发布时间:2022-12-29 06:49:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

加拿大国家电影局(简称NFB)正在进行一次大规模的转型,原电影局所有的办公室与工作室均坐落于Balmoral地块中,如今则将集体搬迁至位于影视区(Quartiers des Spectacles)附近的独特旗舰大楼中。这座醒目的红色大楼共包含了五个楼层,底层空间设有大面积的开窗,以热情的姿态向公众开放,以便与当地居民和游客进行更多的互动与交流。开放的环境为电影行业的专业人士和新手提供了理想的第三空间概念,同时也使大众能够更好地理解NFB正在创作的各种作品。对于Taktik事务所来讲,NFB全新底层接待大堂的设计是一次具有挑战性与发挥想象力的极佳机会,因为在事务所此前的实践中,这样的空间设计是前所未有的,就其设计任务和项目规划而言,本项目堪称一次大胆且涉及广泛领域的实践工程。

The National Film Board, better known as the NFB, is undergoing a massive shift as it fits out its offices and studios inside Îlot Balmoral, the distinctively red flagship building located adjacent to the Quartier des Spectacles. The NFB is occupying five floors in the building, and the ground floor features a window that is open to the public to allow for a greater exchange with the local population and tourists. The environment offers a third space concept that is ideal for both professionals and neophytes of the film industry, and which provides a greater understanding of the work being created by the NFB. Taktik Design was granted the challenging opportunity to imagine and create the project. Given that such a space is unprecedented in the history of the organization, this development is a bold and extensive undertaking in regards to its mandate and planning.

▼外观夜景,exterior view at night


The NFB’s desire is to offer an extremely flexible environment that will allow for a wide variety of programing possibilities for its two target audiences: the general public and those working in the film industry. The goal will be to provide a transformable space that welcomes the gathering of people from different walks of life, where creativity is encouraged in an environment that will accommodate conferences and receptions for film openings, an exhibition area for NFB artifacts and temporary installations, a media library, a viewing room for discovering the NFB’s film content, a “real time” broadcasting studio featuring the work of film creators in a variety of studios across Canada, a learning environment for diverse school groups of varying ages, and a space for simply wandering, exchanging, and discovering.

▼大堂室内空间概览,overall of the reception area on the ground floor


The biggest challenge in this endeavour was to define the identity of the institution to create a narrative around. A unique place where visitors could discover the rich and singular universe of the NFB, a universe that has been in development for many years, was the mandate at hand. Specific attention was paid to the NFB’s history and the transition between its past, present, and future.

▼丰富多彩的、不拘一格的空间氛围,colourful, eclectic environment that corresponds to the vast artistic spectrum

▼大面积的玻璃将内部活动展示给城市,large areas of glass expose the inner activities to the city


Taktik conceived and developed a colourful, eclectic environment that corresponds to the vast artistic spectrum of the organization, while also achieving a welcoming and modular space. The uniquely bold and striking nature of the red ceiling served as the centerpiece in the creation of the colour scheme, as well as in the selection of other materials, colours, and textures for establishing balance in such a grandiose space. Accordingly, the furniture is either primary coloured or set in neutral, bold tones.

▼独特大胆的红色天花板成为空间中引人注目的焦点,the red ceiling served as the centerpiece in the creation of the color scheme


the furniture is either primary coloured or set in neutral, bold tones

为了尊重建筑的LEED价值,家具要么是经过精心挑选,要么是于当地采购、且使用环保的回收材料制成的。定制家具完全由Taktik Design设计,由蒙特利尔本地工匠制作,这些家具作品可谓是对NFB的历史与发展的致敬。一张蓝色的殖民时期风格长桌代表着“过去”,设计参考了传统的加拿大风格家具。长桌周围是经过精心复刻的、蓝白相间的麦克拉伦椅子,这把椅子因奥斯卡获奖影片《曾经的椅子》而闻名。

In order to respect the LEED value of the building, the furniture was either carefully selected or locally sourced and made with environmentally-friendly, recycled materials. The custom-made furniture, entirely conceived by Taktik Design, and built by Montreal-based craftspeople, is a nod to the history and legacy of the NFB. The past is represented by a blue colonial table, drawing reference to traditional Canadian-style furniture. Surrounding it are replicas of the blue and white McLaren chair, made famous in the Oscar-winning film ‘Once Upon a Chair’.

▼蓝色的殖民时期风格的长桌,the blue colonial table

▼蓝色长桌与麦克拉伦椅子,the blue long table with McLaren chaira


The present is illustrated by modular green vinyl seats whose colour is emblematic of the original logo of the institution. Depending on the configuration of the seats, either an accurate or a distorted representation of the logo is formed. The future is evoked by a bright yellow table in welded aluminum that reinterprets the NFB’s iconic human figure logo using only the leg portion of the design. Simple furniture pieces, including high tables, logs on wheels, and detachable sofas, also enhance the space. The aluminum tube structures allow for the hanging of screens, artifacts, listening stations, and works of art, permitting visitors to discover and fully immerse themselves in the world of the NFB.

▼模块化的绿色乙烯基座椅,the modular green vinyl seats

▼座椅的移动和组合可以拼接成电影局的logo图案,the seats can form the original logo of the institution

▼绿色座椅与铝管结构的脚手架,the green seats and the aluminum tube structure

▼绿色座椅细部,details of the green seat

除了模块化设计之外,本项目的设计还十分重视人体工程学,旨在为更加广泛的使用者创造出舒适的参观与工作环境,让人们能够在这个空间内轻松地工作,或者只是以自己的节奏悠闲地探索NFB的创作旅程。作为电影创作者们的启蒙地,以及蒙特利尔重要的文化场所之一,这座位于影视区(Quartiers des Spectacles)中心的全新建筑,将为人们在这个充满电影梦想与活力的社区中提供一处舒适自由的工作与休息场所,同时加深人们对加拿大电影和艺术文化的了解。

In addition to being modular, the space provides various ergonomic possibilities for a wide range of people. Given that, it’s possible to work within the space with ease, or to simply discover the wonders of the NFB at one’s own pace. This new development in the heart of the Quartiers des Spectacles, as part of the creators’ path, permits visitors to contemplate Montreal’s cultural scene by offering a resting point in the midst of a bubbling, vibrant neighbourhood, while deepening one’s knowledge of Canada’s cinematic and artistic culture.


the future is evoked by a bright yellow table in welded aluminum


the leg portion of the design reinterprets the NFB’s iconic human figure logo

▼黄色铝桌细部,detail of the yellow table

Technical sheet

Location: Montréal, Québec

Project end date: 2020

Area: 2430 sq. ft

Client: National Film Board

Designer/Project manager: Andrée-Ann Daniels

Collaborator: Nicola Tardif-Bourdages

Photograph: Raphaël Thibodeau


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