The 19–22 Rodmarton Street development is the latest residential offering in London by Bennetts Associates, for The Portman Estate
获得威斯敏斯特议会(Westminster Council)的规划许可并非易事,也可以理解,因为要保护历史悠久的伦敦市中心地区的建筑遗产,必须非常小心,这是可以理解的。但这正是Bennetts Associates公司的目标-在这个行政区的心脏地带揭幕他们的最新建筑-一个对环境敏感的私人住宅开发项目,位于罗德马顿街19-22号,代表波特曼庄园建造。
与格洛斯特广场(Gloucester Place)高大的乔治亚式住宅接壤,距离贝克街仅一箭之遥,罗德马顿街(Rodmarton Street)的开发项目是一系列高端的可持续住宅,包括两间卧室的小别墅、一间三卧室的联排别墅、一间一居室的公寓和两间车库。该网站受到限制的自然光是该项目的主要挑战之一。这个问题通过增加外部和内部庭院巧妙地解决了,为每个家庭的中心都投下了大量的阳光。
Bennetts Associates的主管拉布·本奈茨(Rab Bennetts)解释道,该项目对罗德马顿街(Rodmarton Street)的原始特征很敏感,同时也确保了房屋的轻巧宽敞,通常与房屋的属性无关。他解释了将梅斯建筑群与周边建筑合并的过程。这一发展被视为对其历史街区对应物的当代解读,因此建筑师们的目标是通过一种以砖和当代橡木为特色的、取材于街道原貌的材料,将这种现代干预融为一体。
The architects took their cue from the area's existing historic character
One of the site's key issues was its restricted natural light
The architects tackled this challenge by the creation of several courtyards throughout the layout
This extended to the material pallette, which references the surrounding buildings
Brick and contemporary oak make up most of the building's main structure
Bordered by the tall Georgian houses of Gloucester Place, and only a stone’s throw from Baker Street, the Rodmarton Street development is a small series of high-end sustainable homes
keywords:London, Residential architecture, British architecture, London architecture