发布时间:2019-06-16 08:30:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

这座迷人的玻璃塔和其附属的砖砌裙房为繁忙的安街(Ann St)和一座位于Holy Trinity教会管辖区内的花园带去了新的活力,值得一提的是,上文所提到的圣三一教堂的教会管辖区(Holy Trinity Church Precinct)恰好位于布里斯班历史悠久的毅力谷区(Fortitude Valley)内。一座低矮的砖砌建筑形成了玻璃塔楼的裙房,并为教堂区内历史悠久的砖砌结构提供了一个配套体量。景观围绕着朝向安街的建筑底部设置,将花园的概念引入了首层大堂空间的设计中。

This beautiful glass tower and companion brick podium mediate busy Ann St and the garden setting of the historic Fortitude Valley Holy Trinity Church Precinct. A low-rise brick building forms the tower’s podium edge and provides a companion building to the historic brick structures of the church campus. The landscaping wraps around the base of the building towards Ann St drawing the garden concept around the ground floor lobby.

▼建筑外观,低矮的砖砌建筑形成了玻璃塔楼的裙房,exterior view of the project with a low-rise brick building forming the tower’s podium edge


The fifteen-level office tower incorporates wintergardens within a taut skin of curtain wall that has been folded back at its south and north ends to encourage view lines from Ann Street into the church precinct beyond.

▼建筑外观,办公大楼被包裹在一个整洁的玻璃幕墙表皮之下,幕墙在空间的南端和北端分别向内折叠,exterior view of the project, the office tower is enclosed within a taut skin of curtain wall that has been folded back at its south and north ends


The fold lines create an elegant end profile to the building whilst retaining a strong and singular presence on Ann Street. A glass canopy unfolds from the main tower facade on Ann Street to encompass the footpath and provide weather protection along this street edge.

▼建筑外观局部,巨大的玻璃雨篷从玻璃塔楼朝向安街的主立面上延伸出来,partial exterior view of the project, a glass canopy unfolds from the main tower facade on Ann Street

圣三一教堂区包括了圣三一教堂本身及其附近的教区长住宅(Rectory)和教区大厅(Parish Hall),是毅力谷区乃至更远的区域的一个圣公会。因此,在设计过程中,建筑师必须将上述的历史性作为关键的设计参考因素。因此,建筑师选用了一个极简主义的色调来强调玻璃塔楼的形式和其周边的历史传统环境。玻璃和砖块定义了整座建筑——高性能的低辐射玻璃幕墙围合出一个细长的塔楼体量,同时减少了建筑的太阳能荷载,改善了内部空间的热性能,缓解了一般玻璃幕墙都会有的眩光问题;而砖砌的体量则融入周边现有的、位于遗产名录的建筑结构环境中。在砖块的选择上,建筑师选择了鲍勒尔蓝(Bowral Blue)、赫特鲁迪斯棕(Gertrudis Brown)和西门塔尔银三种颜色的鲍勒尔砖(Bowral Bricks),并将其按照一定的规则堆叠起来,与建筑物形成互补的图案。

The Holy Trinity Church precinct comprises the Church itself as well as the nearby Rectory and Parish Hall, serving the Anglican community in Fortitude Valley and further afield. Respecting these heritage listed buildings within the precinct was a key consideration in the design. A minimal palette was selected to emphasise the tower’s form and heritage context. Glass and brick define the building – high performance Low-E curtain wall glazing forms the slender tower reducing solar loads, glare and improving thermal performance; and brickwork ties together the existing, heritage listed structures. Bowral Bricks were selected in Bowral Blue, Gertrudis Brown and Simmental Silver and were layed in complementary patterns to the buildings.

▼建筑外观局部,砖砌裙房融入周边环境,partial exterior view of the project, the low-rise brick podium ties together the existing, heritage listed structures



The agreement with the Church, as ultimate landowners, and Aurizon, as the building occupant, was to enable shared use of the overall master planned precinct. Consequently, it became important for the design to encourage this and so components such as the landscaped grounds provide communal outdoor spaces for the Church, building occupants and the surrounding community. A design priority was connecting people with this landscape, and view lines across the ground plane allow the observation of interaction, gardens, and heritage structures.

The tower allows for shared use of space with end-of-trip facilities, carparking, informal meeting spaces and a cafe. The combined use of this site by the Church and the commercial tenants, Aurizon, allows the whole site to be used 7 days a week – which is a unique outcome bringing new life to the historic precinct.

▼建筑外观局部,砖砌裙房由三种颜色的砖块堆砌而成,与建筑物形成互补的图案,partial exterior view of the project, the low-rise brick podium is stacked by bricks in three colors, forming complementary patterns to the buildings


凭借着太阳能电池板以及控制百叶窗和温度的传感器的使用,本项目在澳大利亚的国家建筑评价系统(NABERS Energy Rating)和绿色星级评级(Green Star Rating)中均获得了五星的等级,而在碳排放方面,本项目也致力于每年减少72.8吨的二氧化碳排放。本项目的竣工评级(As-Built rating)目前正在进行中。


Building modelling verifies the overall performance of the glazing and has significant positive impacts on the energy performance of the building. An optimised façade using high performance Low-E glass reduces solar loads, glare and improves thermal performance.

Solar energy generation and sensors controlling blinds and temperature contribute to the 5 Star Green Star Rating, 5 Star NABERS Energy Rating, and works toward avoiding 72.8 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The As-Built rating is in progress.

A state-of-the-art end-of-trip facility including 153 bicycle parks, encourages workers to forego cars and promotes a focus on health and safety. Awnings and vertical fins provide much needed shade and protection. Water collection is used on the building’s gardens and landscaping.

▼建筑外观局部,垂直的散热翅片为建筑空间提供了十分必要的遮阳和保护,partial exterior view of the project, vertical fins provide much needed shade and protection


Amenity is incorporated via location and orientation, street activation, extended public realm and site linkages. Durable, low maintenance and robust materials and services further enhance the environmental credentials of this building.

▼办公塔楼大堂,the lobby of the office tower

▼办公塔楼大堂的楼梯,the stairs in the lobby of the office tower



本项目拥有着世界首创的技术如智能会议空间、服务台和定位服务等;此外还设有太阳能电池板和可以控制百叶窗的开合和温度的传感器等。因此,它在澳大利亚的国家建筑评价系统(NABERS Energy Rating)和绿色星级评级(Green Star Rating)中均获得了五星的等级。安街900号项目在场地和郊区重建方面可谓是一个重要的里程碑,它不仅尊重了原有的教堂,更让繁忙的街道临街面恢复了生机和活力。

900 Ann Street brings together cutting-edge workplace and a garden landscape within an historic precinct. The juxtaposition of new and old architecture becomes seamless, with the brick podium acting as a link to surrounding heritage buildings. The building engenders a strong sense of place for the workforce with a foyer that feels like part of the wider civic realm.

View lines are maintained across the ground plane, so interaction can be viewed from outside and within the sculptural glass tower. A key architectural priority was the ability to connect people and surrounding landscape. The building is set-back with a cross-block link connecting Church and Brookes Street with the Church grounds and café-entry, ensuring permeability. The pedestrian connection is shaped by a series of landscaped terraces that transition up to the Church precinct linking new landscape with the existing gardens. This provides respite (and informal meeting spaces) not only to those that work in the building but also the surrounding community.

The building has world-first technology including smart meeting, desk and location services; solar energy generation and sensors controlling blinds and temperature. It achieves a 5-Star Green Star Rating and 5-Star NABERS Energy Rating. 900 Ann Street is a significant milestone in the renewal of site and suburb that respects the presence of the Church and rejuvenates the busy Ann Street frontage.

▼总平面图,site plan

▼建筑在Brookes Street的临街立面,the elevation at the Brookes Street

▼建筑在Wickham Street的临街立面,the elevation at the Wickham Street

▼砖砌建筑裙房的立面详图,the detailed elevation of the brick podiums

Completion date: 2018 Building levels: 15 Project team: John Wardle Architects


安街 900 号 | 布里斯班历史教堂区玻璃塔楼与砖裙房设计
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