发布时间:2022-06-18 17:15:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

今年,坐落于克罗地亚乌玛格Marija i Lina小学旁的运动场项目正式完工,将之前废弃的学校运动场变身为广受当地市民、运动员和儿童青睐的聚集场所。该项目由建筑师Nenad Marić设计,投资者是乌玛格市政当局,旨在对乌玛格小学旁边现有的、几近废弃的操场区域进行重建。

This year, in Umag, the project for the sports field next to the Elementary School of “Marija i Lina” was completed in Umag, which turned the previously abbandoned and unused school sport field into a gathering place for citizens, athletes and children. The playground was designed by architect Nenad Marić, and the investor was the Municipality of Umag. The project consisted of reconstruction of the existing, neglected, playground area next to the elementary school in Umag.

▼项目概览,overall view of the project


The project task included the reconstruction of the playground space and the transformation of the surrounding environment. The context is defined by a wide regional road with roundabouts, a school’s sports hall and a spacious green area, while the existing condition of the playground consisted of three basic elements: field – sports field area, track – surrounding the field and embankment – around the track. The school playground is a space intended for children, schoolchildren, but also a space that did not have its users in the hours when classes are not taking place.

▼项目与周边城市环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding city environment

▼运动场顶视图,top view of the sport field


Apart from the fact that the demand for a designed outdoor sports facilities is growing every day (which was especially evident during the period of restrictions related to the pandemic), we were guided by the idea that space affects people’s habits and that well-designed space can generate new activities of socializing and meeting. With the idea of ​​involving citizens, a school playground was designed that should be open and adapted to everyone.

▼运动场近景鸟瞰,closer aerial view of the project


▼分析图,analysis diagram

The design of the space was approached with the aim of eliminating visual and spatial barriers to the context, school and greenery, and with the intention of opening playgrounds to the city, while paying attention to standards, methods and principles of designing sports facilities. By placing circular elements, with contents for rest and socializing, all three elements (path, field and embankment) are connected. In the circular elements, sports stands, benches for socializing and elements for athletes’ rest are formed. So, in addition to the “orange circles” connecting the playground with the context and representing new entrances to the playground across the embankment, the circles also become places which open views towards the playground and all sports facilities.

▼引人注目的“橙色圆形”将操场与环境联系起来,the “orange circles” connecting the playground with the context

▼运动场种类丰富,包括:篮球场、网球场、足球场、排球场、乒乓球区域等,there are various sports fields, including basketball court, tennis court, football field, volleyball court, table tennis area and so on

通过这种方式,体育场完成了对城市的开放,并与城市紧密联系在一起 ,为当地市民、运动员以及儿童提供了便利的社交和聚集场所。体育场内容纳了两处篮球场、一处手球场、一处五人制足球场、室外健身设施、跳远区、乒乓球场地,以及一处排球场。按照体育场地规划标准和规范,体育场地的布局应该是南北方向的,以保证每个人参加体育运动的条件是平等的。

In this way, the playground opens and connects with the city and becomes a place for socializing and gathering of citizens, athletes and children. The program consists of two basketball courts, one handball and one futsal court, outdoor gym, long-distance jumping area, table tennis space and volleyball courts. Following the criteria of sports planning and program-defined contents, sport fields are laid in a north-south direction, in order to ensure equal conditions for everyone to play sports.


▼观众看台,sports stands


the orange circular area provides seating facilities for people to rest

▼由看台俯瞰跑道,viewing the tracks from the stand


Horizontal graphics, carpet structures, are also used as an element of defining the space, creating a system of interspaces for individual sports.In addition to generating a pulsating public space and sports revitalization of the wider city center, the project also creates all the prerequisites for professional and recreational sports.

▼远眺篮球场,viewing the basketball field at distance

▼乒乓球场地,table tennis space

▼五人制足球场,futsal court

▼球场旁的长凳,benches by the court

▼地面细部,detail of the ground


Project name: Sports field of Elementary School “Marija i Lina”

Author: Nenad Marić mag.ing.arch., company: Studio MAU d.o.o.

Investor: Municipality of Umag

Start of design: 2014-2020

Completion of construction: 2022.

Coverage area: 17,760 m2

Location: Umag, Croatia


克罗地亚 Marija i Lina 小学运动场改造,橙色圆形设计引领潮流
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