发布时间:2018-12-16 08:50:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Wowhaus :最近才与 Muzeon 公园和中央艺术家之家分开的 Krymskaya 河堤,已经被改造得面目全非,曾经是一条道路现已变成了行人和自行车的车道。放置了喷泉,波浪形状的艺术家展馆已经取代了混乱的展览区,散布着长凳的小山已经成为景观公园的一部分,从 Krymsky 桥另一边的 Gorky 公园延伸出一条绿带。

Wowhaus : A once unappealing Krymskaya embankment, only recently separated from the Muzeon park and the Central House of Artists, has been transformed beyond recognition: what once was a road has turned into a lane for pedestrians and bicycles. Fountains have been set up, wave-shaped artist pavilions have replaced a chaotic exhibition area and small hills with benches scattered about have become part of the landscape park thus extending a green strip from Gorky park on the other side of the Krymsky bridge.

目标:将一条安静的四车道变成一个新的城市地标,从而给位于艺术家中心屋和莫斯科河之间的 Muzeon 公园废弃区域带来新生。

Objective: To turn a quiet four-lane road into a new city landmark, thereby bringing life to the deserted area of Muzeon park between the Central House of Artists and the Moskva river.

方案:将 Krymskaya 堤岸连接到一条 10 公里的步行和自行车路线上,这条路线从 Vorobievy Gori 开始,用一个具有独特交通和运动功能的景观公园取代这条道路,同时保留艺术家展览区。

Solution: To link the Krymskaya embankment to a 10 km pedestrian and cycling route that starts at Vorobievy gori and to replace the road with a landscape park with distinct transit and sport features while preserving the artists’ exhibition zone.

The transformed Krymskaya embankment is the first year-round landscape park in the centre of Moscow. In Summer the wave-shaped multilevel layout can be used for walking, cycling or roller-skating while in Winter it is a perfect setup for sledding, skating or skiing.


The central design element of the embankment is the wave: wave-shaped benches, pedestrian and cycling waves create an artificial landscape.


The park zone was divided into four parts: an area in front of the bridge, an artists’ zone around a “Vernisage” pavilion, the Fountain Square and “Green Hills”. When planning each zone, the view from the other bank was also considered.

最靠近第三 Golutvinsky 车道的自行车租赁馆配有自行车或滑板的混凝土屋顶坡道,由 Roman Kuchukov 设计。

The bike rental pavilion closest to the 3rd Golutvinsky lane is equipped with a concrete roof ramp for bikes or skateboards. Designed by Roman Kuchukov.

在 Krymsky 桥下

一个连接 Gorky 公园和 Krymsky 堤岸的中转区已经成为一个受欢迎的景点,并且在一个舞台和两个木制露天剧场建成后提供了避雨的地方。从里面照亮的 28 个人造岩石和金属长凳散落在路上,作为从 Muzeon 到 Gorky 公园的行人和骑自行车者的一种娱乐。

Under the Krymsky Bridge

A transit zone connecting Gorky Park with the Krymsky embankment has become a popular spot and also provides shelter from the rain now that a stage, and two wooden amphitheatres have been built. 28 artificial rock and metal benches illuminated from the inside are scattered along the way as an amenity for pedestrians and cyclists from Muzeon to Gorky park.

喷泉区是新公园的中心元素,面向艺术家中心屋,并通过 linden 小巷与河流隔开。

The fountain zone which is the central element of the new park, faces the Central House of Artists and is separated from the river by a linden alley.

当水面边缘与路面齐平时,选择设置 60 米长、14 米宽的旱喷泉。

A fountain jet, 60 metres long and 14 metres wide, is one of the options of the so called ”dry” fountains when the edge of the water is level with the paving.


49 棵椴树被种植在一个典型的法国公园里,它们位于喷泉东北的堤岸上。


The fountain has an internal system of dynamic lighting that allows various lighting patterns.

49 lindens were planted in a classic French park order to the north-east of the fountain on the embankment. A special planting technology, used in Russia for the first time, allows walking and cycling on these lanes without causing damage to the trees.




"Green Hills"

When planning this part of the pedestrian route special attention was paid to the artificial landscape and plantation.

Hills designed for walking and resting were furnished mainly with steppe plants. Trees and bushes with decorative crowns like lindens, hawthorns, rowan trees and ornamental apple trees were planted on hills from where one can contemplate and admire the scenery.


The artificial relief is accentuated by wave-shaped wooden benches and beach beds that are “cut” into hills between walking lanes. There is also an artificial pond in this part of the park.

Krymskaya 堤岸上有三个展馆,第四个展馆将于 2013 年底完工,并将取代一个加油站。亭子将被用作咖啡馆、商店和自行车租赁。

喷泉广场附近的亭子,由 Darya Melnik 设计。

In accordance with the bureau’s project, there are three pavilions on the Krymskaya embankment, the fourth one will be completed by the end of 2013 and will replace a gas station. Pavilions will be used as cafes, stores, and bike rentals.

Pavilion near the Fountain square. Designed by Darya Melnik.

"青山"区的咖啡厅由 Anna Proshkuratova 设计。

所有展馆都广泛使用了玻璃,有些展馆甚至使用结构性玻璃形状——U 形钢化玻璃,它具有很高的承载能力。

Cafe-pavilion in the ”Green Hills” zone. Designed by Anna Proshkuratova.

All pavilions feature an extensive use of glass, some of them even use structural glass shapes – U-shaped toughened glass with high bearing capacity.

Krymskaya 堤岸上的每个亭子都是从内部照明,这使得它成为一个安全的地方,同时这也是公园的照明元素。

Every pavilion on the Krymskaya embankment is illuminated from the inside, making it a safe place while also serving as a lighting element of the park.

设计团队:主席团合作伙伴:Dmitry Likin, Oleg Shapiro 项目主要建筑师:Mikhail Kozlov

建筑师:Maria Gulida, Alena Zaytseva, Roman Kuchukov, Darya Melnik, Tatyana Polyakova, Anna Proshkuratova, Anastasia Rychkova, Tatiana Skibo, Yarmarkina; with the participation of Yuriy Belov, Anna Karneeva, Olga Lebedeva, Anastasia Maslova

高级项目工程师:Dmitry Belostotsky, Ivan Mikhalchuk

种植:Anna Andreeva

照明:Anna Kharchenkova

亭子的建造者:Nussli (咨询), Werner Sobek

人工景观咨询:LDA 设计



摄影:Olga Alekseenko, Yuriy Brazhnikov/Village, Nikolay Vasiliev, Olga Voznesenskaya, Elizaveta Gracheva, Darya Osmanova

Statistics:Area:45 000 m

Length:1 km

Area of planting: 10 700 m

Planting: 44 726 perennial and ornamental plants, 96475 bulbous plants, 485 trees and bushes.

Number of flowerbeds and hills: 34, 3 of which are breast walls

Area of paving: 24 318 m

Length of bicycle lanes: 4684 m

Light: 1419 light fixtures

Fountain info: fountain dimensions – 12m х 60 m, 203 sprayers

Area of pavilions: pavilion on the Fountain Square – total area 275 m

, pavilion on“Green Hills” – total area 35 m, bike rental pavilion–total area 200 mDesign Team:


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