Appreciation towards
Elaine Yolam Kwong
for providing the following description:
设计师受邀在2017年的深港城市\建筑双城双年展上展示了名为“增量式村庄:提升21世纪广州的城市本土化探索”的作品,这也是她从哈佛大学设计学院毕业时的硕士论文主题。其导师为 Anita Berrizbeitia和Christopher Lee。
Commissioned by the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen), Elaine Yolam Kwong presents “Incremental Village: Elevating the Urban Vernacular of 21st Century Guangzhou”, an exhibition showcasing her urban design Master’s thesis. This project was completed during her time at Harvard Graduate School of Design under the guidance of advisors Anita Berrizbeitia and Christopher Lee.
▼展览现场,exhibition scene
“增量式村庄”从历史、社会、经济和空间角度解构了石牌村—一座位于中国广州的典型城中村存在的错综复杂的层次。 该展览绘制了一幅随着时间逐步建立并通过自生变化自主维持的社会地理。根据城市理论和极具针对性的实地考察,对这种集合形式的细致解读集中于当地建筑类型的演变以及它们与日常生活内容的一一对应关系。城中村处于持续变化的状态,不断地通过新增和修改元素来形成真正开放的集体实体。
“Incremental Village” unpacks the intricate layers that exist historically, socially, economically, and spatially in Shipai Village, a typical urban village in Guangzhou, China. The thesis maps a social geography that is built incrementally over time and sustained through an autonomy of self-generated dynamics. Drawing on urban theory and highly specific local fieldwork, the nuanced reading of this collective form focuses on the evolution of the vernacular building types and their part-to-part relationships that respond to elements of everyday life. Urban villages are in a constant transitory state, continuously regenerating by addition and revision of parts to form a truly open-ended collective entity.
▼广州城中村分部,urban village map of Guangzhou
▼石牌村轴测图,Shipai Village axon
▼石牌村结构网,Shipai Village networks
▼本土住宅建筑类型,vernacular domestic building types
▼本土集体建筑类型,vernacular collective building types
For the past two decades, urban villages were under constant threat to be demolished and redeveloped with a top-down approach that implements a model in a coalition with developers, resulting with projects rooted only in financial rationale. However, recent momentum in China’s rural land reforms creates a new opportunity to empower and enable the village collective to self-develop, along with new regulations that lift their value from dead to transferable capital. The next stage in Guangzhou’s development must be to fully establish and sustain urban and rural land integration.
▼设计思路,design concept
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼单元平面图,unit plan
▼城市片段模型,urban fragment models
▼叠亭阁模型,Stacked Pavilion prototype
▼开放空间,open space
▼街景和住宅单元效果图,street and unit view
Seeking to transform existing vernacular order into contemporary urbanism, the designer asks if there is an alternative that can reconcile the static conventions of central planning for the formal city with the indeterminate open structure of the urban village. By calibrating today’s socioeconomic forces and facilitating the linkages of building types, the future framework will maintain village autonomy and integrate existing human relationships in a new commons that stimulates the active unfolding of city life.
▼手绘图,hand drawing
▼展览海报,exhibition poster
哈佛大学设计学院, 城市硕士论文2017
Title: Incremental Village: Elevating the Urban Vernacular of 21st Century Guangzhou
Institution: Harvard Graduate School of Design, Urban Design Thesis 2017
Designer: Elaine Yolam Kwong