the lake side facade © Marc Goodwin

▼后方森林视野,view from the spruce forest at the backside © Marc Goodwin

▼露台,terrace © Marc Goodwin

▼建筑夜景,night view © Marc Goodwin

▼走廊夜景,corridor night view © Marc Goodwin

▼模型,model © Studio Puisto Architects

▼场地平面图,site plan © Studio Puisto Architects

▼剖面图,section © Studio Puisto Architects

▼结构细部,detail © Studio Puisto Architects

Project: 3-Square House, residential home Address: Southern Savonia, Lake Saimaa shore, Finland Gross area: 165kem2 Client: Private Architects: Studio Puisto Architects Ltd. Partners: Mikko Jakonen, Emma Johansson, Sampsa Palva, Heikki Riitahuhta, Willem van Bolderen Team members: Pauliina Kujala Start of design: 1 / 2017 Completion: 10 / 2019 Collaborators: Lighting design: Lighting Design Collective Contractor: Rakennuspalvelu Ri-Li Oy Roof and facade zinc work: Peltipeite Walnut surfaces and fixed furniture: TM Team KY Photographs: Marc Goodwin, Archmospheres


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