英文名称:Australia Residential garden
今天,来自Planthunter的景观专栏记者Georgina Reid将会为我们介绍一个标志性的私人住宅花园。花园传统,但是又不乏新奇的玩意儿,是由艺术家Wendy Whiteley改造的,她是已故的政治家Brett Whiteley的妻子。在Wendy Whiteley为与薰衣草海湾的住宅附近有一个废弃的铁轨,由于多年的遗弃,这里杂草丛生,但是仍旧属于新南威尔士政府的管辖之内。如今,这片地区被wendy以及另外两个园艺家改造成现在的景象,这个过程花费了他们20多年的时间。
Wendy Whiteley本身是位艺术家,同时也是以为园艺爱好者。当她来到这里的时候,她一整天的时间几乎都用在了附近铁轨的该岛上,然后将这里改造成一个美丽的花园。花园位于住宅正前方,打开房门便映入眼帘。按照自己的想法来建造一个花园一直是wendy的梦想,她说,“我也没想过花园最终会成为一个什么样子。但是我们就这样从一端逐渐开始改造,直到到达另一端”。
Today Georgina Reid of The Planthunter introduces an iconic Sydney garden which should need no introduction. This incredible space is the creation of Wendy Whiteley, artist and wife to the late Brett Whiteley.Once a disused railway dump out the front of her Lavender Bay home, this plot of land, owned by the NSW State Government, has been transformed by Wendy and her two gardeners over the past 20+ years.
Wendy Whiteley, as well as being an artist, ‘goddess muse’, and wife to the late Brett Whiteley, is the ultimate guerilla gardener. Long before the term entered Australian vernacular, Wendy was throwing all her energy into transforming a disused railway dump out the front of her Lavender Bay home into an incredibly beautiful public garden. While it was always her vision to create a garden, she had little idea of what lay ahead. ‘We just started from one end and worked day by day until we got to the other end. I had no idea what was underneath it all,’ she says.